
  • LYV183: 😃Debunking the Protein Myth: 💪🏻Vegan Sources and Tips for a Balanced Diet | @chilled.coco @latino.vegano
    Dec 13 2024

    What if the infamous question, "Where do you get your protein?" is actually a myth in the plant-based world? Join us as we explore this provocative topic and uncover the truth behind vegan protein sources, drawing inspiration from Ved News' enlightening article, "15 Unlikely Vegan Protein Sources." If you're curious about how to maintain adequate protein levels on a vegan diet without relying solely on tofu and lentils, this episode is your go-to guide. We break down the USDA's protein intake recommendations and explain how they might shift for athletes, pregnant individuals, or those with particular medical needs. Plus, we debunk the long-standing myths around protein deficiency in developed countries and tackle how a balanced vegan diet fulfills all essential amino acid requirements.

    Get ready to rethink everything you thought you knew about plant proteins! We demystify the notion of complete versus incomplete proteins and offer practical advice on how to effortlessly meet your protein needs by simply eating a variety of plant foods throughout your day. Remember the classic rice and beans combo? We assure you that stressing over protein combining at every meal is a thing of the past. Whether you're a seasoned vegan or just exploring plant-based eating, this episode is filled with practical tips, myth-busting insights, and encouragement to help you confidently embrace a plant-based lifestyle.

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    34 mins
  • LYV182: 🎭Unmasking the Hidden Dangers of 🍔Ultra-Processed Foods: A Path to Healthier Eating | @chilled.coco @latino.vegano
    Dec 5 2024

    Could your favorite snack be silently sabotaging your fitness goals? Recent research from the Radiological Society of North America's annual meeting reveals a hidden threat to your muscle health and mobility: ultra-processed foods. These convenient yet cunning snacks may be causing fat to infiltrate your muscle fibers, undermining your strength and potentially leading to conditions like knee osteoarthritis. Even the most disciplined gym-goers and diet-watchers aren't safe from the sneak attack of these addictive combinations of sugar, fat, and salt. We break down the science behind these findings and equip you with practical strategies to resist the allure of ultra-processed foods, from making smarter choices at the store to embracing healthier snack alternatives.

    But it's not all bad news—there's hope in whole foods. We share tangible tips to help you weave more nutrient-dense options into your daily routine without feeling deprived. Meal prepping becomes your ally as we guide you through preparing veggies and grains in advance, paving the way for a flexible and fun "build your own meal" system. With ideas for delicious, easy recipes like roasted veggies and smoothies, we emphasize the importance of progress over perfection. Small steps toward incorporating whole foods can lead to profound impacts on your health, setting a strong foundation for a thriving future. Join us as we chart a path toward a healthier tomorrow, one meal at a time.

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    11 mins
  • LYV181: 🔓Unlocking 🍲Longevity: Lessons from the Blue Zones and the Power of Quinoa | @chilled.coco @rogerasmith_ @latino.vegano
    Nov 22 2024

    What can the Blue Zones teach us about living a long and healthy life? Join us as we promise to uncover the secrets of these extraordinary regions, where centenarians thrive on diets rich in plants and low in meat and dairy. Our conversation unpacks the nine lifestyle principles that guide these communities, giving you a roadmap to boost your health and happiness. We highlight the power of whole, minimally processed foods like beans, lentils, and nuts while drawing connections to modern science on heart and cognitive health. A shift towards such a lifestyle might just be the key to a longer, more vibrant life.

    Venturing further into the episode, we shine a light on quinoa, the sacred grain of the Incas, also known as Chisaya Mama or "mother grain." Discover the rich history of quinoa, from its suppression by Spanish colonizers to its resurgence as a modern superfood. We explore quinoa's unique nutritional benefits, including its status as a complete protein source. This episode is a compelling blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary health insights, offering you a fresh perspective on how the past informs our present quest for wellness. Tune in for a fascinating exploration of how these time-tested dietary principles can enrich your life today.

