• #195: What Can You Do About Student Loans with Student Loan Tutor Zach Geist
    Feb 11 2022

    Today’s guest is Zach Geist. Zach founded Student Loan Tutor in 2015. As one of the leading experts in federal student loan repayment he and his team have taught thousands of student loan borrowers all over the country how to save enormous amounts of money and hassle. He currently resides on the Hamakua Coast of Big Island Hawaii.

    Student Loans are a huge stressor for many students and new docs. Rich and I know what it’s like to have double loans at the same time you want to open a business, buy a home, start a family, and begin building a retirement…all things Rich and I have done by being smart about student loans. At times this can seem impossible, but we did it and with the right support you can too. 

    This episode of the podcast is brought to you by us, the Lifestyle Practice Builders podcast. If this is your first episode then welcome to the family, we are in our sixth year of doing the podcast and almost about to reach our 200th episode, please subscribe and share the podcast, so we can help more chiropractors be successful in practice. Also, visit our website lifestylepracticebuilders.com to learn more about the resources we’ve created to help you do better. Including our most recent course for students, the Smart Start Career Planning Workshop. More information for chiropractic students at lifestylepracticebuilders.com/start. 

    We're creating the resources we wish we had when we first started. Hang out with us, download the resources, and make a plan. We can't wait to get to know you and help you make some of those tough decisions. Your success is our goal! 

    Like what you hear? Subscribe!

    If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the Lifestyle Practice Builders Podcast then we’d love to hear about it! Please head over to iTunes and subscribe. While you’re at it, leave us a RATING (5 stars would be great) and a REVIEW so others can find us! If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and we’ll be happy to answer them!


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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • #194: Fifth Year Anniversary and Launch of New Chiropractic Student Workshop
    Jan 13 2022

    We're celebrating 5 years with some new resources for Chiropractic Students! We simplify the processes so you can feel confident taking the steps necessary towards graduation and being in practice. If you are new to Lifestyle Practice Builders, then welcome to the family! There are close to 200 podcast episodes for you to get caught up on! Don’t stop there though, we have a robust website at lifestylepracticebuilders.com with many, detailed blog posts to also get you started. If you’ve been here before then you know this episode is a long time coming, thanks for coming back we appreciate you! So why the delay? What have I been working on? Well, if you’re a student who’s starting to think about, plan, and make decisions about life after chiropractic school then I’ve created a special Chiropractic Student Career Planning Workshop series for you. Besides seeing patients, this is what I spent the last few months working on. During this workshop you will learn about the most popular options you'll have after graduation, what you’ll need to think about to pick the BEST choice for you, and everything you can start working on now in order to succeed! There’s also several bonuses we’ve created to go along with the training. Learn more at www.lifestylepracticebuilders.com/start!

    We're creating the resources we wish we had when we first started. Hang out with us, download the resources, and make a plan. We can't wait to get to know you and help you make some of those tough decisions. Your success is our goal! 

    Like what you hear? Subscribe!

    If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the Lifestyle Practice Builders Podcast then we’d love to hear about it! Please head over to iTunes and subscribe. While you’re at it, leave us a RATING (5 stars would be great) and a REVIEW so others can find us! If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and we’ll be happy to answer them!

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    6 mins
  • #193: Simplified Functional Medicine for Chiropractors with Drs. Chad Woolner & Andrew Wells
    Jul 5 2021

    We recently sat down with Drs. Chad Woolner & Andrew Wells to discuss their new podcast and program Simplified Functional Medicine. These resources provide Chiropractors and other healthcare professionals a simple, streamlined, turn-key system for quickly implementing a profitable functional medicine program into their practices. Listen now to see how implementing this program in your office can help your patients and bring more profit to your practice.

    If you haven’t already downloaded our free ebook, visit lifestylepracticebuilders.com/ebook and download it today. In the ebook, there are action steps for each of the 5 things you must know before starting a practice, and it’s a great way to get started as you pursue your dream of opening your own chiropractic practice. And if you’re a nerd like me then it’s nice to have a workbook to print off and take notes on while you listen to the podcast.

    Taking the leap from student or Chiropractic Associate to small business owner is HUGE! There’s so much to know and it gets overwhelming thinking about all the steps involved, in order to create a business, find a location, and get open. So many unknowns, so many steps to truly fulfilling your dreams of owning and operating your own clinic. That’s why we created this podcast series for you. We were once in your shoes and we know what it’s like to feel lost in a sea full of information. We want to help by clarifying some of the key concepts you’ll need to understand before making that transition. The more you know, the better off you’ll be in practice. Fully understanding these elements and how they affect you and your future practice will lead to your future success! So let’s add some success tools to your toolbox!

    Want help with this process? Want like minded friends pursuing extraordinary goals? Join us in our facebook group. Follow us on Instagram @lifestylepractice. We have helped hundreds of students and chiropractors find start and build their own practices. We’d love to help you, wherever you’re at, to create and fulfill your own vision.

