• Episode 1105 - Jarvis Kingston Peace be still! In the same way that Jesus spoke these words over the waves in the storm, I too speak these w
    Sep 19 2024
    Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Matthew 8:26
    When the waves of life rise, anchor yourself in Jesus.

    Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus calming the storm and healing a demon-possessed man. Jesus demonstrated His authority over nature and the spiritual realm, calming both a raging storm and a tormented soul with His powerful word.
    Bible in a Year: The Storm Within
    And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

    Mark 4:39
    Have you ever felt overwhelmed by life’s storms, wondering if you would make it through?

    The disciples experienced such a moment on the Sea of Galilee. As a fierce storm threatened to capsize their boat, they were filled with fear. But Jesus, asleep amid the chaos, awoke and with a simple command, calmed the wind and waves. His words, “Peace, be still,” brought instant calm to the stormy sea, revealing His divine authority over nature.

    What does Jesus' calming of the storm teach us about His power and presence in our lives?

    It reminds us that no matter how turbulent our circumstances, Jesus has the power to bring peace and calm. His presence with us in the storm assures us that we are never alone.

    How can you invite Jesus into the storms of your life?

    Upon reaching the shore, Jesus was met by a man possessed by a legion of demons. This man, tormented and ostracized, ran to Jesus, recognizing His authority. Jesus commanded the demons to leave, freeing the man from his torment. This miraculous deliverance showcases Jesus' authority over the spiritual realm and His compassion for those who are suffering.

    What does the healing of the demon-possessed man teach us about Jesus' compassion and power? It shows that Jesus is not only willing to confront the spiritual battles we face but is also powerful enough to bring us complete deliverance and restoration.

    How can you rely on Jesus for both physical and spiritual healing?

    Reflecting on these stories, we see that Jesus' power and authority extend over all creation, whether calming a physical storm or delivering a soul from spiritual bondage. His love and compassion drive Him to bring peace and healing to every aspect of our lives.
    Reflect on the storms in your life that are causing you fear or distress. Are you seeking Jesus’ presence and trusting in His power to bring peace?

    Trust in His authority over both the physical and spiritual battles you face. Seek His peace in prayer and rely on His power to bring restoration and healing.

    Whatever you’re facing today, however deep the valley, hot the oven, or troubling the circumstances, God sees it, hears your sighs, and is acting in response to your prayers.

    “And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.”
    MATTHEW 8:26
    Peace be still! In the same way that Jesus spoke these words over the waves in the storm, I too speak these words over the storms in my life. When others come to me to bring up the magnitude of the storm I may be facing I will in all boldness remind them of the magnitude of my God. For there is nothing that I can’t conquer because Jesus who lives inside of me has already conquered this world and every trouble in it. No matter the demonic attacks around me I will not be moved when I am standing face to face with satan and his traps! Because of Jesus and His sacrifice I now possess more power than the darkest of enemies. Thank You Jesus! Thank You that I am set free and that I also have the power to point people to You and Your absolute freedom. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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    15 mins
  • Episode 1104 - Jarvis Kingston Trust in God's justice when faced with evil and strive to live righteously knowing that the final judgment wi
    Sep 18 2024
    Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Matthew 13:44
    Trust in God’s justice, for it is perfect and sure.

    Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus' parables on the kingdom of heaven. He taught about the coexistence of good and evil, the unparalleled value of God's kingdom, and the final judgment where the righteous will be separated from the wicked. These parables reveal the profound truths of God's kingdom in simple, relatable stories.
    Bible in a Year: Stories of the Kingdom
    Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

    Matthew 13:44
    Have you ever wondered what the kingdom of heaven is like?

    Jesus used parables to paint vivid pictures of God’s kingdom, revealing its nature through simple yet profound stories. One such parable is about a farmer who sowed good seed in his field, only to have an enemy sow weeds among the wheat. When the plants sprouted, the weeds appeared too. Rather than immediately uproot the weeds, the farmer allowed both to grow together until the harvest, illustrating the coexistence of good and evil until the end times.

    What does this parable teach us about the presence of evil in the world?

    It reminds us that while evil exists, it is temporary and will ultimately be dealt with by God at the final judgment. We are called to live righteously, trusting in God’s ultimate justice.

    How do you respond to the presence of evil around you, knowing God's justice will prevail?

    Jesus also compared the kingdom of heaven to a treasure hidden in a field and a merchant searching for fine pearls. When the treasure and the pearl were found, they were deemed worth more than everything else the finders possessed. This highlights the incomparable value of God’s kingdom, worth any sacrifice to attain.

    What sacrifices are you willing to make for the sake of God's kingdom?

    Finally, Jesus likened the kingdom to a net that gathers all kinds of fish. When the net is full, the good fish are kept, and the bad are thrown away. This parable emphasizes the final judgment, where the righteous and wicked will be separated.

