• 🚀 A Preview of My Upcoming Invincible Job Interview Course (Issue #567)
    Jun 12 2024

    In this episode, I share an overview of my upcoming course. Play the audio to hear my description of each of the steps below.

    10 Steps to Prepare for a Successful Job Interview

    * Research your target employer

    * Identify their biggest problems

    * Map your expertise

    * Tune your resume, LinkedIn, etc.

    * Find your inside champions and connections

    * Prepare and rehearse

    * Setting the stage

    * How to crush your interview

    * Follow up

    * Maintain relationships

    By the way, if you need some 1-on-1 coaching to help prepare for an interview, you can schedule time with me here.

    As I mentioned, this article's actual content is in the podcast audio. So, scroll up and hit play to hear it.

    Do you know someone who will soon interview for a new job? They might find this episode helpful! Hit the button below to share it with them.

    I’m Larry Cornett, a Freedom Coach who works with you to optimize your career, business, and life. My mission is to help you become a more "Invincible You" so you can live your life on your terms instead of being controlled by someone else's rules. I live in Northern California near Lake Tahoe with my wife and our Great Dane.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit newsletter.invinciblecareer.com/subscribe
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    31 mins
  • 🚀 How to Win the Job Search Race (Issue #557)
    May 8 2024
    No one ever said the job market was fair. That’s even more true in the current economy which has been plagued with layoff after layoff. Now, in this race for a new job, some candidates are clearly driving race cars, while others are struggling to make it around the job search track with an underpowered engine or even a flat tire. Why is that? Let me play with this metaphor for a bit, starting with the diagram below. Note: I go into a lot more detail in the podcast recording. So, scroll up, hit play, and listen. You can think of “Capability” as the engine of the race car. It includes:* Talent* Skills* Knowledge* Experience“Drive” is one of the tires. It includes:* Grit* Determination* Persistence* Confidence* Consistency“Reputation” is the second tire. It includes:* Your professional brand* What people say about you* What you’re known for* Your proof “Interview” is the third tire. It includes:* Your job interview process* Your interviewing skills* Communication skills* Presentation skills* Questions asked* Follow upFinally, “Champion” is the last tire. It includes:* Your inside champion* Inside connections * Inside influencersLighting it all up to get hiredThree of my clients and community members recently landed new jobs:* One leveraged networking, finding an inside champion, and my 1-on-1 coaching to create a new role that hadn’t existed before. They also negotiated a higher level and a lot more compensation! * Another used networking, my coaching, and my Career Accelerator to land a job with a former colleague that was in the “hidden job market.” * Finally, the last person used my Career Accelerator, some of my coaching, and an inside champion to land a great new job in Silicon Valley.Weak engine of CapabilitySometimes, your engine is underpowered for the role you’re seeking. I always encourage people to stretch themselves, but do so within reason. Flat tire of ReputationYou may have everything else going for you, but people know you’re a pain to manage and worth with. The industry is always smaller than you think, and people talk. However, you can repair your reputation and get back in the game. Flat tire of DriveGrit and determination will often carry the day. But, if you lack confidence, don’t consistently put in the work, and give up too soon, you’ll find it hard to land jobs that others do. Flat tire of the ChampionI frequently talk about the power of having an inside champion. Champions, influencers, and insiders can tip the balance of a job interview in your favor. Just ask my clients who leveraged them to land great jobs quickly! But, if your Champion tire is flat, be prepared for a long, slow crawl in the job search race. Flat tire of the InterviewYou could have everything else set up, but still bomb the interview. No champion can save you if you don’t prepare well enough. Your capabilities and reputation won’t matter if you can’t demonstrate your knowledge, experience, and wisdom while speaking with the interviewers. I don’t care how much drive you have. It won’t help if you can’t communicate well, present well, and generally interview strongly. Winning the job search race Light up your engine, and all four tires, and you’ll be well on your way to speeding around the track and landing your next great job! As I said earlier, most of the content of this article is in the podcast audio. So, scroll up and hit play if you want to hear it. I’m Larry Cornett, a Freedom Coach who works with you to optimize your career, business, and life. My mission is to help you become a more "Invincible You" so you can live your life on your terms instead of being controlled by someone else's rules. I live in Northern California near Lake Tahoe with my wife and our Great Dane. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit newsletter.invinciblecareer.com/subscribe
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    30 mins
  • 🚀 Using My Broadcasting Strategy for Your Job Search (Issue #549)
    Apr 10 2024

    In this podcast episode, I share a sneak peek at my recent Invincible Career Job Search workshop I hosted on April 1st.

