• I'm Your Huckleberry or is it Huckle-Bearer? It's Your Break Audio Forensics
    Jan 1 2024

    We all love movie quotes and in recent years none of them has made us question what was said as much as a classic line from Tombstone, "I'm your huckleberry," (or is it I am your huckle-bearer?").

    The movie Tombstone is considered one of the most iconic westerns ever, however, back in 2021, this movie had people convinced that a new Mandela effect had occurred, all because of a viral video from Chip Leach, claiming that we got it wrong about what Doc Holliday said.

    In this episode of Audio Forensics, we'll take a deep dive into what Doc Holliday actually said. Watch or listen to this podcast to find out the truth in this episode of It’s Your Breaks Audio Forensics!

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    Tombstone –Hollywood Pictures - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108358/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk

    Sweetheart of the period – Rolla Herald -https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/131379796/

    Chip Leach - TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@chipleach/video/7038788707889007878?lang=en

    Adventures of Tom Sawyer – Mark Twain - https://www.amazon.com/Adventures-Sawyer-SeaWolf-Illustrated-Classic/dp/1953649904/ref=sr_1_20?keywords=book+for+tom+sawyer&qid=1704116855&sr=8-20

    Adventures of Huck Finn – Mark Twain - https://www.amazon.com/Adventures-Huckleberry-SeaWolf-Illustrated-Classic/dp/1953649807/ref=sr_1_18_sspa?keywords=book+for+tom+sawyer&qid=1704116881&sr=8-18-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGZfbmV4dA&psc=1

    I'm Your Huckleberry - Val Kilmer - https://valkilmer.com/im-your-huckleberry-a-memoir-signed-by-val-kilmer-paperback/

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    11 mins
  • I'm Your Huckleberry - IYB Audio Forensics Trailer
    Dec 13 2023

    We all love movie quotes and in recent years none of them has made us question what was said as much as a classic line from Tombstone. The movie Tombstone is considered one of the most iconic westerns ever, and that’s not even up for debate. However, back in 2021, this movie had people convinced that a new Mandela effect had occurred, all because of a viral video claiming that we got it wrong about what Doc Holiday said.

    #tombstone #docholiday #moviequotes #podcast #huckleberry #mystery

    Narration by Jonathan Mertz (host)

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    1 min
  • Is Black Friday Right For YOU!
    Nov 25 2023

    In this episode we take a look at Black Friday and ask is it right for you?

    If you don’t want to listen but would rather read what we say then continue reading.

    Today is Black Friday, which means there is a lot of craziness going on and people are just looking for deals. Throughout the day, the deals sometimes get better, and sometimes they get worse. Items may sell out quickly or the deal just isn’t there on the item you are looking for.

    After Black Friday comes Cyber Monday and it seems that a lot of people are starting to skip Black Friday sales for Cyber Monday. To compensate for that, many businesses are offering almost the same exact deals on Friday and then turn around and do it again on Monday. Or they may offer certain items on Friday and certain items on Monday, just so that they can drive traffic to their sites. Amazon has been trying to do this throughout the year with Amazon Prime days. They do it to either get rid of inventory or they do it to make you think you're getting a deal.

    Let's be honest, that's what most advertising is, they make you think you're getting a real big deal when you're really not, (Not when it comes to their costs). There are exceptions, there are some that lower their prices in hopes that they will sell in volume to make up the profit. Certain gaming systems like PlayStation or Xboxes don’t make their money off the consoles, they make their money off the games. That's why you spend so much more money on games than the system over time.

    The main reason people are taking advantage of these deals are due to corporations and society making us think that we have to as it is that time of season where they wrap a holiday around products to motivate us to buy.

    People buy holiday and birthday gifts because they feel obligated to, not because they necessarily want to. If somebody close to you gave you a gift out of the blue with no holiday or birthday surrounding it, how would that make you feel? Would you appreciate that gift more because it wasn’t tied to an obligation?

    I am willing to bet that gift would make you smile and enjoy it more because it was unexpected.

    I think we miss the point of gift giving because we are in a consumerist world when it comes to gifts, and these Black Friday deals. This doesn't mean that we need to stop buying, no, no… I'm not trying to say that. What I'm saying is that we need to make sure when you do this stuff, you're doing it within reason and within a fixed budget. If you are shopping for the holidays, please make sure you have a fixed budget. Do not put yourself in tremendous debt for the holidays. Trust me, your little ones, will get over it if they don’t get everything. Older kids will understand, especially if you open up to them about what's going on financially. Make them understand the value of money, and that not everybody is able to buy what some others may get for the holidays.

