We are going to learn about who benefits from using Microsoft Graph, what changes and advantages the platform brings to the table, and how it evolved over time.Fabian is going to talk about why he believes more developers should add Graph to their skill-set, why he likes Python, and how modern-day software development is shaping the industry. We are going to hear his thoughts about the future of tech, FTL travel, diversity, and inclusion, and remote work. Guest Bio:Fabian Williams is a Senior Program Manager on the Microsoft Graph Team at Microsoft. He is a 7x MVP awardee beginning with his work with the SharePoint product line that dates to the 2003 release.Fabian holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Computer Information System “Magna-Cum-Laude” from Strayer University, Washington D.C. and his Masters in Computer Information Technology studies at the Johns Hopkins University Carey School for Business in Columbia, Maryland.He likes to engage with the SharePoint PnP community and share his expertise with others, with a strong focus on diversity and inclusion.You may find him on Twitter at the @fabianwilliams handle and his blog is http://www.fabiangwilliams.com. Quote “For people who are in my position: turn around and look back to see all of the people that are trying to get up the ladder as well, and extend a helping hand.”Fabian Williams Timestamps: 1:24 Guest Introduction2:18 The Program Manager role5:00 Fabian’s daily work routine9:10 Introduction to Microsoft Graph11:13 Who are Graph’s users?15:45 The benefits of Graph17:45 Modern-day developers21:06 Should devs learn Graph in the future?22:05 Work from home hacks with Graph25:21 Fabian's favorite current technologies right now28:22 Fabian's favorite future tech29:47 Diversity and Inclusion34:20 Community shout outs Connect with Fabian on https://twitter.com/fabianwilliamshttps://www.fabiangwilliams.com/https://www.linkedin.com/in/fabiangwilliams/https://github.com/fabianwilliamsLinks mentioned in the Episode: SharePoint PnP community: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/community/communityBaltimore SharePoint user group: https://www.meetup.com/baltimoresharepointFree LinkedIn Learning course on unconscious bias - no LinkedIn account or signup needed: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/unconscious-bias/welcome Connect with Cloud Gossip on: https://www.cloudgossip.nethttps://www.linkedin.com/company/cloud-gossiphttps://twitter.com/CloudGossipnetConnect with Annie on: https://twitter.com/AnnieTalvastohttps://www.linkedin.com/in/talvasto/Connect with Karl on: https://twitter.com/karlgotshttps://www.linkedin.com/in/karlots/Thanks for listening to Cloud Gossip! You can find us from our website CloudGossip.net. Please leave us a review and subscribe to us at iTunes, Google, or Spotify!