
  • Stupid Criminals: Case of The Confused Dentist.
    Sep 21 2022

    California Dentist Says Groping Was Part of Treatment

    The attorney for a Woodland dentist told jurors that his client massaged women's chests as part of a medical treatment. Defense attorney Michael Rothschild told the six-man, six-woman Yolo County jury that Mark Anderson was treating his female clients for temporomandibular disorder, or TMD.

    The attorney says the condition affects the muscles of the upper body. Anderson faces 19 felony charges for skin-to-skin contact and one misdemeanor for touching a patient's breasts over her clothing. The incidents occurred between February 2005 and his arrest in August 2007 and brought complaints from 14 women.

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    1 min
  • Celebrity Facts You Didn't Know: Rihanna Pays How Much Money For That?
    Sep 21 2022

    Rihanna Spends More than $1M a Year on Keeping Her Hair Fly

    Whether she has cherry-red locks, a shaggy blonde bob, or an inky black pixie cut, her hair always looks good. And given how much money she spends on it, that’s not surprising.

    According to reports, Rihanna spends over $1 million on her hair every year. That comes out to over $22,000 per week.

    That sounds like an outrageous amount to spend on hair, and for most people, it would be. But with Rihanna’s investment in the beauty industry, keeping up her appearance isn’t just vanity. She is protecting her brand, and Rihanna’s brand is perfection. (Showbiz Cheatsheet)

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    1 min
  • Stupid Criminals: The Case of the 360 Billion Dollar Check
    Sep 21 2022

    Florida Man Tries To Cash A $368 Billion Dollar Check To Start Underwater Restaurant

    Jeff Waters walked into a Florida Bank of America Monday morning and attempted to cash a check for $368,000,000,000 dollars. The check Waters had written to ‘Cash’ was reportedly from U.S. Bank of Idaho and issued in the 90s. Tellers at the Jacksonville bank were immediately suspicious. Waters explained to bank officials a homeless man named Tito Watts sold him the blank check several months ago for $100 and told Waters the check would clear for any amount of money that Waters wanted to write it for.

    Waters wanted the $368 billion to start an Italian restaurant. “It’s always been my dream to own the best Italian restaurant in the earth,” Waters told police. “I’m 10% Italian. Cooking authentic Italian food is in my blood. I had planned to make the restaurant 80 million sq. feet and able to accommodated (sic) 30 million eaters at once, plus it was gonna be totally underwater so people could look at sharks while they ate. But the bank wouldn’t give me my money they owed me. Tito said the check was good for any amount I wanted to write it for. So blame Tito, not me. I’m as innocent as a schoolgirl.” In addition to a forgery count, Waters was charged with unlawfully carrying Chinese stars and possessing bath salts. He was released after posting $23,000 bail.

    Just when you think Florida can’t produce any more of these yahoo criminals, another resident wows us all with a stunt like this.

    …And how the hell did he post $23k in bail money? This guy is walking around higher than a kite on bath salts, trying to cash a billion dollar check and he just forks over $23k cash to bail himself out of jail??? He is certainly a character! Yikes! (awesome jelley)

    Seriously Stupid Criminals: Complete Collection


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    1 min
  • Apple Computers Are Not Immune To Viruses!
    Sep 21 2022

    Are Macs really immune to viruses?

    Many people think that Apple devices - like iPhones and Macs - are immune to malware. But are they really? The answer, unfortunately, is no. So why do so many people hold this common misconception? Let's break it down.

    Understanding why PCs get viruses

    Viruses are always written for a specific platform, so a virus written for Windows can only run on a Windows machine.

    Now consider that the aim of a computer virus is to spread to as many other machines as possible, much like the common cold spreads through the population when we hit winter. Attackers are obviously going to most often target the platform that the majority of people use in order to get the best return from their attack.

    For desktop and laptop computers, the most popular operating system happens to be Windows. And for smartphones, it's Android. That's why they're the most common targets for malware.

    Security through minority

    Up until recently, criminals considered Macs a less attractive target because they weren’t in use nearly as much as Windows. In 2021, macOS counts for just under 10 percent of the market share, compared with Windows's 88 percent.

    This gave Macs ‘security through minority’. Many attackers don't bother targeting Macs because there aren't enough potential victims to make it worth their while. Macs aren’t immune to viruses. They’re just less exposed to the threat.

