Our sensory systems are constantly providing us with a flood of information throughout our day. For some children, this flood of information is too overwhelming and it impacts their daily functioning.
Add to that the environment of a busy, bustling classroom of learners and it may be more than our students that are sensory avoidant can tolerate.
Luckily, there are many tools and strategies available to support these learners at school!
Listen in as Evie and I unpack what it means to be sensory avoidant and discuss some classroom friendly options that may work for these students.
Evie Kirou is a school-based occupational therapist affiliated with John McGivney Children’s Centre in Windsor, Ontario. Throughout her clinical experience at CBI Home Health, Niagara Children’s Centre, and John McGivney Children’s Centre, she has collaborated with children, youth, families, and community partners in many different environments (schools, family homes, childcare centres). Evie is passionate about helping children and youth alike discover their unique strengths and optimal potential, while working to remove barriers in their daily school participation and classroom functioning through evidence-based occupational therapy techniques and strategies.
For more information, tools and strategies please visit theparentseducator.com