• Who's Jude, anyway?
    Mar 7 2025

    Join us for just a little goofing around paired with a serious look into the beginning of the book of Jude. This is the beginning of a multi-part series walking through all the teachings, confusions and complexities that are in Jude's short letter. We are two guys who love Jesus, and we just want to help people make the transition from reading their bibles, to understanding them. Like, share, comment, subscribe and pray for us as we begin this brand new adventure. The video version is available on our YouTube Channel, this episode can be viewed at the link below:Ninety Nine for One - Episode 1. Who's Jude, anyway?

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    27 mins
  • WHY Should You Listen to Us?
    Dec 4 2024

    The WHO. The WHAT. The WHY.

    Who are we? - We are two guys who have faced legalism and want to share the gospel of FREEDOM to the world.

    What is Our message? - Our message is simply this. The love of God and the plan of salvation transcends. Transcends what? It transcends sectarianism. We’re Baptists and glad to be, but Jesus loves Methodists, Catholics, Anglicans, Orthodox, Pentecostal and yes, dare I say it, even non-denominational. The Bible says that God so loved THE WORLD, not that God so loved the IFB alone.

    Why are we here? - To help Christians understand the things I wish I understood sooner. Such as reading the Bible correctly without factoring in and applying legalistic ideas that many of christians have been taught at some point. Also learning the difference between religion, and relationship, and what to focus on.

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    33 mins