In this episode of COZY iN CHRiST, we dive deep into the topic of whether being gay is a sin or not. Join me as we explore scripture, challenge traditional views, and unpack what the Bible really says. This is a safe, cozy space for open conversation and honest reflection on this important issue. Whether youre part of the LGBTQ+ community, a believer seeking answers, or simply curious, this episode is for you. Lets get comfortable and talk. RESOURCES FOR YOUR OWN DEEP DIVE Websites: 1. Amy-Jill Levine: How to Read the Bibles Clobber Passages on Homosexuality 2. A Clergy Responds - Room for All 3. Reading the Bible in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate - Covenant Network 4. The Reformation Project Books: 1. God and the Gay Christian by Matthew Vines 2. Unclobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality by Colby Martin 3. Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians by Austen Hartke 4. The Queer Bible Commentary by Deryn Guest 5. Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate by Justin Lee Research Articles: 1. Sexual Orientation and the Christian Church: An Evidence-Based Approach Published in Perspectives on Psychological Science 2. Sexual Orientation, Mental Health, and the Church: Evidence for Inclusion 3. The Impact of Religious Affiliation, Beliefs about Homosexuality, and Therapy on LGB Mental Health LGBTQ+ Inclusive Bible Study Resources: 1. Queer Theology Queer Theology offers resources for individuals and churches to explore the Bible through a queer lens, including articles, Bible studies, and online courses. Visit their website here: 2. Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) RMN works within the United Methodist Church to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion. Their site includes Bible studies, devotionals, and articles designed to help churches understand and affirm LGBTQ+ people. Visit their website here: 3. Queer Theology: A Bible Study This website offers a range of Bible studies and theological insights from a queer-affirming perspective, helping people explore scripture with LGBTQ+ affirming interpretations. Visit their website here: 4. Gay Church: LGBTQ+ Bible Study Resources Gay Church provides various Bible study resources designed to affirm LGBTQ+ individuals and address common misconceptions about the Bibles stance on homosexuality. Visit their website here: https://www.gaychurch.orgFull Youtube Video: