• 194. [Class REPLAY] Homeschool 101: Making it So Easy that ANY Mom Can Get Started!
    Jul 1 2024

    Check out the Step-by-Step Path to Homeschooling (the easy way!) | TeachMeToHomeschool.com

    Apply for a Homeschool Mom Scholarship to Receive 1/2 Off your First Steps to Homeschool™ Tuition **Application Period ENDS AUGUST 1** | FirstStepsToHomeschool.com

    WATCH the Homeschool 101 Live Replay (and get the slides!) | KatieHedrick.com/Homeschool101

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    25 mins
  • 193. Simplifying Homeschool! How to Turn Your Ordinary Days into Learning Opportunities
    Jun 24 2024

    Ahhhh… The expectations. The checklists. The household chores. Your kids education?!

    Somehow we’re overwhelmed just thinking about all the things that we are supposed to be doing well. And somehow, well…. It feels hard. Like we can’t possibly keep up with it all.

    What if it didn’t have to be so hard?

    Guess what, mom?

    …Homeschooling doesn’t have to be hard!

    My sister, Dori Colborn (mom of 4) joins me (mom of 3) on the podcast today for a discussion about how to simplify your homeschool. Trust me, with 7 kids in the mix, we’ve found a few tactics for getting things done and making things work. There are only so many hours in the day, right?! Necessity is the mother of invention!

    The key to making this happen? Find ways to “let it be easy.”

    Dori and I are about to help you simplify your homeschool, as you learn how to turn ordinary, every day events into learning opportunities. (It’s easier than you think!)

    Press play, mama. This conversation can’t wait another minute!


    Find this Episode on the Blog | KatieHedrick.com/193


    Grab a seat at my (Free!) upcoming class -

    Homeschool 101: Making so Easy that ANY Mom can Get Started!

    Tuesday, June 25 at 2 pm CST

    Register here | KatieHedrick.com/Homeschool101


    Need a little homeschool help?

    • (Free!) Homeschool Curriculum Guide | TeachMeToHomeschool.com
    • Katie’s “How to Homeschool” Course | FirstStepsToHomeschool.com


    Resources Mentioned:

    • “Homeschool Basics” | https://amzn.to/4bTrJek
    • “Teaching from Rest | https://amzn.to/3X471nt
    • “Love and Respect” | https://amzn.to/458d3FC
    • Todd Wilson | https://thesmilinghomeschooler.com
    • Penny and Friends children’s books | KatieHedrick.com/AmazonBooks

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    41 mins
  • 192. How Do my Kids Honestly Feel About Homeschooling?!
    Jun 17 2024

    I did a thing.

    I invited my three kids onto the podcast to talk openly and honestly about their thoughts on homeschooling. Nothing was pre-scripted and I didn’t even tell them the questions I would be asking. I wanted them to share off the cuff, and from their hearts.

    They didn’t hold back and a few of their answers even surprised me (in a good way)!

    So often, we hear the mom’s take on homeschooling, but it’s a whole different thing to hear it from the perspective of the kids being homeschooled.

    Join us for the conversation, as the kids answer questions like…

    • What’s been your favorite thing about homeschooling?
    • What has surprised you?
    • What’s been most challenging for you?
    • How have your family relationships changed?
    • Would you ever go back to public school?
    • What are you most looking forward to in the years to come?

    It’s a tell-all episode on the Joy at Home podcast!


    Find this Episode on the Blog | KatieHedrick.com/192


    Grab a seat at my (Free!) upcoming class -

    Homeschool 101: Making so Easy that ANY Mom can Get Started!

    Tuesday, June 25 at 2 pm CST

    Register here | KatieHedrick.com/Homeschool101


    Need a little homeschool help?

    • (Free!) Homeschool Curriculum Guide | TeachMeToHomeschool.com
    • Katie’s “How to Homeschool” Course | FirstStepsToHomeschool.com


    Resources Mentioned:

    • Joy at Home with Katie Hedrick YouTube Channel | KatieHedrick.com/YouTube
    • IEW Language Arts Curriculum | KatieHedrick.com/IEW (Search for “Fix it! Grammar”)

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    19 mins
  • 191. Exposing the TRUTH about the LIES Homeschool Moms Believe
    Jun 10 2024

    Don’t do it, mom. Don’t tell yourself that lie again.

    Eek! I’ve done it too. We all have. It’s so easy to whisper little lies into your own heart…

    “I’m not qualified to teach my kids.”

    “What if I’m failing them?”

    “What if they fall behind?”

    “I don’t have enough hours in the day to make this all work.”

    “I’m not doing enough.”

    There’s a BIG problem with those little lies. Whatever you’re telling yourself, your brain believes it to be true. And get this… your brains starts LOOKING for ways to back it up.

    Let’s break up with the lies, friend. Join me on the pod today, where Kelsey Sorenson (from Educate and Rejuvenate) and I are exposing the TRUTH behind those lies you’re believing.

    This episode will change your life (and your mind)!


    Find this Episode on the Blog | KatieHedrick.com/191


    Educate and Rejuvenate Tickets | https://educateandrejuvenate.com/sp/er-summer-2024-homeschool-mockup-b/?aff=124

    Need a little homeschool help?

