" When I go to these houses I'll see you know these wipes on the toilets on top of the toilet tanks and I see a lot of baby wipes and those are a no no..."
- Bobby Crowder, Plumbing Expert
Bobby Crowder from The Family Plumber joins Jim Klauck (Check A Pro Joe) today on the show!
To flush or not to flush wipes down the toilet? That is the question today on the program!
Check out this episode of The Plumber Podcast to find out more... For more information about The Family Plumber in Surprise, Arizona log on to www.callthefamilyplumber.com or check them out at www.checkapro.com. Visit Us At - TheFamilyPlumber.com
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Podcast Episode Transcript:
This question comes up all the time are those flushable wipes that we use those personal wipes something that we should be putting in the toilet aren't they safe to flush down the toilet I've asked my good friend Bobby Crowder he's the family plumber in surprise AZ to answer this question for my listeners here today on the program hey Bobby how are you hey Joe how are you I'm doing fantastic thanks for joining me here on the program so some people don't ask the question they just throw everything including the kitchen sink into the toilet and they wonder why they call you out to you know have you clean out that line you know to get it unclogged so are these flushable wipes flushable well actually when I go to these houses a lot I'll see you know these wipes on the toilets you know on top of the toilet tanks and stuff like that the I see a lot of baby wipes and those are of no so any flushable wipes even though it says you know biodegradable it really is not most of them are not there is one that does do quite well we've done a lot of research and done tests and stuff and the one that does is the Cottonelle it actually breaks down the other ones do not after 24 hours they're just they're still like a big cotton mess so you've heard of icebergs before right yeah now these are called fatbergs is what we call that birds are softballs so if that bird is just like a big mass of fluid you know flushable wipes feminine hygiene products disposable diapers everything down and then it's combined with you know solidified fats so it just becomes big softball fat bird is what we call them so mostly residentials or the we call them softballs but yeah those are not the best thing if you're going to do that I highly suggest you know put them in a trash can or something like that because you're just going to mess up your sewer line and you have to have one of us come out and unblock that for you but if you're going to do anything I would definitely you know start the cotton mills that's for sure the tip of the day is don't put Q-tips in there don't put anything in there even Kleenex but just you know anything that's you know toilet paper disgusting fine but I have a recommendation which is totally coming from left field don't use toilet paper and you're like what do you mean don't use toilet paper well Europeans often don't they use the bidet and you're actually going to bathe yourself clean it's odd to us here in North America but it's very common in other countries isn't it oh for sure you know like the Europeans they've gotten a lot of stuff before we've gotten like the tankless water heaters all that stuff so we're kind of you know behind everything behind them so but yeah but days are very nice you know I would recommend a bidet and no pun with the behind you clean the behind with water and it's it is it's either another fixture like a toilet in your bathroom or you have toilets now that can do all in one but it's kind of nice because you're saving money on toilet paper you're saving money on plumbers coming out to fix the mess and the only thing going down is human waste and really that's all that should be going into the sewer system or the septic system exactly 100% hey Bobby this has been great hey all of Bobby Crowder's information from the family plumber is listed in the description of this podcast you can easily Click to get ahold of him or his phone number is there as well to get ahold of him Bobby once again thank you so much for joining me today on the program thanks for having me Joe appreciate it!