🎙️ Welcome to the Self-Study Korean Podcast, your guide to mastering the Korean language and culture. In today’s episode, we’re diving into Unit 13, where you’ll learn how to talk about transportation in Korea. By the end of this episode, you’ll be able to describe different modes of transportation, ask for directions, and talk about your commute with essential expressions! ________________________________________ Visit our website for more details: KIIP Level 1: Unit 13 – Essential Words and Phrases about Transportation https://www.koreantopik.com/2024/12/kiip-level-1-unit-13essential-words-and.html ________________________________________ Essential Vocabulary 🎙️ Let’s start by reviewing key vocabulary related to transportation in Korea. Transportation Types 🚗🚆✈️ • 자동차 – Car • 지하철 – Subway • 오토바이 – Motorcycle • 걸어서 – On foot • 자전거 – Bicycle • 택시 – Taxi • 버스 – Bus • 정류장 – Bus stop • 공항 – Airport • 비행기 – Airplane • 지하철역 – Subway station • 기차역 – Train station • 기차 – Train • 고속버스 – Express bus • 고속버스 터미널 – Express bus terminal • 택시 타는 곳 – Taxi stand Verbs and Activities • 타다 – To ride • 운전하다 – To drive • 환전하다 – To exchange money • 소포 – Parcel Places and Experiences • 남산 – Mt. Namsan • 전망대 – Observatory • 케이블카 – Cable car • 대중교통 – Public transportation • 수단 – Means 🎙️ These words will help you navigate transportation in Korea and describe how you get around! ________________________________________ Key Phrases to Practice 🎙️ Now, let’s practice some key phrases for talking about transportation. Talking About Transportation 🚍🚲 1. 버스로 집에 가요? Do you go home by bus? – 아니요, 지하철로 가요. (No, I go by subway.) 2. 학교에 어떻게 와요? How do you come to school? – 자전거로 와요. (I come by bicycle.) 3. 공항에 택시로 가요. I go to the airport by taxi. 4. 공원에 가요? Are you going to the park? – 네, 자전거 타러 가요. (Yes, I’m going to ride a bicycle.) Talking About Activities and Purposes 5. 한국에 왜 왔어요? Why did you come to Korea? – 일하러 왔어요. (I came to work.) 6. 친구들과 식당에 점심을 먹으러 가요. I’m going to the restaurant with my friends to eat lunch. 7. 여기에서 지하철까지 어떻게 가요? How do I get to the subway from here? – 걸어서 가세요. 가까워요. (Go on foot. It’s close.) 🎙️ These phrases will be very useful when asking for directions or discussing travel plans! ________________________________________ Quiz Time! 🎙️ Alright, it’s Quiz Time! I’ll give you some sentences in English, and your job is to translate them into Korean. Take your time and pause if needed. Question 1: How do you say, “How do you come to school? (I come by bus.)” in Korean? 🎙️ The answer is: 학교에 어떻게 와요? 버스로 와요. Question 2: How do you say, “Why did you come to Korea? (I came to study Korean.)” in Korean? 🎙️ The answer is: 한국에 왜 왔어요? 한국어를 공부하러 왔어요. Final Question: Complete the sentence using -(으)로: • 공항에 ______. (I go to the airport by taxi.) The answer is: 공항에 택시로 가요. 🎙️ How did you do? Keep practicing to get more comfortable with these expressions! ________________________________________ Conclusion 🎙️ That’s all for today’s episode on Unit 13 – Transportation. You’ve learned essential vocabulary, key phrases, and grammar points to talk about how you travel and ask for directions. These skills will help you navigate Korea and communicate your travel plans confidently! 🎙️ Be sure to review this lesson and practice speaking out loud. Visit KoreanTopik.com for more learning resources, and join us next time for another useful lesson! 🎙️ Thank you for listening, and as always, happy studying! 🚍✈️🚴