
  • #018 | Stories That Amplify Light | Season One's Guests Speak
    Jan 23 2024

    The story is there are innumerable ways to categorize art and entertainment—by genre; by era; fiction or nonfiction; art created as propaganda, or art as escape—and over the course of our first season of Lightwise, we’ve touched on all of these, but we’ve tried to focus on stories that amplify light. At the end of each episode throughout this first season, I’d ask our guests what films amplified light for them. Today we listen to what they had to say.

    This season we’ve visited with filmmakers, actors and comedians, activists and academics, and entrepreneurs. As you listen to what amplifies light for them, ask yourself what stories, in film, TV or other media amplify light for you, and as we look forward to seasons 2, ask yourself what would like to see or hear more of from Lightwise. Be sure to comment or send us a message at lightwise@angel.com.

    Follow Lightwise on all the socials!

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    Download the Angel app on your phone or streaming device and begin watching the content that inspires the podcast. You can also watch the Lightwise podcast at angel.com/lightwise.

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    32 mins
  • 017 | Lightwise #017 | The Realities and Possibilities of Cinema as Therapy with The Cinema Therapy Guys
    Dec 6 2023

    The story is we know people often intentionally write or CREATE art for therapy, but how often are we CONSUMING art for therapeutic purposes—and is it effective? And how often are we unintentionally consuming messages, for better or worse, that alter our perspectives and therefore our experience? Today we discuss the realities and possibilities of cinema as therapy

    Jonathan Decker is a licensed therapist. His friend and associate Alan Seawright is a filmmaker. Together they make up a dynamic duo that analyzes films from a psychological perspective, claiming “to make sense of life, one blockbuster at a time” with their YouTube channel called Cinema Therapy.

    Check out Cinema Therapy on YouTube!

    Follow Lightwise on all the socials!

    Facebook: Lightwise Podcast

    Instagram: @lightwisepodcast

    Twitter: @lightwisepod

    TikTok: @lightwisepodcast

    YouTube: @LightwisePodcast

    Download the Angel app on your phone or streaming device and begin watching the content that inspires the podcast. You can also watch the Lightwise podcast at angel.com/lightwise.

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    42 mins
  • #016 | How A.I. is Threatening the Arts with Tech Entreprenuer Austin Craig
    Oct 17 2023

    The story is good artists copy, but great artists steal. And now omputer systems are disrupting industries everywhere, doing things once believed only possible by humans: dealing with uncertainty; learning from experience; making predictions; interpreting language in complex, contextual ways. Even, perhaps especially, technology is now creating art—imitating (or stealing from?)the great creative geniuses—even in media as multifaceted as film.

    Austin Craig is an American filmmaker, author and entrepreneur, and an expert in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. He is a compulsive early-adopter who dives face-first into anything new. He is also a father, a husband (though not necessarily) in that order, and what some people have called an “all around good guy.”

    To connect with Austin Craig, visit his website at https://www.austinmcraig.com/

    Lightwise is produced by Angel Studios. To learn more and to check out light-amplifying content for free, visit https://www.angel.com/

    Follow Lightwise on all the socials!

    Facebook: Lightwise Podcast

    Instagram: @lightwisepodcast

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    TikTok: @lightwisepodcast

    YouTube: @LightwisePodcast

    Download the Angel app on your phone or streaming device and begin watching the content that inspires the podcast. You can also watch the Lightwise podcast at angel.com/lightwise.

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    48 mins
  • #015 | The Peculiar Super Powers of Animation with J. Chris Wall
    Oct 3 2023

    The story is every medium has its unique strengths: Sculpture is different from painting; poetry from prose; ballet from theater. One is not better than the other, but its unique characteristics make it suited for certain kinds of experiences, messages, or audiences. So what are the unique strengths of animated film, as opposed to, say, live action? Today we discuss: “The Peculiar Super Powers (and Weaknesses?) of Animation.”

    J. Chris Wall is an American creator of kids-and-family, redemptive content. He is the executive producer and showrunner of Angel Studios’ animated series The Wingfeather Saga, based on the best-selling books of the same title. Before creating Shining Isle Productions in 2016 to develop and produce entertainment-first family content, Chris spent over a decade producing 16 movies for the popular VeggieTales franchise.

    To watch The Wingfeather Saga for free, download the Angel App now or visit angel.com/wingfeather

    Follow Lightwise on all the socials!

    Facebook: Lightwise Podcast

    Instagram: @lightwisepodcast

    Twitter: @lightwisepod

    TikTok: @lightwisepodcast

    YouTube: @LightwisePodcast

    Download the Angel app on your phone or streaming device and begin watching the content that inspires the podcast. You can also watch the Lightwise podcast at angel.com/lightwise.

