Feb 1 2022

    On this episode of Is That Like a Thing, all four of us are zoom zoomin’ (we’re talking via zoom because #covidquarantining lol). Today we are talk about our goals for 2022, Crystal totally calls it on Magen and Cory’s most favorite date night activity, we talk about our favorite instagram posts and why we wrote them and how well we think we did on our 2021 goals (spoiler alert: #WeAreNotImpressed). As usual, we laugh a little, get serious a little, and since it’s Magen, Becky and Crystal talking, somehow even mountain goats show up in this conversation. Dont miss it! 

    Also, thanks for joining us on this episode of Is That Like a Thing! We are excited to start 2022 with such an incredible group of women (and some men!). Now let's do this 2022 year!  Want more info? Follow us on facebook, twitter and Instagram @itlatpodcast. You can also find our team on their own personal insagram accounts: magenthurman, crystalyatesmusic, beckyleachtx, emilygentiles. 

    Book recommendations on today's episode: 
    “The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Traum”  by Bessel van der Kolk

    QUOTES to SHARE : 
    “I don’t know if I’ve accomplished anything this year but I feel like I’ve kept things going, which has been the accomplishment.” - magen

    “I don’t feel like I’m in a spiritual wilderness or emotional wilderness but i do feel like I’m in a certain form of wilderness where I’m like, “Lord, what the heck? Where are you going? Where are you leading right now?” But, I trust him - magen 

    “The lord has taken expectation from me, but he has put in expectancy.” -magen 

    “If you can’t talk about it, you can’t heal from it.” -becky 

    “I just feel like if you’re holding something in and you’re not able to speak the words out loud, of what is bothering you or what’s going on, whether it’s past trauma, or a sin, or a circumstance that’s really bothering you, or an unforgiveness, or a bitterness, or an anger; if you’re not able to talk about it then you can’t process it and heal from it.” -becky 

    “I think a lot of times, I don’t want to be upset but I am for whatever reason. My feelings get hurt but I don’t want them to be hurt, but if I cannot acknowledge that, then I cannot move through that.” -becky 

    “Satan uses the trials to pull us away from God when God uses the trials to pull us into him.” -becky

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    34 mins
    Jan 5 2022

    Our friend David joins us for part 3 and our final worship conversation! We talk about worship and how we cooperate with worship and even with the Holy Spirit. We also discussed things like our expectations (The expectations we should have a bar selves and if one another) when we worship and why we should be worshiping In our car. :) 

    “God longs to interact with His people”
    Philippians 3:3 “worship by the Spirit”

    “Are we coming to a corporate gathering to observe what is happening or are we coming to a cooperate gathering to be part of what is happening?”

    “If we come to church to observe what happens we are going to become an entertainment based, consumer gathering”

    “My goal as a worship leader is to release the moment to the people and the Holy Spirit”

    “What if we all walked in to church and asked God, what do you want to do in my life today?”

    “God is available to comfort, heal, and deliver every person that walks in that room…I can’t fathom that but, that is the truth”

    “There are days when the greatest offering of worship is getting in the car…and showing up”

    “Encourage one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” Ephesians 5:19

    “There is a difference when people are coming to worship and you are in a room full of people that come expectant”

    “What is your expectation when you walk into church?”

    “The Lord sees you to worship just you and Him”

    “Be a car worship leader” listen to the latest podcast and find out from Becky what it means to be a car worship leader (I love this!)

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    44 mins
    Dec 21 2021

    In this episode we talk with David Gentiles (our producer Emily Gentiles husband!!) about our favorite things: worship! David has deep roots in worship as well as a fresh perspective on how our theology informs our worship. Dig deeper as we talk about corporate worship and personal worship experiences!

    Scripture References:
    1 Peter 2:9
    Romans 12:1

    David Quotes 
    “Worship is our opportunity to meet with God who already desires to meet with us”

    “Because of the work of Jesus we can have personal moments where we meet with God and He ministers to us”

    “Because of the work of Jesus I am not dependent on a high priest, because of Jesus I can go to God at anytime and any moment on any day”

    “When we meet as the body of Christ we get to sing to each other…encourage each other…”

    “And the things of this world will grow strangely dim” “I so badly want people to experience that” Becky

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    44 mins
    Dec 7 2021

    On this episode of Is That Like a Thing, we are introducing a three-part series on worship! We share about what worship means to us along with sharing personal and transformative experiences we have each had with worship. We talk about sacrifice and obedience, surrender and trust. If you love worship or just want to know more about worship, this episode is just for you! Plus, we are introducing the SPECIAL GUEST we will have for the next two episodes. Make sure you stay tuned in for the entire thing to get the sneak peek on what’s coming up!  
    Thanks for joining us on this episode of Is That Like a Thing! You all have been such a blessing to each of us. Want more info? Follow us on facebook, twitter and Instagram @itlatpodcast. 

