Black women are tired!!! We are taking a break from all the demands society has put on us. From out working everybody else, to having to be overqualified and still being overlooked, to organizing movements and getting little recognition, to enduring abuse... In the understood words of the former First Lady Michelle Obama... we ain't going! Ladies, this is a season of self-care.Bring Blacktivities to your inbox - stay posted on what's happening with the pod... more black culture, black history, black perspectives, and black panache! Visit our Sponsor...Are you a single parent in college working on your degree who needs assistance? Apply today or support our sponsor H.O.P.E., Inc. @ https://hopbe.orgListen to H.O.P.E.'s founder's story on U Talk, I'll Listen.Other Ways to Join in the Blacktivities:Ask Black People - If you have a question you want us to answer on the show, use this link.Share this episode with a friend.Rate and review us on Apple Podcasts.Follow us on social media.Donate to the cause and help amplify more black voices and join our panel of black people.Hear more episodes - Blacktivities website About the HostsBlacktivities is a Black Panache original production - a podcast network with a lineup of black-hosted shows sharing black stories and tackling black issues. For more information on shows like our newest production, Fat Lies Matter, visit the Conversation on Social Media:Instagram - @blacktivitiespodFollow Shannon - @justshanofficialFollow Lisa - @monalisathepoetFollow Karen - @kkrobertsgrissomThreads - @blacktivitiespodFacebook - BlacktivitiesHow 5 Key Demographic Groups Voted in 2024: AP VoteCastBy the Numbers - Higher Heights for America...