    In the previous podcast episode, when I shared a preview of the workshop, I talked quite a bit about the Connecting strategy.

    In this episode, I discuss positioning (e.g., LinkedIn, resume, cover letter) a little more and then dive into the Broadcasting strategy. If you want opportunities to come your way, the professional world has to know you exist.


    I’m Larry Cornett, a Freedom Coach who works with you to optimize your career, business, and life. My mission is to help you take complete control of your work and life so you can become a more “Invincible You.” I live in Northern California near Lake Tahoe with my wife and our Great Dane.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit newsletter.invinciblecareer.com/subscribe
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    35 mins
  • 🚀 A Preview of My Upcoming Invincible Job Search Workshop (Issue #541)
    Mar 13 2024

    In this episode, I share an overview of the presentation materials to give you a sense of the 2-hour workshop I’ll be hosting on April 1st. So, make sure to play the audio since I’m not including 2 hours of text material in this newsletter article.

    ➡️ “Find a Better Job Using 3 Essential Job Search Strategies

    The price for the workshop goes up again next week. So, if you're interested in joining us, grab a ticket now. Or, use the advice I share in this episode for free!

    ​⏰ This is the last time I will host my Invincible Career Job Search workshop this year. I won't offer it again until 2025! So, join us now or wait until then.

    Note: I record video of myself and the presentation, which I share with all the attendees after the workshop. So, if the time doesn’t work for you to join us live, you will have the homework document and the video material to use later, just like a course.

    The Workshop Agenda

    * Who is this Larry Cornett person?

    * What’s going wrong — with your job or job search?

    * Breakout discussion 💬

    * My 3 essential invincible job search strategies

    * All about you (so you can sell yourself for your ideal job)

    * Defining your ideal job

    * Defining your ideal employer

    * Defining your ideal boss

    * Breakout discussion 💬

    * The Connecting strategy

    * The Broadcasting strategy

    * Breakout discussion 💬

    * The Targeting strategy

    * Q & A for the last 20 minutes

    Play the audio for this newsletter and podcast episode to hear my description of each part of the agenda.

    Win a Free Coaching Session!

    ​​Refer your friends to join you in this workshop, and you could win a FREE coaching session. Share the link to the workshop with your friends and ask them to provide your name when they register.

    ​​Winners will be determined by the total number of referrals.

    * ​​First place wins a free 1-hour coaching call worth over $300!

    * ​​Second place wins a free 45-min coaching call worth over $240

    * ​​Third place wins a free 30-min coaching call worth over $150

    I’m Larry Cornett, a Freedom Coach who can work with you to optimize your career, business, and life. My mission is to help you take complete control of your work and life so you can become a more “Invincible You.” I live in Northern California near Lake Tahoe with my wife and our Great Dane.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit newsletter.invinciblecareer.com/subscribe
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    35 mins
  • 🚀 What to Do About this Current Job Market (Issue #533)
    Feb 14 2024

    This is one of the worst job markets I’ve experienced in quite some time. It seems like new layoffs are being announced every day.

    In this podcast episode, I talk more about what’s going on, how to tell if a layoff might be coming, what to do about it, and how to get back into the game after one happens.

    I’ve linked some of my past articles you might find useful if you’re concerned about a layoff or recently went through one.

    Have you ever considered starting a business to escape the stress of worrying about layoffs?