    The changing landscape

    Though Windows operating systems still dominate the market share, macOS has become more popular, especially seeing as big businesses like Google is now predominantly using Macs for its employees.

    As more and more businesses choose macOS, the more appealing they become as a target for viruses. Recent years have seen some rather nasty viruses and malware attacking Macs, exploiting the false sense of security so many people hold.

    So, no, Macs are not immune to viruses. And as they become more popular it will become ever more apparent just how dangerous this myth is. If you're a Mac user or your employees use them in your business, it’s better to install anti-virus software than it is to rely on blind faith.After all, are you willing to risk your data on the hope that the odds remain ever in your favour? (Pensar)

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    1 min
  • Sports Contract Disasters: New York Knicks Guard Allan Houston
    Sep 21 2022

    Allan Houston: Six years, $100 million

    Long before the salary cap spiked, the New York Knicks have Allan Houston a six-year, $100 million contract, starting with the 2001-02 season. This made him the franchise’s highest-paid player ever at the time.

    Houston was a good player for the Knicks the previous five seasons, preceding the massive contract with 17.7 points per game on 44.8 percent shooting and 39.7 percent on three-pointers. He even worked on the 1999 NBA Finals team.

    The contract’s first two years worked fine, with 20.4 and 22.5 points per game, respectively. The Knicks, however, began their slump in these seasons that lasted for the rest of the decade, including the injuries that began Houston’s quick decline in 2003-04, playing 50 games.

    Continued ailments derailed Houston’s 2004-05 season to just 20 games and 11.9 points per contest, which was a career-low aside from his rookie year. He retired afterward, and the rest of his contract remained on the books in 2005-06.

    This deal saddled New York’s payroll for most of its span, and, when healthy, the team still struggled. It was the start of a disastrous time for the organization, and it set them back for years. (Fansided)

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    1 min
  • Silly Wacky Crazy Funny True Laws: Adultery is a felony-level crime in Michigan!
    Sep 21 2022

    Michigan is a purely "no-fault" state when it comes to divorce. In order to obtain a divorce, one spouse need only show that there are "irreconcilable differences," which means the marriage is so badly damaged that you can't save it. (Mich. Comp. Laws § 552.6 (1).)

    Because Michigan is a no-fault state, it doesn't matter who's at fault for the divorce. The judge won't listen to evidence about marital misconduct, such as adultery. In fact, the person asking for the divorce can't even mention anything other than the breakdown of the marriage in the divorce complaint. This saves time, prevents mudslinging in the courtroom, and should reduce the level of conflict in the divorce.

    But does adultery have any impact on divorce outcomes? Michigan defines adultery as "the sexual intercourse of two persons, either of whom is married to a third person." (Mich. Comp. Laws § 750.29.) Adultery is a felony-level crime in Michigan, but the state will only prosecute it if the innocent spouse files a criminal complaint within a year of the offense. (Mich. Comp. Laws § 750.30-31.)

    In reality, prosecutions for adultery are rare. (Divorce Net)

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    1 min
  • 14 Ways To Get A Husband Based On The 1958 McCall Magazine
    Sep 21 2022

    Back in 1958, women's magazine, McCall's, published a list of the 129, yep that's right 129, sure fire tips and tricks ladies could try to snare a husband.

    Let's just say, some of them are, by today's standards at least, a little unusual.

    From "carrying a hat box" around with you, to "sobbing quietly in a corner", this 129 tips-strong list is filled with bizarre and quirky ways to attract the attention of a potential suitor.

    How about "getting a job selling fishing tackle", or "learning to paint and setting up an easel outside an engineering school"?

    And if you think your friends could be the reason you're finding yourself dateless, well, the list has something you can do about that too - "don't room with a girl who is a sad sack and let her pull you down to her level" - brutal

    Another slightly sinister tactic involves "reading the obituaries to find eligible widowers", while simply "sitting on a park bench and feeding the pigeons" could be the way to your future husband's heart.

    The exhaustive list full of tips is helpfully divided into sections to help women net their dream guy every step of the way.

    It starts with 'where to find him', then follows on to 'how to let him know you're there', next up is 'how to look good to him', seamlessly followed by 'how to land him', and finally 'wild ideas - anything goes'.

    So if you're REALLY struggling and want some advice from 1958 - here's the list in full. (Mirror)

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    2 mins