    QUOTES to SHARE : 

    “I think worship begins in you” - Magen Thurman

    “I grew up on country music and 94.9 KLTY.” - Becky Leach

    “I didn’t know what else to do but saturate my life with the things of God.” Becky

    “Worship is a tangible way of reminding ourselves of who God is, and who He is for us.” Becky

    “It’s so important to intentionally stop looking at the things that are weighing you down and turn your eyes to Jesus.” Crystal

    “Worship for me has been less about singing, because I have always sung, and more about the choices I made with the Lord.” Magen

    “If you’re in a bad moment, you’re in prime position for God to have a transformative moment.” Crystal Yates

    “It was never about the sacrifice, it was about the willingness to surrender because God knows how good that is for our hearts.” Crystal

    “Surrender is a practiced thing.” Emily

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    28 mins
    Nov 4 2021

    Seasons are changing! It’s happening with the weather and The girls are noticing new seasons in their own lives as well. Maybe you’re feeling the same way? And with new seasons come new questions. Trying to figure out what the Lord is saying and what he is NOT saying is hard! Magen, Becky, Crystal and Emily talk and laugh about it. 

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    32 mins
    Oct 5 2021

    Season 2 is officially here and we couldn’t be more excited! Today it’s just Magen, Crystal, Becky and Emily in the studio catching up. We laugh, like we laugh so hard Magen is banging the desk at one point (haha oops!). We hope you enjoy and laugh along with us!

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    45 mins
    Aug 3 2021

    On this episode of Is That Like a Thing, all four of us are back in a room together for the first time since May!! We are so excited to have our sister, Crystal, back with us as we wrap up Season One of the podcast. We didn’t know how this episode was going to end up, but we talk suffering and conquering our giants. Crystal shares her journey from  healing from Covid-19 while Becky and Magen share personal giants they’ve been battling the last few months. If you have ever struggled with doubt or unbelief, y’all, this episode will be of great encouragement to you. 
    Thanks for joining us on this episode of Is That Like a Thing! Want more info? Follow us on facebook, twitter and Instagram @isthatlikeathing or reach us at 469-854-9636

    QUOTES to SHARE : 

    “God allowed some things in my own heart to rise to the surface in a way that they’d always been there, I just didn’t realize that they’d always been there.” Magen

    “The Lord knows us better than we know us.” Magen

    “We are not operating within lack.” Magen

    “We’ve got to free ourselves from the idea that our suffering is not as bad as someone else’s.” Crystal

    “God is using your suffering in ways that are fuel for Him in our worship, in our prayer, in our faith.” Crystal

    “I really believe that it is by the grace of God that led me to face my giant… and fight it.”  Crystal

    “Who are we without our battles?” Crystal

    “My only comfort was Him.” Crystal

    “I was doing all the things I was supposed to do, but somehow, I had to face the battle anyway.” Crystal

    “The whole world can believe God for you, but if you don’t believe him for yourself, then what is this all about?” Crystal

    “We have been equipped more than enough to face the giants.” Magen

    “Do I just not have enough faith?” Becky

    “You’re going to struggle with unbelief and that’s not a surprise to the Lord.” Becky

    “It’s not always gonna feel good… you’re not gonna feel like you trust God all the time.” Becky 

    “Instead, it’s this act of coming to the battlefield again and again and saying, “Lord, I believe, but help my unbelief.” Becky

    “Don’t give up begging God to help your unbelief.” Becky

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    49 mins
    Jul 27 2021

    On this episode of Is That Like a Thing, we’re back talking with Mallory Freidreck about how we can use the Enneagram to grapple with our grief in healthier ways. If you’ve listened to the podcast before, you know how much we LOVE this self-awareness tool and today we want to talk about how we use it just like that - as a TOOL. You will hear us say things like, “The enneagram is not the gospel” or “the enneagram is not what does the transformative work”. We want to share how WE have all used it in our walk with Christ, but we also wanted to bring in an expert to share how to discover your type, why it matters, and how it can help you to dive into how God has made all of us in His own image. 
    Our guest, Mallory Freidreck,  is a certified Enneagram Coach/Consultant and Speaker. She lives in the Houston area with her husband, two kids and German Shepherd puppy. Mallory  graduated with a BA in Music from Sam Houston State University and it was there that she learned to use her voice, first as a musician, and eventually as a leader.
    Mallory loves teaching and mentoring, and is passionate about authentic and grace-giving leadership. She has worn many leadership hats, including hospice chaplain, worship leader, piano teacher, wife and mom, church staff member, spiritual mentor, and Bible teacher. She loves helping people find their own voice, their inherent value, and their seat at the table. Mallory believes that there is something really beautiful in silencing the lies of the enemy so that you can live as the complete person God made you to be. 
    That is why she loves the Enneagram so much. She says, “it is a tool I have used personally and professionally to live and lead freely. It often makes its way into conversations I have with people, and my favorite part is finding the Lord’s invitation to freedom for someone that comes from their unique Imago Dei, they way they were created to reflect of the image of God.” We are so excited to introduce you to our friend, Mallory.

    You can find Mallory on her website at www.mallorybeth.com. 

    Thanks for joining us on this episode of Is That Like a Thing! Want more info? Follow us on facebook, twitter and Instagram @isthatlikeathing or reach us at 469-854-9636

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    53 mins