• Solar Eclipse in Hasta Nakshatra (2 October 2024)
    Sep 18 2024

    This year, the New Moon that will complete Pitri Paksha (fortnight of the ancestors) and precede Devi Paksha (also known as Navaratri or 9 nights of the Goddess), will be also a Solar Eclipse that will take place in Hasta Nakshatra, in tight conjuction with Ketu and exalted Mercury. This New Moon is also sometimes known as Sarvapitri Amavasya (New Moon of All Ancestors) or Mahalaya Amavasya (New Moon of Dissolution). It is not only the time to symbolically honour our ancestors and deceased family members, but also the time to reflect upon our past in order to heal our old traumas and uplift the generational karma, which still continues to live through us. New Moon which completes the Pitri Paksha and which will be a Solar Eclipse this year, is like a symbolic death, letting go of the old, so that the new may be reborn during the fortnight of the Goddess.

    Learn more about Interpreting Eclipses: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/eclipses-in-vedic-astrology/

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    17 mins
  • Partial Lunar Eclipse in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra (17/18 Sep 2024)
    Sep 6 2024

    Lunar Eclipse in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

    17/18 September 2024

    In this part of the year we are going to experience two eclipses - one on 17/18 September, another on 2 October, with the great fortnight of ancestors (Pitri Paksha) in between them. This entire period, which will be initiated by Lunar Eclipse in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, will be a very potent time for inner transformation and especially healing of the past - including past traumas, past lifes, fear that hold us back and old habits that don’t serve us anymore. Similarly to the tree shedding their leaves in this time of the year we, too, will be inspired to shake off those things which do not serve us anymore and allow the old parts of us to fall off and die if need be - so that something new may be born. Theme of symbolic death is very symbolic for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra and will be especially pronounced during the upcoming eclipse as Moon will be in tight Papa Kartari Yoga, squeezed between Saturn retrograde from one side and Rahu from another.

    Learn more about Interpreting Eclipses: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/eclipses-in-vedic-astrology/

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    20 mins
  • New Moon in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra (2-3 September 2024)
    Aug 25 2024

    New Moon in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra

    2-3 September

    The next meeting of Sun and Moon will occur at the heart of sidereal Leo, near the brightest star (yogatara) of Purva Phalguni nakshatra. Purva Phalguni, although ruled by Venus and friendly god of alliances, Aryama, is fierce (ugra) and fiery in nature. Combined with the intensity of the New Moon which will be directly aspected by Saturn retrograde, it may bring some storms into our relations - both those close and those more distant. It is in times like that that we are challenged more than ever to stay heart-centered, kind and compassionate (to ourselves and to others) even when it’s hard.

    Simultaneously, as Sun and Moon will meet in the nakshatra of Venus, Venus herself will be debilitated in sidereal Virgo and approaching Ketu, which may increase in some people a certain sense of dissatisfaction and result in various compensations - a particular aspect of this fortnight for each of us to be very watchful about. When dissatisfaction with current situation arises, remember to rather step back and take time for yourself to resolve the inner issue rather than enforce your preferences on others or engage in direct confrontations.

    Learn more about Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: https://thenakshatras.com/purva-phalguni-nakshatra

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    21 mins
  • Full Moon in Dhanishta Nakshatra (19 August 2024)
    Aug 9 2024

    On 19th August Moon will reach its fullness in the Aquarius portion of Dhanishta Nakshatra - the star of finding your true rhythm and following your heart. Dhanishta Nakshatra, bridging sidereal Capricorn and Aquarius, the very center of zodiacal root chakra, is all about our embodied wisdom and embodied intuition - about finding wisdom in our bodies, our reactions, our biological impulses and instincts.

    This Full Moon will inspire us to pause for a moment, reach beyond the chatter of the mind and listent to the implicit wisdom of the body, the nature around us and the spirit. This theme will be especially prominent in this fortnight, as during the entire two weeks leading to the Full Moon Mercury will remain retrograde, thus furtherly inspiring us to find what we are looking for within - and learn to communicate and connect beyond words.

