🎙️ Welcome to the Self-study Korean Podcast, your guide to mastering Korean language and culture. In today’s episode, we’ll explore Unit 10, where we focus on talking about family and using Korean honorifics. By the end of this episode, you’ll be able to describe your family, ask about others’ families, and use honorific expressions to show respect in Korean conversations. ________________________________________ Visit our website for more details: KIIP Level 1: Unit 10 – Essential Words and Phrases about Family Relations and Korean Honorifics https://www.koreantopik.com/2024/12/kiip-level-1-unit-10essential-words-and.html ________________________________________ Essential Vocabulary 🎙️ Let’s begin with some essential vocabulary. This unit is divided into three categories: Family Members, Honorific Expressions, and Others. Family Members Here are common words for family members: • 가족 – Family • 할아버지 – Grandfather (paternal) • 할머니 – Grandmother (paternal) • 외할아버지 – Grandfather (maternal) • 외할머니 – Grandmother (maternal) • 아버지 – Father • 아빠 – Dad • 어머니 – Mother • 엄마 – Mom • 여자 – Woman • 언니 – Older sister (female speaker) • 오빠 – Older brother (female speaker) • 남자 – Man • 형 – Older brother (male speaker) • 누나 – Older sister (male speaker) • 남동생 – Younger brother • 여동생 – Younger sister Honorific Expressions These are common honorific forms in Korean: • 이름 / 성함 – Name • 나이 / 연세 – Age • 생일 / 생신 – Birthday • 명 / 분 – Person (counting unit) • 있다 / 계시다 – To be/exist • 먹다, 마시다 / 드시다, 잡수시다 – To eat, to drink • 자다 / 주무시다 – To sleep • 죽다 / 돌아가시다 – To die/pass away • 말하다 / 말씀하시다 – To speak/say Others • 부모님 – Parents • 초등학생 – Elementary school student • 중학생 – Middle school student • 고등학생 – High school student 🎙️ Make sure to remember these words, as they will help you describe your family and interact politely with others! ________________________________________ Key Phrases to Practice 🎙️ Now, let’s practice some useful phrases for talking about family and using honorifics: Talking About Family Members 1. 가족이 몇 명이에요? (How many family members do you have?) – 네 명이에요. 아버지, 어머니, 여동생이 있어요. (Four. Father, mother, and younger sister.) 2. 언니가 있어요? (Do you have an older sister?) – 네, 한 명 있어요. (Yes, I have one.) Asking About Activities (Honorifics) 3. 할머니가 지금 뭐 하세요? (What is grandmother doing now?) – 책을 읽으세요. (She’s reading a book.) 4. 김 선생님은 지금 뭐 하세요? (What is Teacher Kim doing now?) – 선생님은 지금 한국어를 가르치세요. (The teacher is teaching Korean.) Using Honorific Locations and Activities 5. 이분은 김 선생님이세요. 김 선생님은 한국어를 가르치세요. (This is Teacher Kim. Teacher Kim teaches Korean.) 6. 할머니가 방에 계세요. 할머니가 주무세요. (Grandmother is in the room. She is sleeping.) Expressing Preferences and Contrast 7. 한국어 공부가 어때요? (How is studying Korean?) – 한국어가 어렵지만 재미있어요. (Korean is difficult but interesting.) 8. 오빠는 회사원이지만 저는 학생이에요. (My older brother is an office worker, but I am a student.) 🎙️ These phrases are great for discussing family and learning how to use honorifics in real-life conversations. ________________________________________ Quiz Time! First question: How would you say, “How many family members do you have?” in Korean? 🎙️ The answer is: 가족이 몇 명이에요? Next question: How would you say, “What does your grandmother do in her free time?” in Korean? 🎙️ The answer is: 할머니가 여가 시간에 뭐 하세요? Final question: How would you say, “My father is a doctor, but I am a student” in Korean? 🎙️ The answer is: 아버지는 의사지만 저는 학생이에요. 🎙️ How did you do? Keep practicing these sentences to build your confidence in Korean! ________________________________________ Conclusion 🎙️ That’s all for today’s episode on Unit 10 – Family Relations and Korean Honorifics. In this lesson, you’ve learned essential vocabulary, phrases, and honorific expressions that will help you talk about your family and communicate respectfully in Korean. 🎙️ Thank you for listening, and as always, happy studying!