
  • The great resignation, resourcing and the red zone with L&D leaders Gareth Killeen and Nicole White
    Mar 17 2022

    Three things are colliding;

    Learning is finally having its Kardashian moment creating resourcing challenges, we're all rethinking what we want from work and resignations are rising in the US. 

    Join this reflective fireside chat with two leaders of different sized teams on how they're getting work done, maintaining team wellbeing and resourcing through the great resignation.

    Explore insights from Gareth Killeen, Head of Learning at Reece Group one of Australia’s most successful privately owned global businesses and CEO and founder Nicole White from the ID Crowd, Australia's learning agency that challenges the status quo. 

    We're joined live in this session by members of Change Republic - Australia's local freelance learning community. Get cost effective learning quickly and effortlessly with our learning freelancers on standby. Or join free, for tools to build your dream learning career.

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    55 mins
  • Visual Design for Learning Designers with Connie Malamed
    Dec 9 2021

    Connie Malamed is a life force for the learning and development industry. We were told to get in the Connie canoe and so we did. In this episode we meet Connie, US based learning experience consultant, the host of the eLearning Coach Podcast and author of a number of books including Visual Design Solutions which we explore with book club members from the Change Republic learning community. We touch on key principles from the book including visual design hierarchy, cognitive load, colours, process and more. This is a must - come and jump into the Connie canoe with us. 


    The Learning to Thrive podcast is brought to you by Change Republic - Australia's number #1 learning talent marketplace and community. Get learning services on demand and build a dream career or learning business with our help. Let's get learning working. Visit www.changerepublic.com.au

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Belonging: why it's either making or breaking your team, with Owen Eastwood
    Dec 9 2021

    Owen Eastwood is a UK based performance coach who has delivered performance outcomes for an absolute smashing list of teams including the South African Cricket Team, Scottish Rugby Team, All Blacks. He recently penned a game changing tome called Belonging, the Ancient Code of Togetherness which how ancient evolutionary ways play crucial factor in high performing teams. Plus he shares the strategies and philosophies that have yielded results he's delivered across teams of all shapes and sizes. We sat down with Owen and a small group of book club readers from Change Republic to chat all things performance, vision and belonging. Want to know why your talented team isn’t performing? Want to make a good team great? This is the podcast and book! for you. 



    The Learning to Thrive podcast is brought to you by Change Republic - Australia's number #1 learning and development community and talent marketplace. Get learning services on demand and build a dream career in learning. Let's get learning working. Get curious at changerepublic.com.au 


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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • Gender equal leadership with author and Women at Work expert Anneli Blundell
    Oct 6 2021

    If you’ve ever wondered how to contribute to a gender equal leadership landscape this podcast with author Anneli Blundell is for you. Anneli is renowned Australia behavioural coach, facilitator and author who leads one of Australia’s most popular Women at Work programs. Anneli has published an excellent book called When Men Lead Women. In this podcast we explore the book and touch on..

    • typical categorical responses of men (tip: you'll recognise the men you know!) 
    • the unspoken questions and fears of men in leadership positions
    • facilitating conversations to support changes to the system
    • actions you can do in your role now to support a more equal landscape ! YES! 

    It’s also a great one for new coaches to learn some tips about developing a career and brand in coaching and leadership facilitation.

    Please enjoy Anneli Blundell. This podcast is hosted and produced by the team from Change Republic - Australia’s number #1 learning and development professionals marketplace. 

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • How to create great stories for learning with Richard Fleming, award winning storyteller
    Jul 20 2021

    We are wired to love and remember great stories, so what better way to reach our desired learning or training goals and thrive than by improving our ability to design and tell stories that stick and videos that help us learn. Richard Fleming is an award winning filmmaker and storyteller who is utterly, utterly obsessed with stories and learning. He hails from Denver, Colorado  where he spearheads Sage Media, a social emotional learning design firm that specialises in creating learning videos that drive learning outcomes. In this conversation we pear behind the scenes to understand how Richard thinks about stories for learning, the process he follows, the structure and characteristics of a good story and the implementation of stories and learning films in learning design. 