    The Full Moon itself will be also loosely conjuct with retrograde Saturn which will furtherly increase our need for contemplation and self-reflection. But it may also bring some memories from the past that are unresolved and require healing. It is a powerful time to heal the past, break free from some old habits and find new sources of motivation - and new rhythms within us.

    Learn more about Dhanishta nakshatra: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/dhanishta-nakshatra/

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    21 mins
  • New Moon in Ashlesha Nakshatra (4 August 2024)
    Jul 30 2024

    New Moon in Ashlesha Nakshatra

    4 August 2024

    This week Sun and Moon will meet on 18 degree in sidereal Cancer, in the early portion of Ashlesha Nakshatra, where its brightest star (yogatara) is located. Ashlesha Nakshatra is not only about deep transformations, alchemy of change, profound insights and healing our outdated patterns in the same way how the serpents (presiding deities of this lunar mansion) shed their skin. It is also about vishashleshana shakti or our capacity to drink or embrace the poison - to stay with those uncomfortable feelings inside of us and allows ourselves to be vulnerable for a moment. Because without allowing ourselves to visit those uncomfortable places within us, no true healing can really happen. And, as you can imagine, this particular New Moon will be quite powerful for personal healing and deeper transformation.

    Learn more about Ashlesha Nakshatra here: https://www.thenakshatras.com/ashlesha-nakshatra/

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    22 mins
  • Full Moon in Uttarashadha Nakshatra - Gurupurnima (21 July 2024)
    Jul 10 2024

    Upcoming Full Moon is also known as Guru Purnima - the day when the blessings of all the Gurus flow to us and we become more open to receive divine guidance. This year this auspicious Full Moon will culminate with Sun at maximum exaltation degree of Jupiter, while Moon will shine at Jupiter’s maximum debilitation place at the other side of the zodiac. This will inspire us to search balance between positive attitude & philosophical approach and more pragmatic, down to earth attitude. The balance between being fully connected to the Divine while at the same time staying fully grounded in the present moment.

    The lunar fortnight leading towards Guru Purnima is also sacred in tantric tradition to Divine Mother in the form of Varahi - the one who helps us overcome pride and attachment to external world, and helps us find value in simple things and humility.

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    15 mins
  • New Moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra (5 July 2024)
    Jun 26 2024

    New Moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra

    5 July

    New Moon culminating with complete conjunction of Sun and Moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra will inspire us to give ourselves a chance for new beginnings in various areas of life. Punarvasu, after all, means “the return of light”. With Moon and Mercury experiencing Parivartan Yoga on the day of New Moon itself we will be inspired to feel more rather than trying to intellectualise things - to bridge mind’s understanding with understanding through feeling and experience. This entire dark fortnight will keep inspiring us to look at various aspects of our life with a new, fresh perspective, and a healthy dose of curiosity and positive approach. It is a powerful time for self-work, introspection and changing some of our existing habits.

    Learn more about Punarvasu Nakshatra: https://www.thenakshatras.com/punarvasu-nakshatra/

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    13 mins
  • Full Moon in Mula Nakshatra (21/22 June 2024)
    Jun 10 2024

    Full Moon in Mula Nakshatra

    21/22 June 2024

    This bright fortnight will culminate with Full Moon in Mula Nakshatra in sidereal Sagittarius, which will occur just one day after Summer Solstice on Northern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice on Southern Hemisphere. The fierce energies of Sun in Ardra, the star of Rudra, will combine with Full Moon in the star of Nirriti or Kali, which will result in result in a very transformative fortnight.

    Throughout the entire fortnight Venus will remain combust, which will make it a challenging time for our relations, as we will have a tendency to prioritise ourselves more. It is a very important time for conscious practice of compassion and kindness, rather than gravitating towards more forceful approach.

    Learn more about Mula nakshatra here: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/mula-nakshatra/

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    12 mins