• Can a business also be a ministry? Andre Luper proves that Yes, your business can be a ministry when it is God that calls you to your business.
    Nov 24 2022

    On this episode I am joined by Andre Luper, owner and creator of The Camp Sport and Recreation in Sherman, Texas. On the surface, The Camp is a boxing gym where children and adults come to work out and learn to box. That alone would make a great business but The Camp is more than just a gym, it is a ministry within the community. Andre shares with us how the Lord continues to redeem his life by calling him to something more, something that is bigger than the life he leads. Years ago, when Andre caught sight of the vision that the Lord had for his life, he was unsure what it meant. He felt like God was calling him to take the difficult times he had growing up, the wrong choices he made and the benefit he saw when he joined the Marines and share those lessons with others living similar lives. But this vision was so far beyond what Andre thought he could do, he put it aside. Fast forward a few years and he receives that same vision on his heart again and he knows it is time to say "yes". Not because the Lord had presented a complete business plan with a timeline and financing all worked out, but because he knows that when the Lord calls you to it, He will walk you through it. Now Andre had to tell his sons and help them understand it will require sacrifice from them all.

    While we don't always get to see the results of our obedience to the Lord's call in this life, this is not the case for Andre Luper and the other coaches at The Camp. Everyday they are witness to the positive impact that love, discipline and respect for others can have on the lives our young people. Andre isn't just their coach, he is someone that has made a commitment to them to be in their lives, to show them a better way, to teach them self-discipline and hold them accountable for their choices. Andre works together with the families and the schools so that these young people are surrounded by adults who are all rooting for them.

    I was so impressed with the way Andre, his manager Lucy and his wife spoke about their commitment to these children and the hard work that each child puts into the program. There is such a need in our community for programs like The Camp Sport and Recreation and even though they keep the monthly membership cost low, not everyone can afford to attend The Camp. Andre even works extra jobs to be able to afford as many scholarship members as possible. Here is where we come in... We can spread the word about the good work being done at The Camp and we can support them financially. Below is the contact information for The Camp Manager, Lucy. She will answer all the questions you have about donating money to help sponsor a child to attend The Camp. There is also a boxing tournament coming up February 11th at 2pm at Mt. Olive Baptist Church where you can see the Legends that are Created at The Camp.

    Latricia "Lucy" Lagway

    The Camp Manager



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    38 mins
  • When Inspiration Strikes...
    Aug 5 2022

    You know that little heart explosion feeling you get when you see something and you are so inspired you gasp? That was my experience when I saw Nicole Thomsen's Facebook post for a hat she created that was inspired by her grandmother. It took my breath away! The post was about the woman who inspired the hat. I hadn't see the hat yet but I loved the picture of her grandmother, Elle Rotza, so elegant and timeless with an air of complete self confidence; the story Nicole told of how her grandmother would let her mix a "baby pink" drink for herself when they spent time together with a wink not to tell her mom. My heart instantly went to how special those memories must be. Then I saw the hat... it was exactly what I would expect it to be! The embellishments were so colorful and well put together with beautiful fabric pieces, gold chains, smokin' hot playing card, a feather and more. I could go on and on about the hats Nicole designs, they make my heart smile. I instantly wanted to invite her into the podcast studio so I could get a glimpse into her creative process. We had such a great time chatting about creativity, storytelling and doing what you love. You can find Mad Mag's & Hatter Company on IG @mad.mags.co and in person at Rae of Sunshine 110 S Fannin Ave in Denison Texas.



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    36 mins
  • Life is not a Balancing Act, it's a Harmony
    Jun 15 2022

    I am a badass... Who knew? Certainly not me. I often feel supremely under qualified to own a business, much less three! I was feeling overwhelmed by the blessings I have been given and the fear of not living up to the responsibility of sharing these blessings with others. That is why the intention I set for myself this year is to seek (and hopefully find) Clarity. This spring I had the opportunity to attend a Soul Business Retreat for creative female entrepreneurs. Going into the retreat, I was preparing myself to receive the clarity I needed to decide which business to let go of in service of the other. I felt heartbroken, but saw no other way. Having had this opportunity to surround myself with other creative women, all seeking a soul nourishing way to do business, was nourishing to my soul. The clarity, wisdom and vulnerability shared by these women and the hosts, Kelly Rae Roberts and Beth Kempton, went beyond inspiring. I came to understand that because of who I am and the experience I have, I am supremely qualified to own my businesses, in all their forms. They are not separate entities, each one vying for my attention, but are actually extensions of who I am that I get to share with others. The BIG TAKE AWAY for me was that life is not a balancing act, it is a harmony with occasional dissonance thrown in to keep things interesting.




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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • On Wellbeing with Special Guest Bill Mory
    May 26 2022

    "When you face the essential pain of not being perfect then the earned reward is authenticity, feeling whole and being genuine." Wow, when Bill shared this nugget before we had even gotten started, I knew this would be a great conversation.

    Bill Mory is a friend of mine for a reason, he is genuine in his concern for the mental health of our community. His Wellness Co-Op is just a stone's throw from The Desk & Easel so we see each other on a regular basis and I always learn something when I spend time with Bill so it was a "no brainer" that he would be a great guest on If You Only Knew. Bill has created a center for wholistic mental health and wellbeing by including several modalities of treatment provided by a team of skilled therapists. The Wellness Co-Op is different from a shared practice in that the therapists of the Co-Op work together to create a healing center where clients learn to identify what isn't working, gain the tools and skills needed to implement the necessary changes to make progress on their journey to a healthy life. The collaborative atmosphere allows for the therapists to learn from each other as well. So it is a win/win/win situation because the clients, therapists and our community benefit from the healing work being done at The Wellness Co-Op.

