• Taking Control: The Key to Coping with Dr David Bullis, Therapist, Author
    Jul 12 2024


    Coping is an active process that requires setting goals and taking control over the choices we face.

    Balance is crucial in coping, and it involves managing stress coming into our lives and releasing it through physical exercise and relaxation breathing.

    Sorting worries into three boxes (things we have control over, things we will have control over later, and things we have no control over) helps us focus on what we can change and let go of what we can't.

    Making choices is inevitable, and every choice has positive and negative consequences. It's important to make the best choice with the information we have at the moment.

    Preventing future regret involves imagining ourselves at our hundredth birthday and reflecting on what we would be glad we did or wish we did more or less of.

    Releasing emotional energy through physical exercise and relaxation breathing can help achieve balance and stability in coping.

    Coping requires practice, patience, and the use of tools and support from others. Emotional distress is a normal reaction and should not be pathologized.

    Take inventory of what is getting in the way and identify practical solutions.

    Coping with stress does not mean having no stress at all.

    Embrace the uncertainty of life and focus on doing the best with what you have.

    Sound Bites:

    "Control is the core concept."

    "Recognizing that a lot of what we worry about belongs in the box of things we have no control over."

    "Every element of every decision has some element of choice."

    "You can control what you can touch."

    "The emotional exercise is something that I use on a daily basis."

    "If I don't want to regret at my 80th birthday, I gotta come back to my 25th or 30th and really think about then."


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    10:20 The Three-Part Coping Process

    37:11 Conclusion and Q&A

    49:01 The Importance of Emotional Exercise

    56:16 Using the Book as a Workbook

    01:04:53 Doing the Best with What You Have

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Living with Hypertension: Lewis Howe
    Apr 18 2024

    Lewis Howe shares his journey towards optimal health and wellness, specifically focusing on living with hypertension. He discusses his diagnosis, the lifestyle changes he has made, and the importance of managing blood pressure. Lewis emphasizes the motivation to maintain good health for his children and future grandchildren. He also highlights the connection between mental health and physical health and the impact of his mental well-being on his overall health. Lewis concludes by discussing the perception of lifestyle changes and the positive effects he has experienced. In this conversation, Lewis C. Howe discusses the work of Heart of a Giant and the importance of making small changes for a healthy healthy lifestyle. He emphasizes the need to find a routine and balance and the benefits of preparing favorite foods with healthier ingredients. Lewis also highlights the importance of monitoring blood pressure and provides tips for accurate readings. He encourages individuals not to give up on their health goals and to make choices that show self-love. The conversation concludes with a call to action to join the Heart of a Giant community and care for one's heart.


    • Managing blood pressure requires making lifestyle changes and being consistent with them.
    • Maintaining good health is important for oneself and the sake of loved ones.
    • Mental and physical health are interconnected, and caring for both is crucial.
    • Small changes in diet and physical activity can significantly improve overall health. Making small changes can lead to a healthy healthy lifestyle.
    • Finding a routine and balance is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
    • Preparing favorite foods with healthier ingredients allows for enjoyment without sacrificing health.
    • Monitoring blood pressure and recording readings can provide valuable data for managing hypertension.