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    7 mins
  • LYV180: 🌾Quinoa: The Ancient 🙃Grain with Modern Superpowers Transforming Global Food Security | @chilled.coco @rogerasmith_ @latino.vegano
    Nov 15 2024

    What if the key to solving world hunger lies in a tiny seed masquerading as a grain? Join us as we uncover the extraordinary journey of quinoa, a pseudograin with ancient roots and modern superpowers. From its sacred status among the Incas to its prohibition by Spanish conquistadors, quinoa's history is as rich as its potential to nourish our future. We take a closer look at its resilience, its ability to flourish in harsh conditions, and its sustainable qualities, like having one of the lowest water footprints in agriculture. Discover how quinoa's genetic secrets are being unraveled by scientists like botanist Mark Tester to boost yields and enhance flavors, further cementing its role as a global superfood.

    Prepare to be amazed by the culinary versatility and nutritional powerhouse that is quinoa. Whether you're a seasoned fan or a curious newcomer, this episode promises to broaden your quinoa horizons with insights from the latest article by Ved News. We'll explore the diverse varieties of this pseudograin, including the popular white, red, and black quinoa, and share why it's cropping up in kitchens across the globe—from South America to Europe. As we highlight its potential in addressing global food security challenges, you'll gain fresh inspiration and practical ideas for incorporating this resilient grain into your diet. Don't miss this enlightening discussion on why quinoa could be a beacon of hope for a sustainable future.

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    10 mins
  • LYV179: 🏋🏻‍♀️From Courts to 🍨Cones: Roger Smith's Journey to Vegan Bodybuilding and Entrepreneurship
    Nov 8 2024

    What happens when a basketball enthusiast from Panama transforms into a vegan bodybuilding pioneer and entrepreneurial force in the world of plant-based treats? Roger Smith is here to share his fascinating journey from the courts to the kitchen, revealing how a chance encounter with veganism at age 22 led to a life committed to animal welfare, personal health, and groundbreaking business ventures. Discover how Roger defied early skepticism about protein intake, turning his doubters into believers while building impressive muscle strength on a vegan diet.

    As Roger and I navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of vegan fitness coaching, we weigh the impact of digital influencers on genuine coaching practices. The surge in vegan coaches is undeniable, but not without its challenges and opportunities. We explore the delicate dance between maintaining authentic coaching roles and the allure of influencer-driven markets, questioning the future shifts in the fitness industry and its broader implications on personal health and entrepreneurship.

    But it’s not just about muscle and coaching—Roger’s entrepreneurial spirit shines with his latest venture, the Chilled Cocoa vegan ice cream truck in Houston. Inspired by a memorable visit to Sweet Ritual in Austin, Roger crafts unique ice cream flavors, collaborating with vibrant vegan communities. Join us as we celebrate Roger's gratitude and contributions to the vegan movement, and the broader impact of plant-based lifestyles on fitness, business, and social responsibility. This episode is a heartfelt tribute to passion, innovation, and the power of community in fostering positive change.

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    1 hr and 44 mins
  • LYV178: Redes Sociales y Relaciones: ¿Privado o Público?
    Sep 27 2024

    ¿Hasta qué punto deberían las parejas compartir su vida en redes sociales? En este episodio de "Conversaciones Entre Nos," analizamos el impacto que tienen las publicaciones sobre nuestra relación y cómo pueden buscar una validación externa que, en ocasiones, idealiza la felicidad y perfección que mostramos al mundo. Discutimos la importancia de llegar a acuerdos con nuestra pareja sobre lo que se postea, y reflexionamos sobre si es más beneficioso y auténtico mantener ciertos aspectos de la relación en privado.

    Exploramos las justificaciones comunes para compartir momentos de pareja en redes, como mantener informada a la familia en el extranjero, y por qué estas razones no siempre son las más válidas. Silvia nos comparte una impactante anécdota sobre una mujer que descubrió la infidelidad de su pareja a través de las publicaciones en redes sociales, lo cual nos lleva a discutir cómo la sobreexposición puede complicar la privacidad y el manejo de una ruptura. Enfatizamos que al idealizar y exponer en exceso nuestra relación, corremos el riesgo de perjudicarla y generar opiniones no deseadas de amigos y familiares.

