• Ivana's Journey: Exploring Dubrovnik's Silent Paths

  • Sep 29 2024
  • Length: 15 mins
  • Podcast

Ivana's Journey: Exploring Dubrovnik's Silent Paths

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ivana's Journey: Exploring Dubrovnik's Silent Paths Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/ivanas-journey-exploring-dubrovniks-silent-paths Story Transcript:Hr: Ulice Dubrovnika bile su mirne te jeseni.En: The streets of Dubrovnik were quiet that autumn.Hr: Ivana je šetala uskim kamenitim putovima, uživajući u zvucima mora i šapatu borova.En: Ivana walked the narrow, stony paths, enjoying the sounds of the sea and the whispering of pine trees.Hr: Vratila se iz Zagreba i sada je živjela u kući svoje bake.En: She had returned from Zagreb and was now living in her grandmother's house.Hr: Sjećanja su bila svuda oko nje.En: Memories surrounded her.Hr: Jednoga dana, otkrila je nešto neobično.En: One day, she discovered something unusual.Hr: U sandučiću je našla staru, rukom crtanu kartu.En: In the mailbox, she found an old, hand-drawn map.Hr: Ivana je odmah primijetila da karta vodi po kvartu gdje je odrasla.En: Ivana immediately noticed that the map depicted the neighborhood where she grew up.Hr: Papir je bio blijed, rubovi izlizani.En: The paper was faded, the edges worn.Hr: Nitko osim nje nije mogao ni naslutiti što bi moglo biti nacrtano.En: No one but her could even guess what might be drawn.Hr: Osjećala je zov avanture.En: She felt the call of adventure.Hr: Možda to ima veze s njezinom bakom?En: Could this have something to do with her grandmother?Hr: Pozvala je Luku, prijatelja iz djetinjstva.En: She called Luka, her childhood friend.Hr: Luka je sada bio lokalni povjesničar.En: Luka was now a local historian.Hr: Njegovo lice zasjalo je sjetom kad je ugledao Ivanu, no karta ga je zabrinjavajuće promatrala.En: His face lit up with nostalgia when he saw Ivana, but the map watched him with concern.Hr: "Možda je to šala", rekao je skeptično.En: "Maybe it's a joke," he said skeptically.Hr: Ali Ivana je bila odlučna.En: But Ivana was determined.Hr: "Molim te, Luka.En: "Please, Luka.Hr: Moglo bi biti važno.En: It could be important."Hr: "Počeli su slijediti tragove karte.En: They started following the map's clues.Hr: Ona ih je vodila kroz labirint ulica, pokraj starih kuća i skrovišta koja su često bila njihove igrališta.En: It led them through a labyrinth of streets, past old houses and hideaways that were often their playgrounds.Hr: Sunce je lagano zalazilo dok su se približavali staroj fontani u sredini trga.En: The sun was gently setting as they approached the old fountain in the center of the square.Hr: Bablje ljeto svoje je boje prosipalo po zidinama.En: The colors of an Indian summer spilled over the walls.Hr: Stigli su do fontane.En: They reached the fountain.Hr: Ivana je prošaptala, "Ovdje je", pokazujući na kartu.En: Ivana whispered, "It's here," pointing to the map.Hr: Luka je pomogao pomaknuti kamen koji je djelovao klimav.En: Luka helped move a stone that appeared shaky.Hr: Iza kamena, mala kutija bila je skrivena.En: Behind the stone, a small box was hidden.Hr: Otvorili su je uzbuđeni.En: They opened it excitedly.Hr: Unutra je bio stari medaljon.En: Inside was an old locket.Hr: Ivana ga je prepoznala s bakinih fotografija.En: Ivana recognized it from her grandmother's photographs.Hr: "Ovo je njezino!En: "It's hers!"Hr: " Ivana je rekla ganuto, suza blistavih očiju.En: Ivana said emotionally, tears shining in her eyes.Hr: Luka je blago stisnuo njezinu ruku.En: Luka gently squeezed her hand.Hr: "Znao sam da ćeš nešto pronaći", rekao je s osmijehom.En: "I knew you'd find something," he said with a smile.Hr: Dok su se vraćali kući, Ivana se osjećala povezano s prošlošću.En: As they returned home, Ivana felt connected to the past.Hr: Medaljon je bio kao most, spajao ju je s bakom i njezinim duhom.En: The locket was like a bridge, linking her to her grandmother and her spirit.Hr: Luka i Ivana su nastavili šetati kroz lišće koje je pucketalo pod nogama.En: Luka and Ivana continued walking through the crisp leaves underfoot.Hr: Njihovo prijateljstvo je ojačalo, a Ivana je u srcu osjetila da se stare veze neprekidno nastavljaju u novima.En: Their friendship grew stronger, and Ivana felt in her heart that old bonds continuously persisted in new ones.Hr: Njihova pustolovina završila je, ali novi početci su prolazili s mirisom soli i borova.En: Their adventure had ended, but new beginnings passed with the scent of salt and pine.Hr: Dubrovnik je šaptao priče, a Ivana ih je sada znala čuti.En: Dubrovnik whispered stories, and Ivana now knew how to hear them. Vocabulary Words:quiet: mirneautumn: jeseninarrow: uskimwhispering: šapatupine: borovadiscovered: otkrilaunusual: neobičnomailbox: sandučićuhand-drawn: rukom crtanuneighborhood: kvartufaded: blijededges: ruboviworn: izlizaniadventure: avanturehistorian: povjesničarnostalgia: sjetomconcern: zabrinjavajućeskeptically: skeptičnodetermined: odlučnalabyrinth: labirinthideaways: skrovištaplaygrounds: igralištafountain: fontaniIndian ...
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