    00:00Introduction and Background

    02:53Diagnosis and Lifestyle Changes

    05:35Managing Blood Pressure

    09:21Motivation and Long-Term Goals

    13:01Mental Health and Physical Health

    22:09Perception of Lifestyle Changes

    24:36Physical Activity and Optimism

    25:14The Work of Heart of a Giant

    26:28Making Small Changes

    27:20Finding a Routine and Balance

    28:30Preparing Favorite Foods with Healthier Ingredients

    29:46Being Conscious of What You Consume

    30:15Cooking for Yourself

    31:17Taking Small Steps Towards a Healthy Lifestyle

    32:01The Pleasure of Eating Healthy

    33:29Enjoying Healthier Options

    34:26Monitoring Blood Pressure

    35:39Limiting the Damage

    36:19Tips for Monitoring Blood Pressure

    37:25Recording Blood Pressure Readings

    38:27Taking Blood Pressure Readings in a Relaxed State

    39:01Taking Multiple Blood Pressure Readings

    39:28Recording Blood Pressure Readings

    40:26Using Blood Pressure Readings as Data for Doctor Visits

    41:23Not Giving Up on Health Goals

    42:16Loving Yourself and Making Healthy Choices

    43:32Enjoying Life and Making Healthier Choices

    44:39Wrap-Up and Call to Action

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    46 mins
  • Navigating Heart Disease as a Caregiver
    Mar 13 2024
    Timestamps[00:02:41] Challenges caregivers face.[00:08:25] The role of caregivers.[00:10:56] Supporting caregivers' critical role.[00:15:32] Medication adherence and tips.[00:19:05] Timing of medication administration.[00:24:23] Grounding techniques for self-care.[00:29:20] Becoming an educated caregiver.[00:33:37] Effects of self-silencing on caregivers.[00:37:51] A cancer scare wakes him up.[00:41:22] Caregiver support and resources.[00:46:00] Navigating challenges of accepting care.[00:52:29] Ubuntu and interdependence.[00:54:00] Podcasters' final words.Detailed SynopsisIn this episode, the hosts delve into relying solely on internet research for medical information and the importance of trusting medical professionals. They share personal anecdotes and stories to emphasize the need for a balanced approach to health education. One host recounts her mother's doctor advising against getting stressed out by "Dr. Google" and going down rabbit holes. The hosts acknowledge the challenges of navigating the vast amount of online information but stress the significance of trusting the expertise of medical professionals and not becoming overwhelmed by excessive research. They highlight the importance of advocating for one's health while recognizing self-diagnosis limitations.The hosts also express their appreciation for caregivers and the crucial role they play in the lives of their loved ones. They validate the feelings of self-doubt and pressure that caregivers often experience despite their exceptional efforts. The hosts understand the immense emotional toll caregiving can take, including feelings of overwhelm, distress, depression, and anxiety. They shed light on the social isolation that caregivers may face due to their responsibilities' time and energy demands, preventing them from engaging in other activities.Furthermore, the hosts emphasize the symbiotic relationship between caregivers and patients, highlighting how the caregiver's skills and emotional investment significantly impact the patient's health outcomes. They stress the critical role that caregiver support plays in ensuring positive outcomes for heart patients.Overall, the hosts validate caregivers' hard work and dedication, recognizing the emotional labor they invest in their role. They emphasize the importance of early understanding and support for caregivers on their caregiving journey.In addition, the hosts discuss the societal pressure placed on caregivers, particularly women, to prioritize the needs of others over their own. They reference an article highlighting caregivers' tendency to self-silence and prioritize others. The hosts stress the significance of caregivers expressing their needs and advocating for themselves. They explain that self-silencing can have detrimental effects on the body, such as autoimmune disorders, and can contribute to feelings of overwhelming distress, depression, and anxiety. The hosts also acknowledge the self-imposed pressure that caregivers often feel to excel in their role and the potential for social isolation due to the demands of caregiving. Ultimately, the hosts emphasize the need for caregivers to prioritize their well-being and seek support when necessary.Quotes00:03:27 - "Often, patients require an advocate or certainly benefit from having an advocate with them as they navigate the healthcare system."00:03:58 - "Sometimes, the caregiver may feel that they're not doing enough."00:09:44 - "I mean, it's essentially a symbiotic relationship, right?"00:11:06 - "I think that it's critical to feel part of a team."00:14:20 - "However, I do find that most of the times people feel extremely, extremely guilty, but that should not be."00:19:26 - "But if they're at the location of the thing that you do daily, it's more likely that the person may, well, will remember, and then it becomes part of that activity or that process."00:23:35 - "Sleep deprivation certainly can negatively impact how a person can provide care for others as well as themselves."00:27:35 - "I just want to tell all the caregivers out there that you know you guys are doing an amazing job."00:29:20 - "No, no, no, you had chest pain when you were walking up, you know, like when we're going up the stairs, like tell them, tell them more."00:33:52 - "Essentially, people get sick from not advocating for what they need."00:36:08 - "And so just, you know, I'll give you one anecdote in terms of where the boundary wasn't the healthiest for the caregiver, and the caregiver could have adjusted it."00:38:10 - "He takes accountability for his health."00:43:59 - "I think it's important, like I know, like you know, people want to preserve their independence kind of, and they don't want to bother people, um, but you know, just like, I guess giving people a heads up would be nice you know in terms of your family members loved ones and hey you know I know if you feel comfortable of course sharing the information often, ...
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    54 mins
  • Navigating Personal Goals and Health Challenges with Jodie Hall-Holit
    Sep 8 2023

    Jodie Hall's story emphasizes the importance of putting oneself first and seeking support when facing health challenges. Her experience with congestive heart failure at a young age sheds light on the significance of early diagnosis and proper medical care.