    I find that the brain is a fascinating subject, when you couple that with Bill's accessible way of explaining things, I could have talked with him all day. You will feel the same way as you listen.

    As promised, here are links to just some of the mental healthcare that is available in our community:

    Bill Mory, Ed.S., LPC, LMFT

    Director of Relational Health at EBT

    The Wellness Co-Op

    211 North Fannin

    Denison, TX 75020



    Tanya Brown-Davis, MS, LPC

    The Wellness Co-Op

    211 North Fannin

    Denison, TX 75020


    Email: info@tanyabrowndavis.com

    Janet Karam

    Certified Master Hypnotist - Texoma Hypnosis

    The Wellness Co-Op

    211 North Fannin

    Denison, TX 75020


    Janice Wade

    RAH Wellness

    The Wellness Co-Op

    211 North Fannin

    Denison, TX 75020

    Andrea Mory

    Human Resources Administrator (HR-Spec V)

    Gainesville Campus

    Desk: 940-665-0701 ext 362

    Cell: 940-284-6724

    Fax: 940-665-3571

    Email: andrea.mory@tjjd.texas.gov

    “Take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space”

    Jill Bolte Taylor, My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey

    Texas Juvenile Justice Department

    Gainesville State School

    1379 FM 678, Gainesville, TX 75240

    TJJD IRC Hotline: (866) 477-8354

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • Chasing Pelicans with Jennifer Stubbs... They're Going To Be Fruit Farmers
    Apr 13 2022

    "We're gonna be fruit farmers!"... Of all the people we know, Robert and Jennifer Stubbs are the only people who could say that to us and it not be surprising. We've know each other for almost 20 years, we've raised our kids together, grown up as adults in church together, become somewhat empty nesters together, basically we've done life together. On this episode of If You Only Knew, Jennifer and I talk about the latest journey life is taking her family on in Costa Rica. She shares the push and pull of following opportunities while adjusting to living in a new country, learning a new language and new way of life. It is so exciting to get just a glimpse into where the LORD is leading her and the positive impact it will have on her and other women also pursuing their passion. Jennifer shares what she learned about how Pelicans fish that is a beautiful example of how we can experience life.

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    33 mins
  • Healing Is Not For The Faint of Heart, But It's Worth It!!
    Apr 1 2022

    On this episode my friend, Stacy Rake of Diamond Insurance Group, joins me to talk about the life saving work that is being done at The Child and Family Guidance Center. Stacy and I both serve on the Board, I am the current President and Stacy is the immediate Past President, so we hear the "Why" stories. Why people sought help, Why the therapists feel called into this difficult field, Why the Center is vital to the health of our community. Both Stacy and I have a positive history with therapy in our personal lives so we believe in the work to be done. It is so good to be in a healthy place in our lives where we can look back on our mental health journeys with clarity and humor, we've earned it! If you want to learn more about The Child and Family Guidance Center and how you can support mental health in our community through sponsorship of The Starfish Benefit Gala, visit https://cfgcenter.org/

    If you or someone you know is in need of help finding your way out of trauma and onto a safer, healthier path please know you are not alone. There are resources in our community that are eager to help. I've included links to some of those resources below.





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    1 hr and 38 mins
  • There Are Beautiful Dolls in Western Auto
    Feb 13 2022

    On this episode of If You Only Knew I am joined in the studio by my sweet friend, Delia McMillan. Delia and I met years ago at church and instantly clicked. I remember one Sunday we completely missed Sunday School because we fell into such a deep conversation sitting on a bench outside the choir suite. Delia is a great storyteller, so I wasn’t surprised when she came to me a couple of years ago looking for a space to work on a book that the Lord was calling her to write. I was intrigued by the working title “There are Beautiful Dolls in Western Auto” and couldn’t wait to hear what this book would be about. Delia said it was a memoir. Having learned some of her testimony over the years and experienced her love for the Lord and for other people I knew it was going to be impactful.

    I’d wanted to have Delia on my podcast since the beginning, she was hesitant, but when we met for coffee recently, she shared a small excerpt of a spoken word piece she had written. She needed to get it recorded and I seized the opportunity to invite her into my podcast studio to record the spoken word and, if she felt comfortable, to talk with her about the journey she has been on with her memoir. As always Delia and I had a great conversation, and I am excited for you to listen in.

    Thank you, Delia, for trusting me with the story of your journey.

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Chronicles of An Accidental Entrepreneur with Special Guest Co-Host Alli DesHotels
    Jan 28 2022

    On this episode I invite my friend Alli DesHotels into the studio to help me share the backstory to how I found myself a Coworking Business Owner.

    Proverbs 16:9 reminds us that the heart of man, or in this case woman, plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. Boy is this true in my life! It was never in my plan to become a female entrepreneur, even as I type these words, it does not seem real. Looking back I can clearly see God's hand on my many "learning opportunities" but I never imagined it would lead to me becoming a business owner. And then to have it all go up in flames, that was a lot to face, but it had a clarifying effect on me and what I wanted and for that I am grateful.

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    1 hr and 12 mins