    La validación que buscamos en redes sociales puede reflejar inseguridades y una baja autoestima. En nuestro episodio, destacamos la importancia de confiar en nuestra autovaloración y no depender de la aprobación de los demás. Abordamos cómo manejamos nuestra vida amorosa en redes sociales: ¿publicamos mucho o poco sobre nuestra pareja? ¿Qué hacemos con las fotos y publicaciones cuando la relación termina? Cada elección es válida y debe basarse en lo que nos haga sentir bien. Al final, lo más esencial es que la pareja se sienta bien consigo misma, sin necesidad de buscar la validación externa. ¡No te pierdas este episodio y síguenos en nuestras plataformas para más conversaciones auténticas!

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    27 mins
  • LYV177: 🚀Launching Houston's First All-Vegan 🍨Ice Cream Truck | A Journey of Challenges and Triumphs | @chilled.coco @veganroger @latino.vegano
    Jul 10 2024

    Ever wondered what it takes to launch Houston's first all-vegan ice cream truck? Join me as I share the ups, downs, and everything in between of my six-month journey from conception to reality. Situated in Houston’s lively Montrose area, our ice cream truck isn’t just about serving delicious, cruelty-free treats—it's about building a community and inspiring others to chase their entrepreneurial dreams. I'll walk you through our setup, from the freezer to the ice cream machine, and introduce you to our vibrant neighborhood, brimming with fellow food trucks like Vigors, the 100% vegan Mexican food truck.

    But that's not all—this episode is packed with valuable insights for anyone considering starting their own business. I’ll share firsthand experiences, valuable tips, and some crucial lessons learned along the way. From the challenges we faced to the strategies that worked, my aim is to provide practical advice that can help you navigate the world of small business ownership. Whether you're a vegan food enthusiast or an aspiring entrepreneur, this episode promises to offer a mix of personal anecdotes and actionable guidance that you won't want to miss. Let's embark on this journey together!

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    4 mins
  • LYV176: Explorando el Auge del 🌱Veganismo en Latinoamérica con Mauricio Serrano | 🐔 Elige Sin Gallinas | @mauricioserranopalma @chilled.coco @latino.vegano
    May 10 2024

    Descubre el mundo del activismo vegano a través de la historia de Mauricio Serrano, quien desde su juventud en Rancagua, Chile, se convirtió en un defensor de los derechos de los animales y un pionero del veganismo en Latinoamérica. En esta entrega, nos sumergimos en su viaje personal, desde sus inicios motivados por la indignación frente al rodeo, hasta su papel actual como director de Veganuary para nuestra región. Nuestro diálogo no solo refleja la pasión y compromiso de Mauricio sino también la trayectoria de un movimiento que está ganando fuerza sorprendente en países tradicionalmente carnívoros.

    El avance del veganismo en Latinoamérica es una realidad palpable, y en el episodio de hoy, analizamos cómo este crecimiento se refleja en los cambios culturales y la proliferación de opciones veganas que ahora inundan nuestras calles y negocios. Con Mauricio, exploramos la influencia de las organizaciones civiles en la forma en que la sociedad, las empresas y el gobierno están abrazando el cambio. Desde un bar 100% vegano en Panamá hasta un aumento en la disponibilidad de sustitutos vegetales, te invitamos a escuchar cómo estas transformaciones están marcando un futuro prometedor para el veganismo en la región.

    Finalmente, te llevamos a profundizar en el veganismo como una filosofía de vida que va más allá de la elección de alimentos. Hablamos sobre la importancia de encontrar un "porqué" personal que respalde la transición hacia una vida vegana, ya sea por la salud, el medio ambiente o el amor hacia los animales. Compartimos historias inspiradoras de iniciativas veganas globales, tales como heladerías 100% veganas, que demuestran que ser ético y disfrutar de la vida son perfectamente compatibles. Únete a nosotros en esta conversación que promete motivarte a reflexionar sobre tus propias elecciones y, tal vez, a dar el paso hacia una vida más compasiva.

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    56 mins