
  • Good News People
    Jun 19 2024

    Sean takes us on a journey to unexpected places, both literal and metaphorical. We start with a nostalgic trip to "Jungle Java," a beloved childhood spot turned sour by an unfortunate incident—much like some perceptions of Christians today. With candid reflections, Sean explores how people perceive Jesus followers and what might be missing in how we embody His teachings.

    From there, we dive into the essence of Jesus' message: love and restoration. Reflecting on how our actions as Christians shape others' views of God, we discuss the disconnect between Jesus' message of love and the perceived anger and judgment often associated with His followers.

    Through personal stories and scripture, Sean unpacks the transformative power of seeing through God's eyes, of seeking His kingdom and justice in everyday life. He challenges traditional notions of righteousness to embrace a deeper call to love and inclusion, echoing Jesus' radical command to love one another as He loved us.

    The episode features poignant anecdotes, including Tony Campolo's touching tale of a 3:30 a.m. birthday party in a diner, illustrating Jesus' desire for a church that brings joy and celebration to those in need. Sean discusses how small acts of kindness and love can redefine our communities and reflect God's kingdom on earth.

    Join us as Sean explores what it truly means to follow Jesus in today's world—where love, not judgment, is the cornerstone of our faith.

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    34 mins
  • Freedom is your Choice
    Jun 4 2024

    This episode is all about ditching the rulebook religion and finding the real freedom Jesus offers. We'll be hanging out in Galatians chapter 5, where Paul talks to the early church about how awesome Jesus' freedom is compared to a bunch of old laws.

    Buckle up, because we're gonna explore how faith and love are the keys to this freedom, not some strict to-do list. Sean shares some personal stories show you how living your faith with love is the ultimate way to break free from those religious chains!

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    29 mins
  • God Speaks - Divine Reading
    May 8 2024

    Finding God in Unexpected Places and the Practice of Lectio Divina

    This episode explores Sean's personal journey from a legalistic approach to Bible study towards a more intimate and reflective practice called Lectio Divina.

    This ancient practice, which means 'divine reading' in Latin, encourages a slow, meditative approach to scripture, focusing on listening to God on a personal level rather than seeking theological or doctrinal understanding.

    Sean shares the steps of Lectio Divina, involving reading a scripture passage multiple times to listen for a specific word or phrase that stands out and pondering on what God is saying through it.

    The invitation is to encourage listeners to try Lectio Divina as a way to deepen their spiritual connection and better listen to God's messages in their lives.

    00:00 Discovering the Many Ways God Speaks
    00:14 Finding God in Unexpected Places
    00:45 The Journey from Legalistic Bible Study to Listening for God
    03:28 Embracing Lectio Divina: A Personal Approach to Scripture
    06:23 Guided Walkthrough of Lectio Divina
    18:03 Reflections and Encouragement to Try Lectio Divina
    18:36 Closing Thoughts and Invitation for Feedback

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    20 mins
  • Totally Not Fair
    Apr 25 2024

    This episode challenges traditional ideas about religion and explores the concept of radical grace. Sean dives into a scripture story about vineyard workers and explains how it contradicts our human sense of fairness.

    Are you ready to ditch the guilt and embrace the good news?

    This episode is perfect for:

    • Anyone who grew up in church and is questioning their beliefs
    • People who might like to explore good news instead of bad news
    • Listeners who are curious about the concept of grace

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    • Why traditional ideas of fairness clash with God's love
    • How to move beyond religious guilt and shame
    • What it means to receive God's grace

    Sean also shares a powerful story about a World War II priest that will challenge your perspective on forgiveness.

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    28 mins
  • 3 Things I'm Learning
    Apr 17 2024

    In this episode, Sean delves into personal insights and reflections on his journey of faith, specifically focusing on themes outside traditional religious frameworks. He emphasizes the idea that Jesus did not come to establish another religion but to liberate people from religious constraints.

    The episode is divided into three main sections:

    1. Revelation of Jesus:
      Sean explores the personality and character of Jesus, highlighting his compassion, justice, honesty, kindness, and humor as depicted in the biblical narratives. He emphasize the tangible and relatable nature of Jesus, contrasting it with the distant and intangible perception of God often portrayed in traditional religious contexts.
    2. The Kingdom of God:
      Drawing from biblical references, Sean discusses the concept of the Kingdom of God as a present reality characterized by justice, grace, goodness, love, and mercy. Sean challenges the conventional understanding of the Kingdom as a distant or abstract idea, asserting its immediate relevance and significance in everyday life.
    3. The Power of Love:
      Sean underscores the transformative power of love, citing examples from scripture and personal interpretation. He emphasizes the inclusive and unconditional nature of God's love, which transcends religious boundaries and extends to all humanity.

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    20 mins
  • Presence - Showing Up
    Mar 7 2024

    Showing Up: The Local and Ordinary Way of Jesus

    In this episode Sean dives into the rhythm of presence in following Jesus, inspired by the quote: "the way of Jesus is always local and ordinary" - Eugene Peterson.


    • Local and ordinary: Jesus' message isn't confined to a church building; it's lived out in our daily routines and interactions.
    • Showing up: We actively engage with the people and places around us, fostering genuine connections.
    • The art of showing up: By showing up, we build relationships based on knowing and being known.
    • The "aroma of Jesus": Our daily actions and presence can subtly reveal the character of Jesus to those around us.

    Through intimate conversation and personal anecdotes, Sean reflects on the beauty of knowing and being known in our neighborhoods. It's not about grand gestures or distant ideals, but about living out the Kingdom life right under the noses of our neighbors. As we do so, we emit the unmistakable aroma of Jesus, infusing our surroundings with love, grace, and compassion.

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    23 mins
  • Rhythms of the Kingdom
    Feb 28 2024

    Reimagining Following Jesus: Moving Beyond Sin Management and Embracing Kingdom Practices

    In this episode Sean challenges the traditional view of following Jesus as solely focused on avoiding sin and invites listeners to explore "Kingdom Practices" based on Jesus' teachings.

    Key points:

    • Traditional view: Often focuses on managing sin, attending church, and potentially converting others.
    • The Kingdom: Jesus emphasizes the Kingdom of God, already present and breaking into the world.
    • Our role: We are called to participate in God's work of restoration and healing, not just avoid sin.
    • Following Jesus: This involves practicing what Jesus practiced, not just following religious rules.
    • Kingdom Practices: Sean outlines 10 practices (presence, leave, love, eat, listen, learn, party, inclusive, fight, rest) to be explored in future episodes.

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    19 mins
  • Better Than Religion
    Feb 20 2024

    Ditch the To-Do List and Follow Jesus: A Guide to Kairos Moments

    This podcast episode explores a refreshing perspective on following Jesus, free from the burdens of religious obligations and guilt.

    Key points:

    • Traditional religion: Often characterized by checklists of tasks and activities to perform for religious approval. This can feel overwhelming and empty.
    • Jesus's offer: He invites us to experience "unforced rhythms of grace," living freely and lightly by following his example.
    • Kairos moments: These are special moments of awareness and opportunity for growth, where we can pay attention to God's guidance and respond with love.
    • Two key questions: 1. "God, what are you saying to me?" and 2. "How do you want me to respond?"
    • Responding in love: This is the heart of discipleship, following Jesus's lead to care for others and embody his values.
    • Invitation: If you're curious about Jesus but turned off by traditional religion, lean in, pay attention, and ask God how to respond.

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    22 mins