    Now, with that said, still shop at Amazon, Walmart, or Macy's. Go and shop anywhere you want to get the deal. If it's on sale and you've got it within your budget, get it.

    Remember that nobody that truly matters and that understands will say that we have to get the top-notch stuff. We don’t truly need Gucci or Michael Kors bags. You don't have to get Tommy clothes. You don't have to get all of these big designer items that are way overpriced.

    If you can get a $40 pair of jeans that looks and lasts just as long as a $150 pair of designer jeans, why would you waste your money? At that point you are only buying a name.

    I know you have goals and plans so shop wisely and look for deals and take advantage of them if they are within your budget!

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    9 mins
  • Shelbyville Art and Craft Show
    Aug 8 2023

    Here at It's Your Break we have dedicated the entire month of August to festivals. And in this episode, we are focusing on a local Kentucky festival, the Shelbyville Art and Craft Show. We speak with Sherry Kramer with ArtSpark Productions, the minds behind the festival.

    This year marks their 3rd year and the show keeps growing. Listen to the episode and learn how the festival came to be.

    For more info on the festival or ArtSpark Productions visit ⁠artsparkproductions.com⁠.

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    22 mins
  • It's Festival Season, but WHY?
    Aug 1 2023

    We are in the heart of the festival season, but why? In this quick break from It's Your Break you'll learn why!

    Also, do festivals benefit small towns? The answer may surprise you in this episode!

    Links Mentioned:



    University of Tenn. Paper: https://www.cis.tennessee.edu/sites/default/files/The%20Economic%20Impact%20of%20Festivals%20on%20Small%20Towns%20Gwen%20Shelton.pdf

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    3 mins
  • Better Call Daddy Or At Least Reena Friedman Watts - It's Your Break - Interview
    Apr 19 2023

    In life, there always seems to be that one person you lean on the most. That person could be your best friend, spouse, partner, grandparents, your mom, or your dad. No matter who that person is you confide in them and you put your trust in them. Sometimes they have a way of seeing things with their wisdom and perception that makes us understand situations better.

    In Reena Friedman Watt's case, her rock is her dad. He is the one she always turns to and is the inspiration behind her podcast Better Call Daddy. Why did she focus her podcast around him? Join host Jonathan Mertz to find out the answer to this question and more in this latest podcast episode of It's Your Break!

    Reena Links -

    Instagram: @bettercalldaddypodcast


    Twitter: @BetterCallDadd1 @reenareena

    LinkedIn:Reena Friedman Watts

    Website: https://bettercalldaddy.com/


    Remember to Subscribe and to tell your friends about our show.

    Instagram: @itsyourbreak

    Twitter: @itsyourbreak

    Website: https://itsyourbreak.com/

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • What A Fool Believes - It's Your Break's Audio Forensics - 0001
    Mar 20 2023

    This is It's Your Break's new information and news feature called Audio Forensics. It's where we break down some of the most iconic pieces of audio and/or music by getting the stories that surround them or finding out what makes them up. In this episode, we will take a look at the Doobie Brothers’ classic, What a Fool Believes and find out why it is so controversial!

    Can this song be called a Doobie Brothers' song? Who are the superstars involved with the legends of this song? Was Michael McDonald a record label plant? We cover these questions and more in this episode.

    This news and information piece used the following sound bites:

    Song Clips:

    Doobie Brothers - What A Fool Believes

    Kenny Loggins - What A Fool Believes

    Kenny Loggins - Footloose

    Michael McDonald – I Keep Forgettin’

    Warren G – Regulate

    News and Interview Clips:

    Entertainment Tonight – Michael Jackson – What A Fool Believes Clip


    The Big Interview with Dan Rather – Doobie Brothers Clip


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    17 mins
  • A Crossroads Dream featuring Chris McGill - It's Your Break Podcast
    Feb 7 2023

    Our host Jonathan Mertz reconnects with his friend and former co-worker Chris McGill (of McGill Media) to talk about his new internet radio station, "Crossroads La Grange - Classic Hits."

    This station plays the classics like Aerosmith, Fleetwood Mac, and Doobie Brothers but the station does much more than that.

    So, why start a new internet radio station? Well, you can watch or listen to the episode on Spotify or listen to it on Apple, Amazon, Google or iHeart radio apps.

    For more information on our guest:



    Facebook - McGillMedia

    Crossroads La Grange

    For more on our host, Jonathan Mertz click the links below:


    Twitter – @jonathanmertz

    Instagram – @jonathanmertz

    Tiktok – @jonathanmertz

    YouTube – @jonathanmertz

    Follow It’s Your Break:


    Twitter – @itsyourbreak

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    YouTube – @itsyourbreak

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    29 mins