
  • Episode 6: 2/6/22 -- Part 1 of a 3 part series -- Does “the one true church” have a membership recruitment/convert baptism problem?
    Feb 7 2022
    (As you listen to this podcast, I’d like you to imagine that you’re a manager, and you have a team of people who are assigned to work on a specific project. How is your team doing? If they’re struggling, why? For how long? Finally, what can be done to straighten out your team (with at least a modest sense of urgency)? I look forward to reading your observations in the comments.) “Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” “preach my gospel unto every creature who has not received it” If ever there was a charge given to the church, it’s to go into the world and take the gospel to every creature. Pres. Oaks said, “To proclaim the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ is a fundamental principle of the Christian faith.” It’s also a responsibility which squarely rests upon the shoulders of the Twelve: “I give unto you my servant Brigham Young to be a president over the Twelve traveling council;Which Twelve hold the keys to open up the authority of my kingdom upon the four corners of the earth, and after that to send my word to every creature.” “The responsibility to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world is explicitly given to those who were called and ordained Apostles of the Lord.” In implementing this directive, the Lord charged His servants to “seek not the things of this world but seek ye first to build up the kingdom of God.” That means whatever pertains to this world – no matter what it is – doesn’t hold a candle to building God’s kingdom. That’s why Pres. Benson said, “Preaching the saving principles of the gospel has ever been a great responsibility of first importance.” So, how is that “Go ye into all the world,” “Preach the gospel to every creature” and baptize directive going?
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    12 mins
  • Episode 5: 1/31/22 -- How King Noah's Administration and today's church Brethren are reading off the same exact script
    Feb 1 2022
    In May 2016, a blogger named "James" wrote a fascinating, well-written post. Entitled "kingnoahsnewsroom.org," this fictional/satire piece is a mock translation of a recently discovered Nephite metalwork containing the non-scriptural, yet officially sanctioned, writings of a spokesman for King Noah's court named Grima, carbon-dated to 150 BC. I've tried reaching James to see if I can re-post this here, but there's no way to reach him, and the blog has lain dormant for almost two years. What's interesting is that it brings a modern-day perspective into the story of Amulek and Alma. One of our weaknesses as a species is that we frequently fail to learn from the lessons of the past. Here's a story which will help you learn those lessons, and more importantly, help you spot their repetition in our day... (I have kept James's original text -- found here -- intact without change, except that I have broken up his paragraphs to make them a bit more readable).
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    12 mins
  • Episode 4: 1/27/22 -- Jan. 2022: When the Church of Russell M. Nelson of Latter-day Saints became more emboldened in its worship: Four examples in one month alone.
    Jan 28 2022
    As I wondered in my last post, why is it that the Church isn't mentioning God, his gifts, powers and promises, in any of their mentions regarding Covid? Now you know: We have "a prophet" (which, parenthetically, has not prophesied one thing that I'm aware of). A prophet whose words outrank those of Joseph Smith's. When he points, it's with power. When he speaks, it's as if you are hearing Jesus Christ. And as long as he lives, you should follow him, not God. It's clear to me that Elder Nelson wants to be positioned to a status that's on-par with Jesus Christ. Otherwise, he would be condemning such exalted descriptions and examples of him. Here's what the Lord said about such people: "For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." And what about those who follow -- and encourage others to follow -- such man-made gods? Here's the Lord again: "They seek not the Lord to establish his righteousness, but every man walketh in his own way, and after the image of his own god, whose image is in the likeness of the world, and whose substance is that of an idol, which waxeth old and shall perish in Babylon, even Babylon the great, which shall fall." And Nephi: "Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost." And Pres. Kimball: "Whatever thing a man sets his heart and his trust in most is his god; and if his god doesn't also happen to be the true and living God of Israel, that man is laboring in idolatry." January continues to be a month in which church members are celebrating the transcendence that is Russell M Nelson. Here are four examples of where the church's "prophet," even Russell Marion Nelson, allowed members to put him on a plane that supersedes Joseph Smith and is on-par with God.