    I know that sounds strange, but that’s exactly why I launched my first solopreneur business. I had just lost my job, needed to support my young family, and wanted more stability. So, I put my trust in myself instead of leaving it in the hands of a fickle employer.

    If that sounds interesting to you, I'm hosting my next live workshop on how to build a lifestyle business on Feb 26th!

    "Build a Lifestyle Business to Escape Your 9-5 Job"

    I'll record the workshop and share the video with you later. So, if the time doesn't work for you, you'll have the workbook exercises and video to use just like a course.

    Grab your ticket now, because the price goes up next week.

    Would love to see you there!

    Hi, I’m Larry Cornett, a Personal Coach who can work with you to optimize your career, life, or business. My mission is to help you take complete control of your work and life so you can become a more “Invincible You.” I live in Northern California near Lake Tahoe with my wife and Great Dane.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit newsletter.invinciblecareer.com/subscribe
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    34 mins
  • 🚀 Successful People Are Better at These Things (Issue #525)
    Jan 17 2024
    The most successful people in your industry and profession may not be better than you. They also may not be more intelligent, talented, or hardworking than you. However, I bet they are great at something most of us usually are not: Promoting themselves. Of course, self-promotion isn’t enough. You do need a baseline of competence in your job. However, I think we’ve all noticed that management will promote someone who is good enough at their job — and great at getting noticed — more often than someone who might be even better at their job, but no one is aware of them or what they do.How did things turn out for you last year with your performance review? * Did your boss notice and appreciate your hard work? * Did they promote you? * Did you receive a significant raise? * Are you happy with the recognition you’ve received?Or did you get passed over for a promotion this cycle? Are you frustrated with working hard and doing all the right things but don’t seem to get ahead at work?Well, that’s why I write this newsletter and share my career advice. If you work hard and are good at what you do, you deserve to be treated well at work. That should be recognized and reflected in your compensation. I want you to be successful and happy, so I will share some advice to help you get ahead this year. Here are five things successful people tend to do better than most. Note that 3-5 tap into the self-promotion skill. * Focusing* They focus passionately on being great at something. * Helping * They help others and generate a lot of goodwill, which encourages reciprocity. * Networking * They network intelligently and consistently. * Marketing * They’re good at capturing attention and converting it into opportunity. * Selling* They understand that selling is all about building relationships and solving people’s problems. Let’s dive into each one of these in a little more detail. FocusingIf you’re a jack-of-all-trades, becoming an expert at anything is challenging. Yes, our jobs require a wide range of knowledge, skills, and tasks, but there should always be a primary focus. The folks who rise to the top know how to focus their time and energy on what matters the most for their job. They do everything they can to improve at that one thing (e.g., sales, writing clean code, elegant design, strategic thinking, relationship building, persuasion, writing, playing guitar, statistical analysis, research, etc.). What is the one thing that represents excellence in your profession? Note: this will change as you climb the career ladder. What got you to your current level will not take you to the next level. For example, I started my tech career as a designer. Doing great design work efficiently and effectively got me promoted to more senior levels as an individual contributor. However, as I moved into design management, my design skills were no longer what made me stand out. Effective leadership was much more important than my ability to design interfaces. Now, this doesn’t mean you can drop the ball on the many requirements of your job beyond the “one thing.” But don’t ever prioritize those over your most important focus area. I’ve seen people do that (e.g., an engineering manager writing great code but doing a poor job of managing the team), and then they wonder why they’re no longer getting promoted. Helping The most successful people help other people succeed. It creates a virtuous cycle. Rising to the top of your career ladder by climbing over the bodies of your fallen colleagues isn’t a smart strategy. I think we all know some people who have done that. But, eventually, those chickens come home to roost, and these people fail. Industries are small, and people talk. The selfish folks soon find that no one wants to hire or work with them. Be generous with your time and advice. Obviously, don’t overdo this to the point where your work or personal life suffers. But help when and where you can. For example, I spent