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    42 mins
  • #014 | The Unique Challenges and Opportunities in Making a Movie That Moves with Jaime Hernandez of "Sound of Freedom"
    Sep 19 2023

    The story is some films possess more than the power to entertain. Some start a movement or change lives.

    Jaime Hernandez is a film producer whose most recent film Sound of Freedom was released by Angel Studios in July 2023.

    Be sure to check out Sound of Freedom, still playing in select theaters. Go to angel.com/tickets now.

    Follow Lightwise on all the socials!

    Facebook: Lightwise Podcast

    Instagram: @lightwisepodcast

    Twitter: @lightwisepod

    TikTok: @lightwisepodcast

    YouTube: @LightwisePodcast

    Download the Angel app on your phone or streaming device and begin watching the content that inspires the podcast. You can also watch the Lightwise podcast at angel.com/lightwise.

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    34 mins
  • 013 | Part 2 of 2: The Challenges of Portraying Evil with Actor Elijah Alexander of "The Chosen"
    Sep 4 2023

    The story is there’s a difference between flawed, imperfect people and evil people. But is that a difference of degree or kind? And how do you tell stories that portray evil convincingly and in a way that doesn’t turn off audiences? Today, we discuss “The Challenges of Portraying Evil.”

    Elijah Alexander is an American film and TV actor who has been in the business for nearly 30 years. He stars in the role of Atticus, a secret agent for Caesar, in “The Chosen”—Angel Studios’ hit show about the life of Jesus Christ.

    Check out "The Chosen" on the Angel app and be sure to watch "Sound of Freedom" currently in select theaters.

    Go to angel.com for more information.

    Follow Lightwise on all the socials!

    Facebook: Lightwise Podcast

    Instagram: @lightwisepodcast

    Twitter: @lightwisepod

    TikTok: @lightwisepodcast

    YouTube: @LightwisePodcast

    Download the Angel app on your phone or streaming device and begin watching the content that inspires the podcast. You can also watch the Lightwise podcast at angel.com/lightwise.

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    37 mins
  • 012 | Part 1 of 2: The Challenges of Portraying Holiness with Actor Nicolas Mouawad of His Only Son
    Aug 22 2023

    The story is every once in a while a member of the human race achieves another level of Divinity. Whether they’re called saints, prophets, or popes, the Messiah or the Dalai Lama—they are revered by huge populations as being Holy—having the quality of Godliness. Forget about attaining that level of righteousness in our real lives, what about simply trying to capture the essence of these sacred figures as a story-teller or actor? Today, we discuss “The Challenges of Portraying Holiness.” This is part 1 of a two-part series. In a companion episode we discuss “The Challenges of Portraying Evil” so be sure to look for that, wherever you’re consuming this podcast.

    Nicolas Mouawad is a Lebanese film and TV actor who has starred in some of the most-watched and critically-acclaimed drama series in Egypt, Lebanon and the UAE. And in 2019, he starred in his first English-speaking role, as the prophet Abraham, in the American feature film, “His Only Son” which was finally released by Angel Studios this year

    Follow Lightwise on all the socials!

    Facebook: Lightwise Podcast

    Instagram: @lightwisepodcast

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    TikTok: @lightwisepodcast

    YouTube: @LightwisePodcast

    Download the Angel app on your phone or streaming device and begin watching the content that inspires the podcast. You can also watch the Lightwise podcast at angel.com/lightwise.

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    44 mins
  • 011 | The Resurrection of Quality Christian Content with Jesus Revolution Director Jon Erwin
    Aug 8 2023

    The story is almost one third of the world’s population is Christian, nearly two-thirds of the US population, yet for decades now Hollywood has had an aversion to explicitly Christian films, leaving this audience under-served or suffering with sub-par productions. Why is that and what’s behind the recent resurrection of quality Christian content?

    Jon Erwin is an American film director, screenwriter, and producer known for such films as I Can Only Imagine and this year’s Jesus Revolution. Along with his brother Andrew he is a co-founder of the Kingdom Story Company, which specializes in the production of Christian films.

    Jon is also now an Executive Producer with Truth & Conviction, an inspiring true story which will capture one of the most powerful stories to come out of WWII. Driven by the Nazi arrest of his Jewish friend, a 16-year-old boy named Helmuth Hübener is compelled to take a stand. Joined by his two best mates, Karl and Rudi, Helmuth leads a brave resistance that propels them all the way to the highest court in Nazi Germany. Learn more at angel.com/truth.

    Follow Lightwise on all the socials!

    Facebook: Lightwise Podcast

    Instagram: @lightwisepodcast

    Twitter: @lightwisepod

    TikTok: @lightwisepodcast

    YouTube: @LightwisePodcast

    Download the Angel app on your phone or streaming device and begin watching the content that inspires the podcast. You can also watch the Lightwise podcast at angel.com/lightwise.

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    48 mins