🎙️ Welcome to the Self-Study Korean Podcast, your guide to mastering the Korean language and culture. In today’s episode, we’re covering Unit 14, where we’ll talk about scheduling, making appointments, and explaining why you can’t attend plans.By the end of this episode, you’ll be able to:✅ Make and change appointments.✅ Suggest plans using 을까요? (Shall we…?)✅ Explain why you can’t do something using 못 (Cannot).________________________________________Visit our website for more details:KIIP Level 1: Unit 14–Essential Words and Phrases about Scheduling and Appointmentshttps://www.koreantopik.com/2024/12/kiip-level-1-unit-14essential-words-and.html________________________________________Essential Vocabulary🎙️ First, let’s review some important words related to appointments and scheduling.Common Terms 📅• 모임 – Meeting/Gathering• 친구 모임 – Friends’ meeting• 반 모임 – Class meeting• 직장 모임 – Workplace meeting• 약속 – Appointment/Promise• 약속하다 – To make an appointment• 약속을 지키다 – To keep a promise• 약속 시간을 정하다 – To set an appointment time• 약속 장소를 정하다 – To set an appointment place• 약속 장소를 바꾸다 – To change the appointment place• 약속 시간에 늦다 – To be late for an appointmentExplaining Situations 🤒• 일이 많다 – To have a lot of work• 야근을 하다 – To work overtime• 회식이 있다 – To have a company dinner• 몸이 아프다 – To be sick• 가족 모임이 있다 – To have a family gathering• 시험이 있다 – To have an examOther Useful Words• 같이 – Together• 그래서 – So/Therefore• 못 – Cannot• 답장하다 – To reply (to a message)• 새 – New🎙️ These words will help you discuss plans and explain scheduling conflicts with ease!________________________________________Key Phrases to Practice🎙️ Now, let’s practice some key phrases for making plans and explaining why you can’t attend an event.Making Plans 🗓️1. 커피 마실까요?– Shall we drink coffee?– 네, 좋아요. 같이 마셔요.(Yes, that sounds good. Let’s drink together.)2. 내일 몇 시에 만날까요?– What time shall we meet tomorrow?– 11시에 만나요.(Let’s meet at 11.)3. 수업 끝나고 무엇을 할까요?– What shall we do after class?– 같이 숙제를 해요.(Let’s do homework together.)🎙️ Try using Verb + ㄹ/을까요? when suggesting plans!________________________________________Explaining Why You Can’t Keep Plans 🚫4. 어제 등산 갔어요?– Did you go hiking yesterday?– 아니요. 일했어요. 그래서 못 갔어요.(No, I worked. So I couldn’t go.)5. 내일 같이 영화를 보러 갈까요?– Shall we go watch a movie together tomorrow?– 미안해요. 내일 가족 모임이 있어요. 그래서 못 가요.(I’m sorry. I have a family gathering tomorrow, so I can’t go.)6. 왜 밥을 안 먹어요?– Why aren’t you eating?– 배가 아파요. 그래서 밥을 못 먹어요.(My stomach hurts, so I can’t eat.)7. 오늘 같이 쇼핑할까요?– Shall we go shopping together today?– 미안해요. 오늘은 약속이 있어요.(I’m sorry. I have an appointment today.)🎙️ 못 + Verb is very useful for explaining why you can’t do something. Use it to politely decline invitations or explain situations.________________________________________Quiz Time!🎙️ Alright, it’s Quiz Time! I’ll say a sentence in English, and your task is to translate it into Korean. I’ll pause after each question to give you time to think. Ready? Let’s go!Question 1: How do you say “Shall we meet at the park tomorrow?” in Korean?🎙️ The answer is: 내일 공원에서 만날까요?Question 2: How do you say “Why didn’t you attend the meeting?” in Korean?🎙️ The answer is: 왜 모임에 안 갔어요?Question 3: Fill in the blank:• 오늘 같이 영화를 ______? (Shall we watch a movie together today?)🎙️ The answer is: 볼까요?• 배가 아파서 점심을 ______. (My stomach hurts, so I couldn’t eat lunch.)🎙️ The answer is: 못 먹었어요.🎙️ How did you do? Keep practicing, and you’ll improve quickly!________________________________________🎙️ That’s all for today’s episode on Unit 14 – Scheduling and Appointments! You’ve learned:✔️ How to make plans and appointments✔️ How to politely decline plans🎙️ Be sure to review this lesson and practice making plans in Korean. Visit KoreanTopik.com for more learning resources, and tune in next time for another useful lesson!🎙️ Thank you for listening, and as always, happy studying!