    At 19, Jodie discovered that she had congestive heart failure. Despite this diagnosis, she continued with her daily life, not fully understanding the seriousness of her condition. It wasn't until she was in her thirties that she noticed the symptoms and sought medical attention. This delay in recognizing the severity of her condition highlights the importance of early diagnosis and regular check-ups.

    Jodie's journey also emphasizes the significance of seeking support from loved ones and medical professionals. When she was initially diagnosed, she faced the challenge of not being able to see her newborn son due to hospital regulations. However, her mother provided significant support during this time, ensuring that her son knew her identity and maintained a connection despite the physical separation

    Throughout her journey, Jodie emphasizes the importance of putting oneself first and taking care of one's own well-being. She recognizes the significance of rest, stress management, and proper nutrition in managing her condition. By prioritizing her health and needs, she is better equipped to care for others and face the challenges that come her way.

    In conclusion, Jodie Hall's experience with congestive heart failure at a young age highlights the importance of early diagnosis and proper medical support. Her journey showcases the resilience and determination of individuals facing health challenges. It serves as a reminder that it is possible to overcome adversity and live a fulfilling life with adequate support and mindset. By putting oneself first and seeking help from loved ones and medical professionals, individuals can navigate the challenges of a health diagnosis and find strength in their journey toward recovery.