    How does knowing about the final judgment influence your daily life and decisions?

    Reflecting on these parables, we see that the kingdom of heaven is a place of great value, mixed with both good and evil until the end, and ultimately a realm where God’s justice prevails. These truths call us to live with a kingdom mindset, valuing God's reign above all else and trusting in His justice.
    Reflect on the values and priorities of your life. Are you living with a kingdom mindset, valuing God's reign above all else?

    Trust in God's justice when faced with evil and strive to live righteously, knowing that the final judgment will bring separation of the righteous and the wicked.

    Whatever you’re facing today, however deep the valley, hot the oven, or troubling the circumstances, God sees it, hears your sighs, and is acting in response to your prayers.

    “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.”
    MATTHEW 13:44
    Dear God, help me to realize that I have an enemy, Satan. Help me to realize and recognize when he is planting seeds of dissension, division, and chaos in the fields of purpose in my life. As I acknowledge this truth I confess that I need Your word to help illuminate and decipher the weeds that satan has planted and the seeds that You’ve called me to deposit into the soil of my future. Like precious treasure, Your Word will I keep hidden in my heart because it is through these truths that the key to eternal life and an abundant life here on earth is realized. I am committed to protecting Your Kingdom, and nothing on this earth will make me compromise my character to give up the treasure I’ve found in You Jesus. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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    15 mins
  • Episode 1103 - Jarvis Kingston I’m healthy & ready to have Your word produce a crop of abundance 30, 60 and 100 fold. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
    Sep 17 2024
    Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Mark 4:32
    Cultivate your heart to be good soil for God’s truth.

    Today’s daily devotional is about the parable of the four soils, where Jesus teaches about different responses to God's Word. The soils represent various heart conditions, with the good soil yielding a fruitful crop. This parable challenges us to reflect on our own hearts in response to God's message.
    Bible in a Year: The Four Soils
    But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

    Matthew 13:23
    Have you ever wondered why some people seem to thrive in their faith while others struggle?

    Jesus’ parable of the four soils provides profound insights into this question. As Jesus taught by the shores of Galilee, He described a farmer sowing seeds on different types of soil, each representing the various conditions of human hearts.

    What does each type of soil represent in our response to God's Word?

    The path represents a hardened heart where the word is quickly snatched away. The rocky ground signifies those who receive the word with joy but fall away when trouble comes because they have no root. The soil among thorns illustrates those who hear the word but are choked by life's worries, riches, and pleasures. Finally, the good soil represents those who hear, accept, and produce a fruitful crop.

    How can you ensure that your heart is like the good soil?

    Cultivating a heart like the good soil involves being open, receptive, and committed to applying God’s Word in our lives. It means removing the "thorns" that choke our faith, such as distractions and worldly concerns, and allowing our roots to grow deep through prayer, study, and obedience.

    What steps can you take to deepen your spiritual roots and cultivate a fruitful heart?

    Reflecting on the parable, we are challenged to examine the condition of our hearts. Are there areas where we are resistant to God’s Word? Are there distractions that prevent us from growing spiritually? By addressing these issues, we can become more like the good soil, ready to receive and act on God’s Word, producing a bountiful harvest in our lives.
    Reflect on the current state of your heart. Are there areas where you need to be more receptive to God's Word?

    This week, focus on cultivating a heart that is like the good soil. Remove distractions and worries that choke your spiritual growth, and invest time in prayer, study, and application of the Scriptures.

    “But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it.”
    MARK 4:32
    Those who have ears to hear… hear. These words are the staples in which I am listening to today's reading. Lord I thank You that You’ve given me the Bible to help lead and guide me in the way that I should live my life. Jesus, thank You for being the personification of the living Word here on earth. As I meditate on today's truth found in Matthew 13 and Mark 4:1-32, I realize that Your word is the seed in which all of my purpose and destiny will blossom and come forth through. Therefore my heart will not be like the soil that allowed Your seed to lay unprotected so that other people around me can steal what You’ve deposited in me. My heart will not be like the shallow soil that could not allow the root of Your word to take hold so when the trials of life come it withers under the heat of pressure. I also declare that I will not let Your word fall on the thorns of life and become so focused on my trials that they choke Your promises out of my thoughts and speech. I declare that my heart and my life is good soil. I declare that I’m healthy and ready to have Your word produce a crop of abundance 30, 60 and 100 fold. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jarvis-kingston--1517583/support.
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    15 mins
  • Episode 1102 - Jarvis Kingston This week, focus on embodying Jesus' compassion and grace. Approach those who may need your forgiveness or wh
    Sep 16 2024
    Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Luke 7:43
    Love flows abundantly from a forgiven heart.

    Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus accepting a broken woman and rebuking the Pharisees for their judgment. The woman wept at Jesus' feet and anointed Him with perfume, seeking His healing. Jesus highlighted the Pharisees' hardened hearts, teaching a powerful lesson on forgiveness and grace.
    Bible in a Year: Broken and Forgiven
    Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.

    Luke 7:47
    Have you ever felt unworthy of love and forgiveness?

    The story of the sinful woman who anointed Jesus' feet with perfume is a powerful testament to the transformative power of grace and forgiveness. This woman, scorned by society, recognized her need for Jesus' healing and wholeness. Despite the judgment she faced, her faith led her to a profound encounter with Jesus.

    What does the woman’s act of anointing Jesus’ feet teach us about humility and repentance?

    Her actions demonstrated deep humility and a sincere desire for forgiveness. By weeping at Jesus' feet and anointing Him with precious perfume, she expressed her recognition of her sins and her faith in Jesus' power to forgive and restore.

    How do we respond to others who seek forgiveness and healing?

    When Simon the Pharisee judged Jesus for allowing the woman to touch Him, Jesus exposed the hardness of Simon's heart. He told a parable illustrating that those who are forgiven much, love much. This powerful message reminds us that our response to others should be one of compassion and grace, recognizing our own need for forgiveness.

    How can you cultivate a heart of compassion and forgiveness like Jesus?

    Reflecting on Jesus’ response to the woman, we are encouraged to embrace an attitude of forgiveness and grace, both towards ourselves and others. Recognizing our own need for forgiveness helps us extend the same grace to those around us.

    What steps can you take to live out Jesus’ example of grace and forgiveness in your daily life?

    By following Jesus' example, we learn to welcome those who seek healing and forgiveness, offering them the same compassion and grace that Jesus extends to us. This week, make an effort to forgive those who have wronged you and to seek forgiveness where you have wronged others.
    Reflect on your own experiences with forgiveness. Are there areas in your life where you need to extend or seek forgiveness?

    This week, focus on embodying Jesus' compassion and grace. Approach those who may need your forgiveness or who you need to ask for forgiveness, and take steps to reconcile.

    “Simon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged.”
    LUKE 7:43
    When I feel the weight and burden of my past, when I begin to feel the shame and guilt from the abuse of my past. I will come before You Jesus and bring to You whatever strength and worship I have left. I will pour out my praise and worship to You like the woman and her alabaster box of oil, because I know that in Your presence is love, acceptance, and forgiveness. As I bow before You in prayer I thank You for forgiving me and redeeming me from any past afflictions. Even in the midst of scoffers and haters I know that You are pleased and touched by my act of surrender. Use me Lord to help redeem others who may be in a similar position, use me to take those who feel unworthy and to reconnect them to their value and true worth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jarvis-kingston--1517583/support.
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    15 mins
  • Episode 1101 - Jarvis Kingston Protect Your Edge | Church Note | Numbers 20:2-13 | Ephesians 4:12 | Ephesians 4:16-18 | Prayers Up NFL News
    Sep 15 2024
    Another church note from Jen Deleon !

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jarvis-kingston--1517583/support.
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    15 mins
  • Episode 1100 - Jarvis Kingston Breaking News Election Votes UFC 306 WNBA NCAAF NFL Football Papua New Guinea Singapore Kenya Ai Trump Kamala
    Sep 14 2024
    News round up for this week prayers !

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    15 mins
  • Episode 1099 - Jarvis Kingston Through the activation of my great faith I will do great things on Your behalf Lord! In Jesus’ Name, Amen. !!
    Sep 13 2024
    Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Luke 7:9
    Faith knows no distance; it trusts in the unseen power of The Messiah.

    Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus healing the centurion’s servant. The centurion demonstrated remarkable faith, believing that Jesus could heal his servant with just a word. Jesus honored this faith, and the servant was healed. This story shows the power of faith and Jesus’ authority over sickness.
    Bible in a Year: The Roman Soldier
    When Jesus heard these things, he marvelled at him, and turned him about, and said unto the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

    Luke 7:9
    Have you ever placed your faith in someone’s ability to help from a distance?

    The Roman centurion did just that when he sought Jesus to heal his ailing servant. Understanding authority, the centurion believed that Jesus' command alone could bring healing, even without His physical presence. This profound faith in Jesus' power and authority over sickness amazed Jesus and resulted in the servant's miraculous recovery.

    What does the centurion’s faith teach us about recognizing Jesus' authority?

    The centurion’s recognition of Jesus' divine authority led him to trust completely in Jesus' word. This faith, not dependent on physical proximity, highlights the power of believing in Jesus' capability to intervene in our lives, regardless of distance or circumstance.

    How can we apply the centurion’s example of faith in our daily lives?

