Exploring the Link Between Social Needs Screening, Health Equity, and Implementation Science.
Join Dr. Connor Drake and Dr. Cory Bradley in a thought-provoking episode where they discuss the research on "Implementation of social needs screening in primary care: a qualitative study using the health equity implementation framework." The conversation delves into how awareness of social care needs assessed in screening can be integrated into care practices to improve implementation of tools and interventions. Gain insights into the overall research program and how it intersects with implementation science and health equity.
Guest Bio:
Connor Drake is a health services researcher and implementation scientist. His research interests are at the intersection of primary care, population health management, social determinants of health, chronic illness care redesign, and health equity. He has experience with policy analysis, electronic health record data, mixed and multi-methods, community-engaged research, and implementation and dissemination methods. Dr. Drake's current research focuses on developing and implementing behavioral interventions and 'whole-person' care models for patients with cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders; and studying social care interventions to respond to social risk factors including food insecurity, housing instability, and social isolation to improve health outcomes and equity.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cddrake/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cddrake_HPM
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=OxX3eigAAAAJ