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    48 mins
  • Review of a Six-Year Heart Transplant Journey with Somaneh Bouba: Diagnosis & Challenges
    Jun 6 2023
    Meet Somaneh Bouba, a heart transplant recipient who has overcome tremendous challenges in his 6-year long heart transplant journey.As a dedicated husband, father, senior corporate manager and social entrepreneur, Somaneh has navigated his way through the complex world of heart transplantation with grace and resilience. His personal experiences have given him unique insights and perspectives on the challenges those recovering from a heart transplant face.Join us as Somaneh shares his inspiring story and offers invaluable advice for fellow and future transplant recipients.In this episode, learn more about:Navigating the complexities of heart transplant recovery.The crucial role of robust support networks during health challenges.Mastering medication management and side effect mitigation.The emotional rollercoaster post-heart transplant.Cultivating a grateful and positive mindset to weather any storm.Connect with me: Instagram: livingwithheartdisease.podcastFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/heartofagiant.foundationYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@heartofagiantTwitter: https://twitter.com/LWHDpodcast Catch the bonus content on our Youtube channel.https://www.youtube.com/@heartofagiantDid you enjoy this episode? A free way to support our show is by leaving it a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. It’s a chance to tell us what you love about the show, and it helps others discover the Living with Heart Disease podcast. Apple Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-10-inspiring-journey-from-heart-failure-to/id1567454596?i=1000608329515Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4aJeFMvnXyazgGuhR8A4Xs?si=6d9f19949f514714&nd=1Chapter Summaries:Time-stamped summary of this episode:00:00:00 - Introduction,Bouba Somaneh begins the podcast episode by thanking the audience for joining and introducing the topic, which is his own heart disease story.00:01:25 - Bouba talks about his early diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy and how he managed to live with it through medication and lifestyle changes. He also talks about moving to Senegal, launching a business, and getting accepted into President Obama flagship’s Young African Leadership Initiative.00:04:27 - Bouba talks about how his condition got abruptly worse a few days after arriving in the US for his fellowship and had to be put on the transplant list. He talks about the significant operations he had to undergo and the life changes he had to make, including moving with his wife to Boston and staying with his in-laws for a year.00:12:38 - Bouba talks about receiving the call for a new heart on a Friday afternoon and how he everything to get to the hospital. He talks about the procedure and waking up two days later00:15:41 - He discusses his recovery and ICU stay after his heart transplant,the intense monitoring in ICU, his struggles with blood pressure and balance, and passing out once in the hospital. He also talks about the attention and focus of the nurses and the patience required during recovery.00:21:41 - Bouba discusses the medication and adjustments required after his heart transplant, including antirejection medications and vitamin intake. He talks about the importance of being aware of side effects and having a support system during recovery.00:25:46 - The day before he got the phone call for the transplant, he received an offer for a new job which he accepted while in ICU. Bouba talks about negotiating his start date with his employer and the importance of proper operations and compliance for the Foundation.00:29:15 - Bouba discusses the importance of having a solid support system during recovery, including managing children and helping them understand the transplant process.00:30:05 - The joy of hearing his new heart and the excitement of others at the hospital. He notes that his kids visited the hospital to listen to his new heartbeat. They were amazed by the sound. These moments were fun.00:30:38 - Bouba talks about the difficulty of being at the hospital away from his boys It was not easy for the boys, especially the younger twin, who had difficulty with the absence Thankfully, his attitude changed for the better once Bouba returned home.00:31:22 - Bouba expresses gratitude for his medical team, friends, and family, and everyone who supported them during his recovery. He highlighted The Heart of a Giant at the Foundation team, who kept leading work. He had something to look forward to, which helped them stay positive throughout the process.00:31:55 - Bouba talks about his plans for the future, including delivering at home, working on the Foundation, and helping others going through similar experiences.
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    30 mins
  • Battle of Heart Disease: Overcoming Obstacles with Armin Muzafirovic
    May 23 2023
    Ep 13: Battle of Heart Disease: Overcoming Obstacles with Armin MuzafirovicAgainst all odds, Armin refused to let his diagnosis define him. But a ski trip to Colorado brought an unexpected twist, changing everything he thought he knew about his condition. What happened next was an ongoing battle, and Armin's incredible resilience kept him fighting every step of the way.“In life, not everything is perfect, and sometimes we have obstacles that come our way...But being that rebellion that I was at 16, I didn't want to listen to healthcare providers. But as you physically see how your body is on the inside, when I saw my heart compared to a normal 17-year-old, I knew at that point that this is really serious.” - Armin.Bouba sits down with his guest Armin Muzafirovic to talk about the ups and downs of his heart journey. Armin has navigated the challenges of living with heart disease since his mid-teens. His journey began with a diagnosis of muscular dystrophy, followed by discovering his heart condition. Despite these setbacks, Armin has remained determined to live life to the fullest, continuously seeking activities that push the boundaries of his physical capabilities. Armin's story offers a unique perspective on the impact of heart disease on daily life and how he has adapted to his new reality.In this episode, learn more about:The complex world of heart transplant surgeries and the road to recovery.Uncover the crucial role of a support system in managing heart disease and treatment.Third, empower yourself as a patient advocate to