    • (Free!) Homeschool Curriculum Guide | TeachMeToHomeschool.com
    • Katie’s “How to Homeschool” Course | FirstStepsToHomeschool.com
    Show More Show Less
    41 mins
  • 190. How We Homeschool | The Hedrick Family (From Public School to Homeschooling)
    Jun 3 2024

    For years and years, my kids were in public school. (I was public schooled myself!) I never dreamed that I could or would be homeschooling them. Yet, here we are…

    God spent years, whispering to my heart, “what if you homeschooled?” Meanwhile, he slowly opened some doors and closed other ones.

    He transformed my mama heart from feeling unqualified and unequipped, to one that overflows with joy and gratitude. All because of… homeschooling.

    Today, I’m sharing about the journey that my family has been on. One with twists and turns… one that took our family from public school to living the homeschool life… one that transformed us into a thriving family who is growing in relationship with God and each other. I wouldn’t trade what we’ve found for anything.

    Whether you're considering homeschool for your family, or you’re just looking for a wholesome listen, this episode holds a heartwarming story that you don’t want to miss!


    Find this Episode on the Blog | KatieHedrick.com/190


    Need a little homeschool help?

    • (Free!) Homeschool Curriculum Guide | TeachMeToHomeschool.com
    • Katie’s “How to Homeschool” Course | FirstStepsToHomeschool.com

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    28 mins
  • 189. Anger Management for Moms? 3 Ways to Cope when You’re at Your Breaking Point
    May 20 2024

    Mom Anger.

    Without going ANY deeper, I know that if you’re a mom, you understand. You’ve seen it. You’ve felt it. And you wish you had better self-control over it. Right?

    Galatians 5:22-23 talks about the fruit of the spirit, and how we should be living out self-control in our daily lives. But it can be SO hard. Especially when we’re tired, or when we’re easily triggered.

    You know what I’m talking about…

    The kids start arguing or back-talking, or you’re running late and someone’s clothes “just don’t feeeeeeeel right” as you’re trying to get out the door. Ahhhhh!

    It wells up inside you and then…. BOOM! Mom anger explosion.

    (For the record, I’ve wrestled with this too. You are SO not alone.)

    So, let’s do something about it!

    Samantha Semans, founder of The Abundant Woman Collective and I are diving deep into #momanger today on the podcast. Join us to learn about:

    • How to manage the things that trigger you

    • Self-care (what it really is) and ways that you can fill your cup

    • What it looks like to “redeem mom anger”

    • 3 practical ways for you to have more self-control

    You’ll love Samantha’s quirky, relatable, loving-truth approach. (This is truly one of my most favorite episodes so far! Sam is just the best!)

    I’ll meet you on the pod, mama friend. It’s time to do some anger management!


    Find this Episode on the Blog | KatieHedrick.com/189


    Looking for Your Next Step?

    Anxiety Relief | This Mini Course is the Antidote —> KatieHedrick.com/AnxietyAntidote

    Life Breakthrough | Get the Step-By-Step Blueprint —> FaithFueledBreakthrough.com

    Homeschool Help | Get the Free Curriculum Guide —> TeachMeToHomeschool.com

    Time + Home Management | Find Simple Solutions (and Proverbs 31 wisdom) Here —> WisdomWomanAcademy.com

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    40 mins
  • 188. Hard Conversations (Part 4) How to Get your Kids to Open Up for Connection and Conversation
    May 6 2024

    As a mom, you want deep connection and a great relationship with your children, right? But it can be HARD to get them to open up.

    The tough topics are important, mama. And there are so many benefits to going there.

    Stephanie Kelsey joins me on the podcast today to chat about why it’s important to have the hard conversations with your kids. She’s also giving tips about how to get them to open up and share their hearts, no matter what age or stage they are in.

    Let’s talk about talkin,’ mama!


    Find this Episode on the Blog | KatieHedrick.com/188


    Looking for Your Next Step?

    Life Breakthrough | Get the Step-By-Step Blueprint —> FaithFueledBreakthrough.com

    Anxiety Relief | This Mini Course is the Antidote —> KatieHedrick.com/AnxietyAntidote

    Homeschool Help | Get the Free Curriculum Guide —> TeachMeToHomeschool.com

    Time + Home Management | Find Simple Solutions (and Proverbs 31 wisdom) Here —> WisdomWomanAcademy.com

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    52 mins
  • 187. Hard Conversations (Part 3) Talking to your Spouse about Sex (and other Tough Topics)
    Apr 22 2024

    We’re going deep (on a spicy topic) in today’s episode of Joy at Home.

    You guessed it… we’re talking about sex. And about how to talk to your husband ABOUT sex (and other tough topics).

    After your relationship with the Lord, your marriage should be the next thing on your priority list. Yet, how often do you find yourself going through the motions day after day, doing (or not doing) things out of obligation?

    As wives, we’re really missing out… on the connection that hard conversations bring, on the gift that marriage is, on the beauty of building trust and intimacy, on the deepening of relationship with our spouse, and (yes!) even on the pleasure that sex should bring.

    Relationship Coach, Mary Whitman-Ortiz is joining me today to share her best tips about how you can have fruitful conversations with your husband. She’s also sharing about what to do when difficult, uncomfortable topics come up.

    Ultimately, Mary is bringing a ton of encouragement to let you know that having hard conversations about sex can and will lead to a healthy, fulfilling sex life and marriage for both you and your spouse!

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    29 mins