about ten years helping people with their career issues and connecting them with potential employers for free. Friends, old colleagues, and connections in my network would reach out, and we’d meet over coffee or lunch to discuss their career goals. Fast forward ten years, and I started a career coaching business to help even more people and make it my primary focus. Many of my first clients were the same people I’d helped in the past. Many of those people referred more potential clients to me. People like to help people! And the most successful people make it part of their lives. NetworkingIntelligent networking creates opportunities. You shouldn’t only do it when you need a new job. Thanks to my network: * I landed every single one of my tech jobs. * I’ve been invited to speak at events (some were paid engagements). * I’ve been invited to participate in panels and speak on podcasts. * People reached out to hire me for consulting engagements. * I found talented people to hire...
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    31 mins
  • 🚀 My 10 Most Popular Episodes and Articles this Year (Issue #517)
    Dec 20 2023
    This year, I spent hundreds of hours researching and writing newsletter articles — and recording podcast episodes — to share with you. I listed the top 10 below.If you found my advice and articles helpful this year and would like to support my continued writing and podcasting next year, please consider upgrading to a premium membership that also grants you access to:* My private Invincible Career community of ambitious professionals (from entry-level to executives). Note: I now offer a lifetime community membership option for folks who aren’t crazy about subscriptions. Pay once, and I’ll invite you into my private Slack community, where you can stay for as long as you want!* Live 1-hour workshops throughout the year. This is a value of more than $500! * Weekly exercises delivered to your inbox to support the new monthly workshops. * Exclusive office hours every Monday with the other premium subscribers and me.🌲 Take advantage of my Holiday Special and save 50% when you join us before the year ends! ☃️ Your support means a lot to me. Thank you! 😊Welcome to my December wrap-up that summarizes everything I published this calendar year. When people ask for my advice on a career, work, leadership, or entrepreneurial topic, I can usually point them to a specific article that I’ve written on that very issue over the last four years. You may already be a loyal subscriber, but I know that it’s easy to miss something over a year.So, enjoy this recap, and feel free to share it with friends who might find some of the advice helpful! My Top 10 ArticlesI reviewed the stats for my articles, newsletters, and podcast episodes. These ten rose to the top for the year.* How to Create an Intentional Career Path Instead of Letting Others Determine Your Future * How to Stop Competing and Truly Start Collaborating * How to Get Ahead in Any Job * Succeeding as an Introvert - Tim Yeo, Founder of The Quiet Achiever * Find a Job by Hunting, Trapping, and Planting * Do People Forget About You? * Career Questions (and My Answers) that We Discussed in My Last Fireside Chat * Are You Underpaid? * Invincible Tip - No Unpaid Work* Invincible Tip - How to Regain Your Confidence You can always access my full archive of 500+ articles online and use the search feature to find topics of specific interest. By the way, this year I shared my book chapters on my other newsletter and podcast, Invincible Life. Also, for the folks who are interested in entrepreneurship, I publish a newsletter and podcast called Invincible Solopreneurs. Your support helps!I’m looking forward to writing more articles, interviewing new guests, and recording new podcast episodes for you next year. If you have suggestions for topics that you’d like me to cover, please leave a comment below or send me a message.BTW, I have no employees, interns, or even an assistant. The newsletters and podcasts are a one-person labor of love. This is my passion and how I earn a living as a solopreneur to support my family.If you’ve found my advice helpful, and you’d like to help support my efforts to produce it, please consider subscribing to the premium weekly newsletter. Take advantage of my Holiday Special and save 50% when you join us before the year ends!Again, this gives you access to:* My private Invincible Career community for ongoing advice, feedback, and support. As an option, I also offer a lifetime community membership if you don’t want the monthly subscription free. * Live 1-hour workshops throughout the year (a value of more than $500).* Weekly exercises delivered to your inbox to prepare for the new monthly workshops. * Exclusive office hours every Monday with the other premium subscribers and me.Thank you for being a loyal reader this year. I appreciate your support. Enjoy your holidays! I’m Larry Cornett, a Personal Coach who can work with you to optimize your career, life, or business. My mission is to help you take complete control of your work and life so you can become a more “Invincible You.” I live in Northern California near Lake Tahoe with my wife and Great Dane. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit newsletter.invinciblecareer.com/subscribe
