
  • 013 - "Luca" (12/5/21)
    Dec 6 2021

    In our most intersectional episode yet, the gang pays homage to their Italianx listeners. What's gayer, a movie with gay characters or a gay following? Listen to the certified "community" experts weigh in, while the Joe's punch their membership cards of the Cuomo Innocence Project.

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    56 mins
  • 012 - "Charlie Wilson's War" (8/16/21)
    Aug 16 2021

    We return for a special season 2 opener of the pod with a Fall of Kabul episode. For the occasion, we bring on David, our man on the ground in Kandahar province and Joe's Senior Afghanistan Correspondent. We discuss Charlie Wilson's War, but Ryan has seen it so we don't really care. Like everyone on Twitter, we give our hot Afghanistan takes. And while they may be a little too bullish on crypto, our takes are a helluva lot better than anything the former Bush administration officials are shelling out on Fox News this week. So tune in and enjoy the show!

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    31 mins
  • 011 - "Scooby Doo - The Movie" (6/13/21)
    Jun 13 2021

    This episode gets RAW. The Joe's welcome their first guest, the truly hilarious Kyle. Jamie is back with his shenanhigans. And the whole Joe's "gang" investigates the forerunner to the weird Sonic Movie edit with the messed up eyes with Scooby Doo - The Movie. This is an episode you truly won't want to miss!

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • 010 - "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2" (5/23/21)
    May 23 2021

    Our first guest star really brings the ruckus to the pod this week. Listen to Ryan, Tristan, and "Jamie" discuss Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2, and discuss the links to Avatar, BLM, Blues Brothers, and Al Roker. Buckle up, as this triumphant return comes on air with Joe's Being Bros live in studio.

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • 009 - "Throw Momma from the Train" (5/9/21)
    May 9 2021

    For our Mother's Day Special, Tristan and Ryan discuss the world's shortest and most forgettable movie with Danny Devito in it. A film brave enough to ask the question: What if Danny Devito played somebody with mental health issues? We dive into the writer's room to discuss the himbo union rep. And we make sure to discuss Tristan's beautiful mother. Wonederful Women's Day to all, and to all a good afternoon!

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    59 mins
  • 008 - "V for Vendetta" (5/2/21)
    May 3 2021

    This week's episode is a bit more laid back. Listen to us discuss the terrorist at the core of V for Vendetta, and listen to Ryan take his editing skills to a new level with a lil bit Tchaikovsky's canons in the 1812 Overture paced throughout. We've got some party talk, and lessons for life, as we get real talking about the Natalie Portman meh performance.

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    51 mins
  • 007 - "When Harry Met Sally" (4/25/21)
    Apr 26 2021

    Today's episode really runs the gambit. We've got it all in our analysis of the Snyder Cut of Harry vs. Sally. We talk rom, we laugh about com. Of course we talk politics, and about Ryan's recent trip to New York City. Take a listen, there's a little something for everybody!

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • 006 - "Chicago" (4/18/21)
    Apr 19 2021

    In our longest pod yet, we give the breakdown of "our fair city", Chicago. We talk Renee Zellweger, the first repeat appearance in the Joe's Being Bros cinematic universe. There are fist fights and heartbreaks and so much more in an action packed production.

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    1 hr and 5 mins