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    10 mins
  • Episode 3: 1/23/22 -- VIDEO PROOF: "Salvation Comes ONLY through the Church" -- An Official Church Doctrine
    Jan 24 2022
    Since last August (when the First Presidency released its (in)famous message to the world about available "vaccines" having been "proven to be both safe and effective" and that we should "follow the wise and thoughtful recommendations of medical experts and government leaders") , I've been wondering why the church has never once referenced the Savior, his power, his mercy and more in their public pronouncements regarding Covid. Despite ample scriptural justifications and examples, the church has never tied the ongoing pandemic to mankind's lack of repentance. Nor has it ever referenced in its messages the gifts of the Spirit nor the Word of Wisdom and its wonderful promises. So, I concluded in my last post that church leaders have instead chosen to deny God.  This has, in turn, led me to ask God for answers. Why no Jesus? Why no Savior? Why no Master Healer? Why no Gift of Healing? Why no divine hope? Why is the church ignoring you? Why do they deny you? Why is it - when we need you the most - you're mentioned the least? And then, the other day, in a social media post stray comment, someone led me to the answer: The church doesn't need Jesus anymore. In fact, if you want to be saved in the kingdom of God, you need look no further than the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That's because… "Salvation is in the Church, and of the Church, and is obtained only through the Church." Yes, it's an official doctrine of the church. For more, listen to this podcast or visit https://ldtruths.blogspot.com/2022/01/video-proof-salvation-comes-only.html
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    10 mins
  • Episode 2: 1/16/22 -- Jan. 2020: When the Church Doubled Down on Advising Members to “Trust in the Arm of Flesh”
    Jan 16 2022
    SUMMARY: In the last two weeks, Elder Ballard and BYU-I President Henry Eyring both doubled down on the church's advocacy of following the "the wise and thoughtful recommendations of medical experts and government leaders"Both leaders said we would win the "war" against Covid by following said recommendations, whereas there was no mention whatsoever of Jesus Christ, who has offered to win the war for us. Both leaders presented statements with significant errors which do not square with facts and could easily mislead others.This has set up a situation where the church's leaders are clearly "Denying the Lord."One could even say that by the actions and statements of the Brethren, a new church has formed at "the Altar of Covid," complete with saviors, gospel, temple recommends and more.In turning to man instead of God for solutions, leaders have effectively become idolatrous, which always has and always will result in a cursing.Contrary to popular belief that the Brethren are simply "urging" members to take the jab, they are allowing local-level leaders to coerce members to get the jab or not allowed to worship inside church buildings (video proof included in blog post). For more, see our blog post at https://ldtruths.blogspot.com/2022/01/jan-2022-when-church-doubled-down-on.html
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    18 mins
  • Episode 1: 1/8/22 -- Pres. Oaks' blasting of those "silly", "political" religious exemptions
    Jan 9 2022
    Note: Below is a hypothetical letter to President Dallin H. Oaks. Had this been a real letter, it never would have been delivered to him in the first place. President Oaks, On November 12, 2021, you participated in a University of Virginia forum. When (supposedly) asked about the appropriateness of religious exemptions in light of the Covid shots, you said: It's clear to me that you are either apathetic, ignorant or in denial of objective, scientifically-validated facts regarding the jab which are free of political considerations. Below, I will explain to you why people want a religious exemption from the jab (which the church refuses to endorse).  I will cite sources with zero - I repeat, zero - political agenda. I will stick to clinical and scientific facts, with a tiny smattering of news headlines which are also apolitical in nature. ---------- Pres. Oaks, on August 12, 2021, you signed a news release stating that "Available vaccines have proven to be both safe and effective" and that "We can win this war if everyone will follow the wise and thoughtful recommendations of medical experts and government leaders." The apolitical facts speak for themselves: The Covid shots are not "safe and effective", and the "wise and thoughtful recommendations of medical experts and government leaders" have proven to be unwise and thoughtless.  Conversely, while my statements above are apolitical, your news release was a clear-cut recycling of statements by some of the most vicious political and partisan people in our country today.  Which goes to show that maybe it's not the people seeking religious exemptions - and the facts they use to justify them - that's silly (in a deadly way). Maybe it's you. P.S. I caught your usage of the term "Mormon" at the 54 second mark here, stated on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 in Rome. As much as I know Rome holds a very sacred, solemn place in the hearts of the 15 brethren, please be careful. "Mormon" is a Satanic term used to give Satan victories. Using it aligns you with Satan. In light of the church's refusal to grant religious exemptions, let people show that they take the sanctity of His holiest temples - their bodies - seriously.  Because no servant of God - no matter how high-ranking they may be - would ever tell you to ingest a proven poison into your temple.
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    14 mins
  • Episode 41: 12/31/21 -- A BOLD CLAIM: The opening verses of "Upon My House" are now underway
    Jan 1 2022
    Yesterday, news outlets reported that 91 of the church's 588 missionaries in the Provo MTC have Covid. They're now implementing additional precautions there in Provo. [52] This raises a few questions for me: Aren't the Brethren supposed to be "prophets, seers and revelators"? If so, and they foresaw this happening to the MTC, then why would they let their own missionaries get so sick? If they didn't foresee this happening to their own missionary workforce, then that raises a ton more questions.Aren't missionaries supposed to have received the jab prior to entering the MTC? How can this be? Isn't the jab supposed to be "safe and effective"? With 1/6 of the missionaries down with Covid, it doesn't sound like the jab is very effective to me.So, in light of these developments, I thought now might be a good time for a reality check into just how "safe and effective" the jab is (which the Brethren recommended we get), as well as the wisdom and thoughtful recommendations of medical experts and government leaders.
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    22 mins
  • Episode 40: 12/25/21 -- The New Latter Day Truths Podcast is now online!
    Dec 26 2021
    Latter Day Truths is thrilled to announce that we have begun the process of converting blog posts into podcasts. Accessible here as well as the "Podcasts" link in our blog's menu, the podcasts are verbatim transcripts of what's on the blog. You can either listen to the podcasts on your device, or you can download them. Please note that not all blog posts have been converted; just the most recent five. We'll continue with the conversions in batches of five -- in descending order chronologically -- as time allows. We'll announce future podcast batch conversions on the blog homepage, and any future blog posts will contain links to their corresponding podcasts. If you have any Podomatic-related questions, please contact Podomatc at podomatic.com. Thanks so much for your support and enthusiasm! It really is encouraging. If you have any suggestions for future blog posts/podcasts, please visit our contact page (also on our menu) at ldtruths.blogspot.com.
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    1 min