
  • 23) 11+ edtech solutions: Atom Learning
    Jan 16 2023

    In the UK, when your child is coming to the end of their Primary School education they can opt for an entrance exam called the 11+ to see if they can gain entry to a Grammar school in their area. We turned to tech to find out what solutions existed to support with prepping for the 11+ and were introduced to Atom Learning.

    I should clarify that we didn't extensively test Atom in advance of undertaking the 11+ which is why the review solely focuses on the difference between an edtech platform to support preparing for the 11+ compared with the traditional paper-based mock tests that can be downloaded or bought online.

    Atom Learning is also not solely a platform for the 11+ and can be used outside of that to improve learning more generally for core KS2 subjects.

    Smart Online Learning & Exam Preparation | Atom Learning

    To learn more about the podcast host Karolina Throssell, visit www.iden.global

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    6 mins
  • 22) Online tech courses: Minecraft
    Oct 5 2021

    In today's show we were given the opportunity to trial one of the online courses offered by Fire Tech. Our interviewee chose to review Ultimate Factory Builder in Minecraft.

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    3 mins
  • 21) Teacher review Therese
    Aug 10 2021

    In another of our teacher reviews we hear from US-based teacher Therese about the edtech tools she uses in her classroom.

    Apps mentioned include GoNoodle, enVisionmath and ElevateScience by Pearson, Prodigy, iXL, 99math and Blooket.

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    9 mins
  • 20) KS1 Maths: NumBots
    Jul 21 2021

    In today's episode we review an app by Maths Circle, the creators of TT Rockstars. It's called NumBots and is available for schools, families and tutors and is aimed at those aged between five and seven.

    So if you're looking for an app that helps your child learn subtraction and addition with cute robot characters, it comes highly endorsed by our reviewer.

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    4 mins
  • 19) Teacher review with Halcyon
    Jun 21 2021

    We're back with another teacher review to help you find out which tech and tools are used in the classroom and the resources they recommend for home use.

    I'm joined in this episode by Halcyon, a primary school teacher currently on maternity leave and the founder of Peggy Orange, which provides educational activity boxes for those aged 3-5.

    Apps and tech mentioned in the episode include:


    Lego Duplo World

    Teach your Monster To Read

    Phonics Play

    Phonics Hero

    Purple Mash by 2Simple

    Bee-Bot and Blue-bot by Terrapin

    Show More Show Less
    14 mins
  • 18) Reading: Sora
    Jun 7 2021

    In today's episode Maya and her son Aion review reading app Sora created by OverDrive Education. It's available globally and is used by more than 48,000 schools and district partners worldwide.

    To find out more about Sora, visit the link https://company.overdrive.com/k-12-schools/discover-sora/

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    9 mins
  • 17) Teacher Review
    May 16 2021

    In today's episode we decided to get some feedback from a teacher on their favourite technology apps and tools that they use in the classroom and to support parents and their children at home.

    My guest was primary school teacher Alex Baptie. We chatted about the benefits of interactive whiteboards and visualisers in the classroom and why they work so well. We also talked about a host of other apps including PurpleMash by 2Simple, TT Rockstars, Tapestry, ScratchJr and MarvellousMe.

    Make sure you listen to the episode to find out which edtech tool Alex would pick if he was only allowed to choose one.

    If you enjoyed the episode or the podcast, please do leave us a review or subscribe.

    Show More Show Less
    18 mins
  • 16) English: Vocabulary Ninja
    Apr 30 2021

    When searching for educational apps to review on the show, there's always plenty of maths or coding related products but games aimed at improving English, can be trickier to find. So it was great when a fellow PR reached out to me with a suggestion of a website where you could play mini-games aimed at improving English and the best thing about it is that it's free!


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    7 mins