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    37 mins
  • 🚀 Do People Forget About You? (Issue #510)
    Nov 22 2023
    Why do some people hear about opportunities before you do? * Are they that much smarter than you? * Are they liked more than you?* Are they better than you?Before you get angry with me, let me say it’s probably none of the above. When this happens, it’s usually because: * More people know who they are. * More people see their work. * People think about them. But why are more people thinking of them more often? Well, the answer lies in a lesson about how memory works. The big “neural network” of your personal connections behaves much like the smaller neural network in our brains. Two things are at work: * Long-term potentiation* The Priming EffectPeople who are receiving more consideration and opportunities are lighting up and frequently strengthening connections between nodes in their network. Let me be nerdy for a minute and remind you of the neuroscience you probably learned in high school. Long-term potentiation Long-term potentiation boosts neural pathways to facilitate the transmission of signals and the creation of long-term memories. This occurs when more activity between neurons boosts neurotransmitter production, increases receptor formation, and builds stronger synaptic connections. Yes, that is a simplified explanation, so don’t come at me if you’re a neuroscientist. 🤣 A low-frequency event triggers a weak response (e.g., posting something once in a while that someone rarely sees in their feed). This may create a short-term memory for someone, but it won’t result in a long-term memory. For example, they’ll briefly wonder what you’ve been up to but get on with the rest of their day and forget what you posted by tomorrow. However, when high-frequency events trigger a stronger response, it changes how the memory is formed. This can happen when you consistently post content or reconnect with someone over Zoom, coffee, or lunch. In other words, someone will remember you, what you do, and what you’re seeking for a longer period of time. Several months later, they will think of you when a relevant opportunity presents itself.So, at the individual level, interacting more frequently and deeply with the people in your network can lead to stronger memories of you. You are triggering changes in their brains. What’s kind of cool and exciting—if you’re a nerd like me—is what then happens at a higher level across the broader network of people. You can think of each person as a neuron within a human web of connections that behaves like a neural network. You are more strongly connected to some people than others. The intensity of that connection matters, of course. You have a deeper bond with your close friends and family than with your coworkers (I hope!). The frequency of interaction affects the connections, too. You will forge a stronger relationship with people you work with every day vs. an old college roommate you haven’t talked with in over 20 years. Stimulating activity in one person (e.g., mentioning that you’re looking for a new job during a coffee chat with a friend) can pass that information through their network to more nodes (i.e., people). The more frequently people are thinking and talking about you, the more often your name will come up when exciting opportunities arise. For example, Susan tells Bob that she’s struggling to find a great design manager for her team. Bob says, “Oh really? I know a talented manager who might be looking for a role like that. Let me send you their LinkedIn profile and tell me what you think. I can make an introduction later if you like.”The more you interact with people, the more powerful your network becomes. Relationships grow stronger and more valuable. More people light up in that web of connections, and those people have their own networks that now link to yours. Conversely, when you let your network connections go stale, people forget about you. I know this can happen when you’re busy with work and life. But it has an undesirable impact on your career and future potential. You will not be in the consideration set when someone is looking for:* Someone to hire into their organization. * A person to recommend for a friend’s new role.* A speaker for an event or panel. * A partner to help them with a workshop.* A service provider for a potential client. This might be upsetting, but you can’t really blame anyone. We are all busy with hectic lives at work and at home. If you haven’t been doing anything to stay fresh and relevant in someone’s mind, it’s no wonder they remember someone else who has been keeping more active. If you want people to think about you, periodically strengthen connections with folks in your existing network. Make a list of folks to reach out to every week and month. Schedule a bit of time to make sure it happens. Be authentic and make a genuine effort to reconnect. Don’t be that person who only reaches out when you need a favor. Don’t lead with, “Hey good buddy, how ya doing? I’m ...
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    31 mins