    We're creating the resources we wish we had when we first started! Hang out with us, download the resources, and make a plan! We can't wait to get to know you and help you make some of those tough decisions. Your success is our goal! 

    Like what you hear? Subscribe!

    If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the Lifestyle Practice Builders Podcast then we’d love to hear about it! Please head over to iTunes and subscribe. While you’re at it, leave us a RATING (5 stars would be great) and a REVIEW so others can find us! If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and we’ll be happy to answer them!

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    36 mins
  • #192: How to use Pinterest to Get More patients into your Chiropractic Practice with Rachel Ngom
    Apr 23 2021

    Today I sat down with Rachel Ngom, host of the She’s Making an Impact Podcast. She is a business and lead-generation expert, helping purpose-driven female entrepreneurs drive more traffic, leads, and sales through Pinterest, blogging, and strategic use of automation. All great information we can use to bring more patients to our website and into our practice. If you're lost when it comes to modern marketing, building a funnel, creating better SEO, etc... then setup a strategy call with Dr. Haley!

    More about Rachel Ngom, our guest today, she went from being on food stamps with negative $400 in her checking account to a multiple-6-figure online business. She now helps others do the same with her signature courses and programs.

    Rachel has lived in Kenya, met her husband in Senegal, got married in Morocco, and spent 2 years in France. Learn more about Rachel at www.rachelngom.com

    If you haven’t already downloaded our free ebook, visit lifestylepracticebuilders.com/ebook and download it today. In the ebook, there are action steps for each of the 5 things you must know before starting a practice, and it’s a great way to get started as you pursue your dream of opening your own chiropractic practice. And if you’re a nerd like me then it’s nice to have a workbook to print off and take notes on while you listen to the podcast.

    Taking the leap from student or Chiropractic Associate to small business owner is HUGE! There’s so much to know and it gets overwhelming thinking about all the steps involved, in order to create a business, find a location, and get open. So many unknowns, so many steps to truly fulfilling your dreams of owning and operating your own clinic. That’s why we created this podcast series for you. We were once in your shoes and we know what it’s like to feel lost in a sea full of information. We want to help by clarifying some of the key concepts you’ll need to understand before making that transition. The more you know, the better off you’ll be in practice. Fully understanding these elements and how they affect you and your future practice will lead to your future success! So let’s add some success tools to your toolbox!

    Want help with this process? Want like minded friends pursuing extraordinary goals? Join us in our facebook group. Follow us on Instagram @lifestylepractice. We have helped hundreds of students and chiropractors find start and build their own practices. We’d love to help you, wherever you’re at, to create and fulfill your own vision.

    We're creating the resources we wish we had when we first started! Hang out with us, download the resources, and make a plan! We can't wait to get to know you and help you make some of those tough decisions. Your success is our goal! 

    Like what you hear? Subscribe!

    If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the Lifestyle Practice Builders Podcast then we’d love to hear about it! Please head over to iTunes and subscribe. While you’re at it, leave us a RATING (5 stars would be great) and a REVIEW so others can find us! If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and we’ll be happy to answer them!

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    18 mins
  • #191: Top Tips to Ensure Success Flows From Your Thoughts and Energy Every Day
    Apr 8 2021

    There are very few things you can do everyday that can guarantee your success, this is one of them! Listen to today's podcast to understand what one belief we hold has helped us overcome challenges to grow our businesses and have success in life.  You have purpose, you will be successful, and you can make a difference!

    If you haven’t already downloaded the ebook that goes along with this series, visit lifestylepracticebuilders.com/ebook and download it today. In the ebook, there are action steps for each of the 5 things we’re talking about in this series, and it’s a great way to get started as you pursue your dream of opening your own chiropractic practice. And if you’re a nerd like me then it’s nice to have a workbook to print off and take notes on while you listen to the podcast.

    Taking the leap from student or Chiropractic Associate to small business owner is HUGE! There’s so much to know and it gets overwhelming thinking about all the steps involved, in order to create a business, find a location, and get open. So many unknowns, so many steps to truly fulfilling your dreams of owning and operating your own clinic. That’s why we created this podcast series for you. We were once in your shoes and we know what it’s like to feel lost in a sea full of information. We want to help by clarifying some of the key concepts you’ll need to understand before making that transition. The more you know, the better off you’ll be in practice. Fully understanding these elements and how they affect you and your future practice will lead to your future success! So let’s add some success tools to your toolbox!

    Want help with this process? Want like minded friends pursuing extraordinary goals? Join us in our facebook group. Follow us on Instagram @lifestylepractice. We have helped hundreds of students and chiropractors find start and build their own practices. We’d love to help you, wherever you’re at, to create and fulfill your own vision.

    We're creating the resources we wish we had when we first started! Hang out with us, download the resources, and make a plan! We can't wait to get to know you and help you make some of those tough decisions. Your success is our goal! 

    Like what you hear? Subscribe!

    If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the Lifestyle Practice Builders Podcast then we’d love to hear about it! Please head over to iTunes and subscribe. While you’re at it, leave us a RATING (5 stars would be great) and a REVIEW so others can find us! If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and we’ll be happy to answer them!

