This is the Audio version of the PPG Newsletter, Issue 32 - October 2024.
The newsletter contains items on: -
- The availability of the Podcast by Dr Hussain.
- October being National Stop Smoking Month.
- The Carer Advice Day on 24th October.
- The National Cancer Patient Experience Survey.
- A request to make sure People who have served in the Armed Forces are registered as veterans with the practice.
- The Friends and Family Test results for September.
These are the links referenced in the podcast: -
Podcast by Dr Hussain -
NHS Stop Smoking website -
The National Cancer Patient Experience Survey -
Link to the online Friends and Family Test form: -
We’re sure that you will find the content both informative and enlightening, but as always, if you have any feedback or any future topics you would like to see covered don't hesitate to get in touch with us via our website or email us at
Link to download Newsletter - Download your copy here
Link to subscribe to the PPG Newsletter -
More information about the PPG, and what it is can be found on the PPG website here -
If you have any questions, or suggestions for other topics we can cover in future podcasts you can email us at