• From Death To Life: Tear Down This Wall - Pastor Christopher Coats
    Jun 24 2024

    It was on June 12, 1987, that President Ronald Reagan said those famous words, “Mr Gorbechev, tear down this wall!” At that time, Berlin was a divided city, with the Berlin Wall separating Communist East Berlin from Democratic West Berlin. The Wall was not just a physical barrier, but also a symbol of the Cold War division between communist Eastern Europe and democratic Western nations.

    Although the Berlin Wall is now in the past, it seems like we have more walls than ever these days. Discord, disunity, and division are always in the news. The constant negative messaging can leave us disheartened, believing that we are in constant threat of violence or oppression. Others deny there are any issues and believe all division is in the past. Who is right, and where can we find hope? Join us as we continue our series, From Death to Life. We will look at Ephesians 2:11-22, where the apostle Paul teaches us the only way to experience true reconciliation and freedom.

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  • From Death To Life: Confidently Connected - Pastor Christopher Coats
    Jun 16 2024

    Do you ever wonder how those hookups on tall buildings that look like fire hydrants work? They're called standpipes, and they're crucial for fire safety. If they're not connected properly, disaster can strike.

    Just like a building needs a reliable water supply for its standpipes to function, we need to be deeply connected to Christ for our spiritual life to thrive. Join us to explore Ephesians 1:15-23, where Paul prays that we tap into the tremendous power, hope, and inheritance available to us through Christ. Come and learn how to connect deeply with your faith and live out the incredible blessings God has for you.

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  • From Death to Life: From Death to Life - Pastor Colby Rohde
    Jun 10 2024

    We are kicking off the summer in the best way possible – with a new sermon series in the book of Ephesians, titled “From Death To Life”. Written to Christians navigating a culture known for its wealth, diversity, and rampant idol worship, Paul's letter showcases the life-giving power of the Gospel. This power not only affects us for eternity but also empowers us to live purposefully and with conviction as we grow deeper in our faith.
    We will start by diving into the longest sentence in the Bible, filled with incredible truths from the Apostle Paul, who was bursting with excitement about the wealth we can have as we follow Jesus Christ. It’s here we see the full scope of God’s love, the incredible blessings He has for us, and the impact it has on our relationships at home, in the church, and beyond. Join us as we consider what God has made us to be, do, and have in Christ, and how we can display this wealth to the world.

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  • Like No Other: An Ending Like No Other - Pastor Christopher Coats
    Jun 3 2024

    We are tackling a big, important topic for this week's service. What would you say if I told you there is one element of Christianity that, if you were to prove it false, would render the entire faith to be useless? It may sound dramatic, but Christianity is all about one thing. If that one thing is false, the rest really doesn't matter! Come listen to the final message of our Spring series, Like No Other, with an Ending Like No Other.

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  • Like No Other: Worth Like No Other - Pastor Colby Rohde
    May 27 2024

    When you visit a doctor's office, you're often asked, "So, what brings you here?" The reasons can range from a simple sore throat to more serious concerns. The same applies to coming to church to worship - not everyone comes for the same reasons. Some motives are more pure than others and simply being present isn’t always what matters most.

    In this message we're going to dive into an unforgettable Passover in Jerusalem, where Jesus encountered four different groups coming to the temple, each with their own reasons for being there. He responded to each according to God's heart on the matter. Join us as we continue our series “Like No Other” in the Gospel of Mark. We’re going to explore these encounters, reflect on our own motivations, and respond to the life-altering invitation put before us.

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  • Like No Other: Values Like No Other - Pastor Christopher Coats
    May 19 2024

    Have you ever thought about who God’s VIPs might be? We might assume it’s people with a lot of talent or a big following, but Jesus said something completely different. Here we will study Mark 10 and learn why Jesus thinks children should get front-row seats and why a rich man might need more than a budgeting app to enter heaven. In short, God’s kingdom flips our values upside down! We must learn to let go of something we want at the moment to achieve something we genuinely dream about.

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  • Like No Other: A Preview Like No Other - Pastor Christopher Coats
    May 12 2024

    In this episode, we will explore an incredible moment in Mark 8 when the Disciples realized that Jesus was indeed "the" Christ. After that realization, Jesus taught them what it truly means to be the Christ. His response to their declaration surprised the Disciples, and it just might surprise you, too!

    As we continue our sermon series, "Like No Other," in the Gospel of Mark, we will see how this revelation is key to understanding all of Jesus' teachings. It reveals the human heart and its response to God's powerful truth.

    Join us as we dive into this profound moment, reflect on our own understanding, and respond to the life-altering invitation Jesus puts before us.

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  • Like No Other: A Timetable Like No Other - Pastor Christopher Coats
    May 5 2024

    Take a moment and think about a time when you were really in a hurry. When you had one of those days when your issue, need, or concern was so essential that you had to jump to the front of the line to ensure it happened. How do we feel if it doesn't work out in those moments?
    With this message, we will learn about a man named Jairus. He came to see Jesus with an incredibly pressing need, perhaps the most urgent need that could ever exist. Jesus promised to help, but then he was delayed, and what happened next truly shocked the world! Be sure to listen so we can talk about it as our series about Jesus called Like No Other continues!

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