• Licence to Podcast - Special Mission: Alien
    Feb 22 2025
    As we're unable to get into the studio to review a film right now (stupid life getting in the way of our fun!!) here's an episode from another of our podcasts called 'Let's Go to the Movies' where we discussed one of the great horro/sci fi films Alien.

    We would love to get your Negligent Discharge on this film or anything else so send it to Licence to Podcast on Facebook, Instagram and X (Twitter) or email hello@licencetopodcast.com
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    49 mins
  • Licence to Podcast: Emergency Episode - The Takeover
    Feb 22 2025
    004 and 009 have stopped what they were doing and raced into the studio to discuss the news of Amazon taking over James Bond as Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson step aside from their roles as long time producers of the series.

    What will it mean? What does the future hold in store for our famed "Gentleman Spy"? How can we get in on the action?? These and many more questions are discussed in our Emergency Episode.

    As always we would love to get your thoughts so send your Negligent Discharge to Licence to Podcast on Facebook, Instagram and X (Twitter) or email hello@licencetopodcast.com
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    26 mins
  • Licence to Podcast - Special Mission: In The Line of Fire
    Feb 9 2025
    004, 009 & Lucy Galore travel back to a time when the world was a simpler place. Unlike today, you may have been happy to take a bullet for the President.... unless you're Clint Eastwood who is still a bit upset about dodging the seering kiss of death destined for JFK on a fateful Dallas morning in.

    In the Line of Fire is a 90's thriller featuring 004's spirit animal, Clint Eastwood, portraying Frank Horrigan, a man who annoys women and would-be-assassins in equal measure. Side note: There is a drinking game in this one if you take a shot every time Tim says he loves something.... but we hope you don't have to drive the next day.

    Lucy is unimpressed with a few (read: all) of Frank Horrigans comments to fellow agent and love interest Lili while 009 offers a philosophical question or two.

    Please note we swear more than usual in this episode just in case you have kids in the car.

    Keep your Negligent Discharge coming to Licence to Podcast on Facebook, Instagram and X or email hello@licencetopodcast.com
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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • Licence to Podcast - Special Mission: The Indy Rankings
    Jan 27 2025
    It's been a while since we ranked anything so 004 & 009 thought it was a great opportunity to make Lucy watch 5 films in a week so they can rank everything they love about the Indiana Jones series.

    Be prepared to be surprised as your three hosts share the things they love and loath from all five of the Indiana Jones films.... there are issue which require deep introspection from all involved!

    Your Negligent Discharge is here as well so keep sending it to Licence to Podcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or email hello@licencetopodcast.com
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    1 hr and 38 mins
  • Licence to Podcast - Special Mission: The Spy Who Dumped Me
    Jan 9 2025
    The team are back in the studio to check out the womens Rom-Com (disputed heavily by Lucy Galore) "The Spy Who Dumped Me" as Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon head off to Europe with their McGuffin in a secret place.

    Our 91st episode subject is thanks to Lazy Felix.... and Lucy may have mentioned sometime but we can't remember.

    Find out why 009 is so confused, how often 004 has dumped someone via text or just take a shot everytime Lucy says "vagina"? Did we just invent a new drinking game???

    Keep your Negligent Discharge coming to Licence to Podcast on X, Instagram and Facebook or email hello@licencetopodcast.com

    NB: Our website is still under construction with the Grand Opening predicted sometime between next month....... and 2030
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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • Licence to Podcast - Special Mission: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
    Dec 22 2024
    It's almost December 25th and nothing says Christmas like a special mission on the Licence to Podcast. This time your trio of champions are back to take on the Goblet of Fire for our 90th episode.

    So should a parent have to sign a permission slip so their child can be chased by a fire-breathing dragon? Does Hermione end up with the wrong man? What has Tim been working on in his spare time?

    All will be revealed... over almost 2 hours!! Seriously we didn't realise how much we dug into this one ......plus there's your Negligent Discharge (featuring the return of one of our favourite experts).

    Keep the discharge comiing to Licence to Podcast on Facebook, Instagram and X or email hello@licencetopodcast.com
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    1 hr and 56 mins
  • Licence to Podcast: The Man with the Golden Gun Redux
    Nov 30 2024
    There's been a lot going on in the world for Lucy and the boys so it's great to get back into the studio to review one of our favourite Bond films (...or at least it used to be!)

    The Man with the Golden Gun takes us to south east Asia in the mid-70's to pursue the worlds greatest assassin, Francisco Scaramanga and his golden bullets.

    In this episode we enjoy your Negligent Discharge, 009 shares a special interview from London, Lucy Galore takes issue with a 'Bloody Tourist' and 004 has a big announcement. Tim also provides the photo for this episode and explains how this came about too.

    Spread your Negligent Discharge at Licence to Podcast on Facebook, Instagram and X or email hello@licencetopodcast.com
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    1 hr and 24 mins
  • Licence to Podcast - Special Mission: The Fugitive
    Oct 5 2024
    004 and 009 go on the run with Harrison Ford pursued by Tommy Lee Jones in the early 90's classic thriller "The Fugitive".

    Its a wild ride as the boys discuss suprise casting choices, the most beautiful smile in the world and the death penalty.

    As always, we love your Negligent Discharge so send it to hello@licencetopodcast.com or Licence to Podcast on Facebook, X or Instagram.

    009 is going on the run with his famiuly to the UK and and Europe for a few weeks so keep an eye on the Facebook page for a few James Bond locations too.
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    1 hr and 50 mins