    We cover 

    • Why great stories are memorable 
    • A framework for developing better learning stories 
    • Which training or learning design scenarios suit storytelling and which don’t 
    • What we are doing wrong when it comes to designing stories for learning 
    • Tidbits on character development 
    • Our brains response to feeling emotions and encoding a memory versus static information 
    • Best non fictions books that are inspiring Richard 
    • Films to watch to help you understand what a great story does 
    • Marketing learning programs 
    • And more! 

    Learning to Thrive is a podcast developed with the intention of adding to your work world and help you thrive in the digital age. We feature guests from the world of learning, leadership, wellbeing and professional development. This podcast is brought to you by Change Republic, Australia’s talent marketplace for learning. Engage a trusted, vetted learning talent or consultant quickly and easily using platform built for L&D hiring or join to showcase your portfolio and work with like minded learning leaders. Check us out at www.changerepublic.com.au 

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • Designing live learning experiences for impact and delight with Kelsey Kates, Global Head of Learning Experiences at Google
    Jun 9 2021

    Kelsey Kates is the Global Head of Learning Experiences and Faculty Enablement at Google. Kelsey, Kylie and I came to this conversation with quite a clear intention which was to try and add value to those in learning and development who are looking to create more effective, impactful live learning experiences whether they be in person or virtual. We talk about her teams north star - to design and deliver live learning experiences with delight and impact. We learn about the power of play in live experiences, our brain's response to playfulness, asking for consent, tips for how to deliver impactful sessions, tips for virtual and the why and how behind those powerful two words, delight and impact. 

    Join host Emily Walker, co-founder of Change Republic, Australia's learning talent marketplace, and come on a journey with us as we take an intentional, purpose filled trip into the world of corporate learning, leadership and development. 

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • Learner interviews, training discovery workshops and following your purpose with Nicole White, CEO & learning designer
    Jun 8 2021

    If there is one name that's famous in corporate learning, it's Nicole White. Nic is the founder, CEO and chief learning designer of the ID Crowd, one of the most exciting learning design agencies to grace the globe and push boundaries in the world of learning experience design. Nicole and her team have won a bevvy of awards from all the big names including LearnX and Brandon Hall and have  held the hands of some of Australia's brightest learning teams as they walked the plank and dived into new territory in learning design. pushing the envelope by continually asking the question.. what if? How can we make more thoughtful, outcome driven learning? 

    In this episode we explore: 

    • her journey from employee to consultant and taking the leap! 
    • following her purpose 
    • building an award winning agency 
    • her focus when it comes to design and how she's mentoring others to do great work 
    • the learning design workshop and discovery 
    • and learner interviews as the secret source to success. 

    Please enjoy, Nicole White, CEO and founder of the ID Crowd. This podcast is hosted by Emily Walker, Co-founder of the Change Republic and is often joined by Kylie Sinclair, co-founder. Learning to Thrive is a passion podcast with a focus on corporate learning, leadership and wellbeing developed with the intention of helping the learning industry thrive and be inspired in the digital age. 

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Neuroscience, working memory and learning design with Lauren Waldman, Learning Pirate
    Jun 2 2021

    We all want to design learning experiences that stick and create change right? One way to start to improve our learning design is to become more aware of working memory and how our brains work. Lauren Waldman is a globally renowned learning experience designer and learning consultant who uses an increased awareness on neuroscience to create better learning. In this episode we hear about how neuroscience influences Lauren's design and her passion for this grey lump of matter above our necks, the brain. 

    We explore

    - Lauren's experience as an adult learner 

    - Why she's passionate about using neuroscience to improve learning design 

    - Tips and insights from neuroscience and how they influence her 

    - Tips for creating better onboarding 

    - Cognitive load and working memory 

    - Metacognition, what it is and how it's relevant 

    And more! Join Emily Walker, host of Learning to Thrive and co-founder at Change Republic, Australia's number #1 learning and development talent platform. Come on a journey with us as we learn about corporate learning, design, leadership and development. Let's learn and thrive in work 4.0 

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    1 hr and 4 mins