
  • Bloom Where You Are
    Jun 29 2024

    Special Guest Lise Cartwright

    Welcome to the second part of our interview with Lise, where we dive deeper into the highs and lows of the author's journey. Lise shares candidly about the inner battles many authors face—the nagging self-doubt and imposter syndrome that can haunt us when we embark on creative ventures. She reflects on her own initial fears, questioning her qualifications and the relevance of her voice. These fears are familiar to anyone who has dared to pursue a dream beyond the ordinary.

    What resonates most is Lise's approach to silencing that inner critic. She reminds us that our responsibility as authors is not perfection but creation—to get our thoughts on paper, messy and raw, trusting that editors will polish our words into brilliance. This perspective liberates us from the paralyzing need to be flawless, recognizing that imperfection is human and relatable.

    Yet, amidst the valleys lie incredible peaks. Lise paints a vivid picture of the euphoria when holding your book for the first time—a tangible testament to your dedication and creativity. Even more profound is the impact on readers' lives. The joy of receiving heartfelt messages from strangers touched by your words transcends any self-doubt or criticism. It's a reminder that writing is not just about words on a page but about forging connections and making a difference, however small.

    However, success doesn't shield authors from fears. Lise candidly shares her early dread of negative reviews, fearing public judgment and ridicule. Over time, she's learned to embrace criticism as a testament to her authenticity—knowing that not everyone will resonate with her message, and that's okay. Her journey underscores resilience and the transformative power of vulnerability.

    As we conclude our conversation, Lise leaves us with a poignant reflection on the essence of writing—to impact lives and spark change, one reader at a time. Her optimism and dedication shine through, reminding us that amidst challenges and uncertainties, the reward lies in the journey itself. Join us as we continue to explore the inspiring stories and insights that shape the world of literature.

    Thank you for listening to this episode, where each story unfolds with wisdom and warmth. Remember to subscribe for more empowering conversations with visionaries like Lise, who remind us to bloom where we are planted.

    Listeners are encouraged to visit https://lifeisaclassroom.net/bwya/ to pre-order the book "Bloom Where You Are," reflect on their own lives, and consider reaching out for guidance or mentorship if they feel stuck.

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    14 mins
  • Transform Your Life with Life Design Coaching
    Jun 22 2024

    Pre-order the book 'Bloom Where You Are' HERE

    Welcome to the latest episode of the Life is a Classroom (LIAC) podcast, hosted by Dr. Damian Nesser with his co-host, Sam. In this special relaunch episode, Karen Roberts interviews Dr. Nesser to delve deep into his journey, the evolution of the podcast, and the inspiring story of his co-host, Sam. Remember the podcast’s guiding mantra: "Learn, dream, and achieve, and give back to someone who can't give back to you in your classroom of life."

    Karen Roberts introduces the episode, highlighting the absence of co-host Sam and setting the stage for an insightful conversation with Dr. Damian Nesser. A tribute is paid to Sam's incredible journey from depression to thriving, emphasizing his achievements in education and career.

    Dr. Nesser shares his transformative experience at Amberley Lagos Mastermind in Malibu, California. He recounts the unexpected support and warm welcome from Brooke Hemingway that alleviated his anxiety and set the foundation for his career as a life design coach. This marked the beginning of his journey into helping others reinvent their lives, drawing parallels with mentoring and guiding students.

    He discusses his process of mentoring individuals, illustrated through the case study of Sam Geiger. Sam, initially a tech-savvy yet insecure individual, evolved into a successful co-host, student, and police academy aspirant. Dr. Nesser emphasizes the importance of not forcing mentorship but rather facilitating growth through support and guidance.

    Dr. Nesser then analyzes what holds people back from seeking help, primarily fear and concern about failure and judgment. He encourages listeners to overcome these fears and take proactive steps towards their goals. He explains the podcast’s mantra, inspired by his experiences and the teachings of the late John Wooden, emphasizing honesty, trustworthiness, and building relationships before conducting business.

    He offers practical advice for young entrepreneurs and students: prioritize relationships over transactions and be cautious of people who approach business without first establishing a personal connection. Maintaining integrity and transparency in all dealings is crucial.

    Information about the upcoming book launch, "Bloom Where You Are," set for release on July 14th, is shared along with instructions for pre-ordering the book through the podcast’s website. A teaser for the next episode features a special guest, Corriee, with both Dr. Nesser and Sam returning.

    Dr. Nesser wraps up the episode by reiterating the importance of the podcast’s guiding principles. He thanks Karen for the engaging interview and looks forward to the exciting new developments in the upcoming season.

    Listeners are encouraged to visit lifeisaclassroom.net to pre-order the book "Bloom Where You Are," reflect on their own lives, and consider reaching out for guidance or mentorship if they feel stuck. They are also invited to tune in next week for an inspiring conversation with special guest Corriee.

    Thank you for listening to the LIAC podcast. Remember, life is a classroom. Learn, dream, and achieve. Give back to someone who can't give back to you in your classroom of life. Give back today. Stay connected and follow us on social media for updates, inspiring quotes, and behind-the-scenes content.

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    12 mins
  • Bloom Where You Are
    Nov 27 2023

    This week on the Life Is A Classroom Podcast, we would like to introduce our listeners to Lise Cartwright, the author working with us on our upcoming book "Bloom Where You Are." We hope you enjoy this look into what is to come before we take a Christmas hiatus and return with season 4 in January.

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    8 mins
  • Classroom Corner #47 : The Natural Way To Better Health Part 3
    Nov 19 2023

    This week on the Classroom Corner, we interview Chris Terzakos, an author, motivational speaker, and transformational coach. Tune in as we discuss healthier alternatives to naturally increase health and athletic performance.

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    16 mins
  • Hardship Teaches Lessons in Resilience Part 2
    Nov 12 2023

    Today, we interview Ethan, a former 3-sport student-athlete whose life took an unexpected turn when an accident forced dramatic life changes. Still, he used what happened to become the best version of himself to help others.

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    15 mins
  • Classroom Corner #46 : The Natural Way To Better Health Part 2
    Oct 29 2023

    This week on the Classroom Corner, we interview Chris Terzakos, an author, motivational speaker, and transformational coach. Tune in as we discuss healthier alternatives to naturally increase health and athletic performance.

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    11 mins
  • Hardship Teaches Lessons in Resilience Part 1
    Oct 22 2023

    Today, we interview Ethan, a former 3-sport student-athlete whose life took an unexpected turn when an accident forced dramatic life changes. Still, he used what happened to become the best version of himself to help others.

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    8 mins
  • Classroom Corner #45 : The Natural Way To Better Health Part 1
    Oct 15 2023

    This week on the Classroom Corner, we interview Chris Terzakos, an author, motivational speaker, and transformational coach. Tune in as we discuss healthier alternatives to naturally increase health and athletic performance.

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    12 mins