take charge of your own heart health journey.Finally, understand the urgent need for organ donors and increase awareness about heart transplantation.Find out more about Armin here:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/armin.muza/More from Living with Heart Disease:Episode 5 - Life with an LVAD while waiting for a heart transplantConnect with me: Instagram: livingwithheartdisease.podcastFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/heartofagiant.foundationYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@heartofagiantTwitter: https://twitter.com/LWHDpodcastCatch the bonus content on our Youtube channel.https://www.youtube.com/@heartofagiantDid you enjoy this episode? A free way to support our show is by leaving it a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. It’s a chance to tell us what you love about the show, and it helps others discover the Living with Heart Disease podcast. Apple Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-10-inspiring-journey-from-heart-failure-to/id1567454596?i=1000608329515Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4aJeFMvnXyazgGuhR8A4Xs?si=6d9f19949f514714&nd=1Chapter Summaries:[00:00:00] - Introduction,Bouba introduces the podcast and guest, Armin, a heart transplant recipient, and sets. The goal of the conversation is to understand a patient's perspective on living with heart disease.[00:03:13] - Initial Diagnosis,Armin discusses being diagnosed with heart failure in his mid to late teens, despite feeling healthy and athletic, and how it affected him and his plans for the future.[00:06:23] - Ski Trip Incident,Armin recounts a ski trip incident where he experienced shortness of breath, low oxygen, and a spike in troponin levels, leading to a mini heart attack and hospitalization. He also describes his symptoms of heart failure and the need for an ICD implant.[00:09:27] - Managing Heart Disease,Armin reveals his rebellious attitude towards being a heart patient, how he still played sports and lived life to the fullest despite his condition, and the importance of meeting strict criteria for treatments like pacemakers and ICDs.[00:13:12] - Medical Complications,Armin discusses the difficulties of managing heart disease, including the side effects of diuretics and the challenges of going to the ER for urinary problems. He also touches on the most prolonged surgery period during his ICD implant and the struggles of balancing school with frequent bathroom trips.[00:16:18] - Hospitalization and Online Learning,After being hospitalized for heart failure, Armin had to stay home due to edema and other symptoms. He had to call his school, where they had no prior experience with online learning. Armin managed to do his finals and pass with flying colors despite not being physically present for most of the classes.[00:23:05] - Overexertion and Passing Out,Armin passed out after overexerting himself while trying to pick up his brother from the bus stop. His feet were swollen due to edema. He fell unconscious and was shocked back by his ICD. He woke up in the hospital, and the doctors discovered that his leads were hitting his diaphragm.[00:26:17] - Tachycardia and LVAD Surgery: During a car ride to the hospital, Armin had 40-60 episodes of SVT tachycardia, a severe heart failure symptom. After arriving at the hospital, he had an emergency LVAD surgery due to his low ejection fraction, dangerously low at 15-20%.[00:29:27] - HeartMate 2 and RVAD,Armin had both an RVAD and LVAD ...
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    1 hr and 36 mins
  • Defying Odds with Olivia Rose: Heart Disease Survivor's Journey
    May 9 2023
    Bouba chats with Olivia Rose to talk about her heart disease journey. After suffering two strokes and heart disease, Olivia Rose, an elite athlete, courageously fights for her life and embarks on an inspiring journey of self-discovery and resilience to defy the odds. Olivia Rose is a thriving survivor, heart transplant recipient, and former LVAD patient living with heart disease. In addition, she is a natural bodybuilder and former athlete who has inspired others with her resilience and determination.Olivia Rose was 25 when she was diagnosed with a heart condition in 2014. She had two strokes, an LVAD to help her heart, and was told she only had 15% of her heart functioning. Despite this, she remained positive and found strength in her family, friends, and athletic background. Through her determination and her mother's unwavering support, Olivia Rose eventually received a heart transplant and is now living with a new heart. She inspires many, overcoming immense challenges and finding joy in the little moments.Catch the bonus content on our Youtube channel.https://www.youtube.com/@heartofagiantOther episodes you'll enjoy:Episode 5 - Life with an LVAD while waiting for a heart transplantEpisode 9 -The Better Half of Heart of a Giant Speaks on LWHDEpisode 10 - Inspiring Journey From Heart Failure to Transplant: A Chat With John SansonFind out more about Olivia here:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/i.am.oliviarose/Connect with me: Instagram: livingwithheartdisease.podcastFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/heartofagiant.foundationYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@heartofagiantTwitter: https://twitter.com/LWHDpodcastDid you enjoy this episode? A free way to support our show is by leaving it a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. It's a chance to tell us what you love about the show, and it helps others discover it as well. Apple Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-10-inspiring-journey-from-heart-failure-to/id1567454596?i=1000608329515Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4aJeFMvnXyazgGuhR8A4Xs?si=6d9f19949f514714&nd=1Chapter Summaries:[00:00:01]Today is a special day. I'm here today with Olivia Rose. There you go. Olivia Rose. That's how we know her publicly. It's a great honor to have you on this podcast, and she was definitely one of my inspirations, mainly because we connected a long time ago and had been following her journey from a distance.[00:01:15]Like, okay, so I was a bodybuilder, a natural bodybuilder, back when this happened. And I've always been an athlete that's been born. So I've been playing volleyball, t ball, basketball, tennis, soccer, track, everything, and flat football even. And so I was at a competition in Pittsburgh, and I started feeling nauseous backstage, and I suddenly started falling to the floor, and I was having a stroke at that time, and I didn't know. [00:04:25] That was the second stroke. [00:04:26] Yeah. So then they did a thrown back to me the procedure where they go in your brain and take out the clot. And my right side was affected at that time. So right now, my right hand still shakes. My right side, my right hand still shakes. So my legs were wobbly sometimes, and I had speech problems. But the speech right now is so great compared to before. I can't even tell you. It was so bad.