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    8 mins
  • #190: Part 2 of My Interview with Chiropractor, Jude Alcide - His Journey to Success in Chiropractic Practice
    Mar 31 2021

    Today part 2 of my interview with Dr. Jude Alcide to discuss his journey into Chiropractic and private practice. Dr. Jude Alcide, founder of housecallspinedoctor.com, is a Board Certified Chiropractor and Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. He earned degrees in Physical Therapy at Indian River State College and Athletic Training at the University of Florida. He graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic and later completed his post-graduate training with Functional Medicine University.

    Dr. Jude takes a holistic approach when consulting with patients, and understands that symptoms are often an indication of other issues within the body that need attention and care. His knowledge of human anatomy combined with his functional medicine training equip him with an integrated and all-encompassing perspective.

    Some of the topics on the podcast:

    • Tips for new Chiropractors
    • Marketing a House Call Practice
    • Connecting with other Healthcare Professionals
    • The new social media app, Clubhouse
    • Having Low Overhead

    Looking to connect with us somewhere else? Join us in our Facebook group for more tips!

    We're creating the resources we wish we had when we first started! Hang out with us, download the resources, and make a plan! We can't wait to get to know you and help you make some of those tough decisions. Your success is our goal! Download our 5 Things You Must Know Before Starting a Practice eBook!

    Like what you hear? Subscribe!

    If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the Lifestyle Practice Builders Podcast then we’d love to hear about it! Please head over to iTunes and subscribe. While you’re at it, leave us a RATING (5 stars would be great) and a REVIEW so others can find us! If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and we’ll be happy to answer them!

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    17 mins
  • #189: A Deep Dive with Jude Alcide, DC - His Journey to Chiropractic and into Private Practice
    Mar 24 2021

    Today I invited Dr. Jude Alcide to be on the podcast to discuss his journey into Chiropractic and private practice. Dr. Jude Alcide, founder of housecallspinedoctor.com, is a Board Certified Chiropractor and Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. He earned degrees in Physical Therapy at Indian River State College and Athletic Training at the University of Florida. He graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic and later completed his post-graduate training with Functional Medicine University.

    Dr. Jude takes a holistic approach when consulting with patients, and understands that symptoms are often an indication of other issues within the body that need attention and care. His knowledge of human anatomy combined with his functional medicine training equip him with an integrated and all-encompassing perspective.

    Some of the topics on the podcast:

    • Starting a House Call Practice
    • Marketing a House Call Practice
    • Connecting with other Healthcare Professionals
    • The new social media app, Clubhouse

    Looking to connect with us somewhere else? Join us in our Facebook group for more tips!

    We're creating the resources we wish we had when we first started! Hang out with us, download the resources, and make a plan! We can't wait to get to know you and help you make some of those tough decisions. Your success is our goal! Download our 5 Things You Must Know Before Starting a Practice eBook!

    Like what you hear? Subscribe!

    If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the Lifestyle Practice Builders Podcast then we’d love to hear about it! Please head over to iTunes and subscribe. While you’re at it, leave us a RATING (5 stars would be great) and a REVIEW so others can find us! If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and we’ll be happy to answer them!

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    16 mins
  • #188: How Chiropractors Can Utilize Profit First in Their Practices with Holly A. Tucker, DC
    Mar 17 2021

    Today I invited Dr. Holly A. Tucker to be on the podcast to discuss implementing Profit First in her practice. She's a Chiropractic Physician certified in Acupuncture. She’s also a Certified Health Education Specialist, the Founder & CEO of Active Family Wellness and co-host of the ChiroMom Podcast. 

    Dr. Holly's love for healthcare business operations and numbers started nearly 20 years ago, running a medical billing department in college, to opening a practice with her spouse, serving in various leadership roles on the state, national and international levels, and most recently, serving as a business coach for women in chiropractic. 

    She practiced in East Tennessee with her husband, Dr. Jude Miller for 7 years until relocating to the Memphis area. She’s mom to Kid Chefs Tristan & Noah, who love sharing healthy recipes and nutrition lessons on instagram.

    Want to read more about Profit First? Visit our website!

    Interested in starting your own local podcast? Visit our website and add yourself to our local podcast creator waitlist. https://www.lifestylepracticebuilders.com/podcast

    Listen now to hear all of the tips!

    Looking to connect with us somewhere else? Join us in our Facebook group for more tips!

    We're creating the resources we wish we had when we first started! Hang out with us, download the resources, and make a plan! We can't wait to get to know you and help you make some of those tough decisions. Your success is our goal! Download our 5 Things You Must Know Before Starting a Practice eBook!

    Like what you hear? Subscribe!

    If you’ve found any value or helpful information in the Lifestyle Practice Builders Podcast then we’d love to hear about it! Please head over to iTunes and subscribe. While you’re at it, leave us a RATING (5 stars would be great) and a REVIEW so others can find us! If you have any questions or comments about this show or its contents, please post them in the comments area below and we’ll be happy to answer them!


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    29 mins