    Jesus honored the centurion's faith, demonstrating that genuine faith in His authority can lead to miraculous outcomes. When we trust in Jesus' power and sovereignty, we open the door for Him to work mightily in our lives.

    What situations in your life need a declaration of faith in Jesus’ authority?

    The centurion's story reminds us that faith is not about physical evidence but about trusting in Jesus' word and His power to transform situations. We can approach Jesus with confidence, knowing that He hears our prayers and can bring healing and restoration with just a word.

    How can you cultivate a faith that trusts in Jesus’ authority over every aspect of your life?

    Reflecting on this story, we are encouraged to deepen our faith and trust in Jesus. By acknowledging His supreme authority and seeking His intervention, we align ourselves with His power to bring change and healing.
    Reflect on the areas in your life where you need to exercise greater faith in Jesus’ authority. Are there circumstances where you are seeking physical evidence instead of trusting His word?

    This week, practice declaring your faith in Jesus over your situations, believing in His power to bring change and healing from a distance.

    “When Jesus heard these things, he marvelled at him, and turned him about, and said unto the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.”
    LUKE 7:9
    I stand with full belief Lord, as I look to You, to restore health to every place in my being. I choose to stand on the truth of Your Word and declare that healing is mine for the taking because of the sacrifice and blood of Jesus. In the same way the centurion soldier believed in Your spoken Word Jesus, I know that through Your Holy Bible Your Word is being spoken to me all the time, and with the same faith I know that whatever You command as done is done! Thank You Lord for bringing dead things back to life like the bones in Ezekiel. Thank You that even though my dreams seem to be dead in a coffin, You can resurrect them back to life! So in the name of Jesus I command healing to flood my life! In the name of Jesus, I command dead dreams and visions to breathe new life and to arise! Through the activation of my great faith I will do great things on Your behalf Lord! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jarvis-kingston--1517583/support.
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    15 mins
  • Episode 1098 - Jarvis Kingston Jesus prioritized mercy and healing over rigid adherence to rules, teaching us the importance of compassion
    Sep 12 2024
    Your Daily Prayer 🙏🏾 Matthew 10:1
    Your background doesn’t define your future in God’s kingdom.

    Today’s daily devotional is about Jesus calling His twelve disciples. Despite the Pharisees' opposition, Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath and then chose a diverse group of twelve men to follow Him. These disciples, not chosen for their abilities but for their hearts, were instrumental in spreading the kingdom of God.
    Bible in a Year: The Twelve
    Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

    Matthew 9:37-38
    Have you ever felt inadequate or unqualified for a task?

    Jesus’ selection of His twelve disciples shows that God’s call is not based on human qualifications but on His divine purpose. On a Sabbath, Jesus entered the synagogue and healed a man with a withered hand, despite the Pharisees' attempts to catch Him breaking Sabbath laws. This act of compassion and defiance highlights Jesus’ commitment to doing good and showing God’s love, regardless of societal constraints.

    What can we learn from Jesus’ response to the Pharisees?

    Jesus prioritized mercy and healing over rigid adherence to rules, teaching us the importance of compassion and doing good, even when it goes against societal norms.

    How can you apply Jesus’ example of compassion in your daily life?

    After this event, Jesus went to a mountain and chose twelve men from His followers to be His closest disciples. These twelve were a diverse group, including fishermen, a tax collector, and a zealot. They were not chosen for their abilities or status but for their willingness to follow Jesus and learn from Him.

    What does the selection of the twelve disciples teach us about God’s calling?

    The disciples’ varied backgrounds remind us that God’s call is inclusive and based on His purpose for our lives. Jesus saw their potential to be transformed and to carry His message to the world.

    How can you embrace God’s call in your own life, despite feelings of inadequacy?

    Reflect on the qualities that made the disciples effective: humility, willingness to learn, and faith in Jesus. As you follow Jesus, trust that He equips those He calls and that your unique background and experiences can be used for God’s glory.
    Reflect on the times you have felt unqualified or inadequate for what God has called you to do. Are there areas where you need to trust more in God’s ability to equip you?

    This week, focus on developing a heart of humility and a willingness to learn from Jesus. Embrace your unique experiences and background, trusting that God can use them for His purpose.

    “And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.”
    MATTHEW 10:1
    God I thank You that when You choose people for greatness, You don’t choose the people who look the part, but You choose those whose hearts are pure and whose willingness shouts louder than any shortcomings they may have. Jesus, because You chose 12 of the most unlikeliest of characters and personalities, I will not look for perfection when choosing those who run alongside me, but I will look for people whose hearts are pure and who have a genuine willingness to pursue the things of God. Through 12 disciples You turned the world right-side up, Jesus, and through my relationships and friendships I know we will make a lasting impact! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jarvis-kingston--1517583/support.
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    15 mins