[00:09:10] They have a heart for me. I said yes. So we got to run back home, either grocery store, run back home, get on my start and drive straight to the hospital. [00:11:22] Yeah, I was so shocked. I was like, what? Have a heart-to-heart me. It feels surreal. It does feel surreal. I was also so grateful the whole time. [00:16:44] I did the same. Was it what, five years? What did you see? [00:25:38] I'm independent. I like being independent, doing things by myself, doing things for myself, and not having anybody come and tell me what to do. So my mom and I bump into pets a lot. I like to do my own thing, and she wants to come and bring me back to reality. [00:32:11] Because you are very active, the LVAD allows you to get some of the activity. How important was it? What did it mean to you to be able to do hiking still, and were you social? Were you able to go hiking with other people? [00:38:35] I was. I was walking around with this bag, LVAD, and a bag in my backpack. I didn't feel pretty. I lost everything. I was walking around looking like a boy. [00:48:52] I was a personal trainer before I started doing bodybuilding competitions. So yeah, I was training before.
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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • From Professional Basketball to LVAD: George Boakye-Yiadom's Unexpected Journey
    Apr 25 2023
    "If it wasn't for Ivy, I probably wouldn't be where I am. So I thank God for her. It wasn't easy. " - George Boakye-YiadomBouba talks with George about the ups and downs of living with a heart condition. George Boakye-Yiadom is a mental health coach, fashion designer, and technology consultant. He is the founder the Boak Group LLC and works at of Fathers Uplift. He is married with three children and recently underwent a heart transplant.George Boakye-Yiadom was a professional basketball player playing in Russia when he experienced a sharp pain in his chest and was diagnosed with heart failure. He was quickly put on a Balloon Pump and then an LVAD. During this difficult time, his wife Ivy found him a therapist and mentor, Charles Daniels (Co-Founder of Fathers’ Uplift), who helped George rebuild his life. George developed an interest in fashion, starting a company called The Boak Group, and later became a technology consultant and a coach at Fathers Uplift. Despite his heart condition, George was able to travel to Ghana with his LVAD. With the support of his wife and family, George has been able to make a successful transition from professional basketball player to entrepreneur.In this episode, you will learn the following:1. George Boakye-Yiadom's incredible journey from playing professional basketball to living with a heart condition, LVAD device, and now a heart transplant.2. His inspiring story of how his wife, Ivy and his mentor Charles helped him rebuild his life, including pursuing a career in fashion, technology consulting, and mental health coaching.3. His experiences traveling with an LVAD, including to Ghana for his wedding, and his hope to play basketball again in the Winter League.Find out more about George here:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theboakgroup/ Connect with me: Instagram: livingwithheartdisease.podcastFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/heartofagiant.foundationYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@heartofagiantTwitter: https://twitter.com/LWHDpodcastDid you enjoy this episode? A free way to support our show is by leaving it a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. It’s a chance to tell us what you love about the show, and it helps others discover the show as well. Apple Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-10-inspiring-journey-from-heart-failure-to/id1567454596?i=1000608329515Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4aJeFMvnXyazgGuhR8A4Xs?si=6d9f19949f514714&nd=1Chapter Summaries:[00:00:01]Today we have another giant who also lives in Boston. We're looking forward to talk about his journey. We have a very similar journey, including the LVAD, and now he had a heart transplant. We'll go through a few of the ups and downs, but also some of the beautiful moments.[00:00:30] I work for a mental health outpatient clinic that primarily serves fathers and their families. He says he went from normal to needing something to support his heart in just a few months. George recently had a heart transplant.[00:08:01]The LVAD has 46 hours on each battery. He had to replace his batteries by year three, but did travel to Ghana with his LVAD. How was that showing up at the airport with this device?[00:12:28]How did you start picking up all these activities, now your a counselor, a coach, a fashion designer, technology consultant. Everything. We do, at the end of the day, is about people, right? And it's about those relationships.[00:17:30]As a former basketball player, George wants to introduce his sons to basketball. He wants to join the Winter League in November. Are you taking it easy? It is about eight months post-transplant.[00:21:11]The transplant happened last October, the end of October 2021. I woke up mid-surgery trying to pull my tube out. I'm still dealing with diabetes and working on it. My nutrition has been pretty good. I just got to find a healthy balance.[00:26:29]I went back to work in February, but I was working virtually. So when it comes to doing my fashion stuff, I haven't done any fashion shows. But I am selling my old stuff, and people are buying it. [00:31:24]"I went from 310 to 240 in months. Mostly water. What is it like being a dad? He's amazing.[00:34:12]I'm really amazed at the love that people show you on instagram. How are your friends responding to all the changes you've been through? Has anything changed besides being able to join them at all the parties and things like that? I'm excited to play basketball with them again.[00:36:28]"Always think positive, and positive things will come. The only difference between a millionaire and a broke person is how they think " "I want to meet your beautiful kids, and for you to meet mine "
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    39 mins