• Receipts! Proof! Timeline!
    Oct 3 2024

    Well, folks! We made it - it’s our FINAL episode of Season 2, and it’s a beautiful call back to our season opener on stepping into our hot sh*t energy. Because this week, we’re talking about the evidence. The evidence that it IS all working out in your favor.

    The evidence that you ARE manifesting all the time.

    The evidence that this thing you want IS for you.

    And most importantly, the evidence that you are so, so, SO much more powerful than you even know.

    So let’s get into it. You’re not going to want to miss this one.

    We love you!

    Abby & Fallon

    PS. Because we love you so much, we’re hosting a LIVE community call with y’all! It’s happening on Thursday, October 17th at 8pm EST. Click the link below to sign up and get all the details!


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    29 mins
  • Our HerStories
    Sep 19 2024

    Today we are talking about the way life takes you exactly where you need to go, and the different paths you may take
    to get there.
    Abby + Fallon share their own stories of how they ended up HERE in this part of their life, and in their work as Guides + Coaches, as well as the doubts on the way there. We talk about how spirituality ‘found’ us and the ways we’ve grown in that, as well as helped others do the same.

    This episode is all here to remind you, that wherever you’re at, you WILL end up where you’re meant to be!

    Life is always leading you!

    All the love,
    Abby + Fallon

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    27 mins
  • Are you there, God? It’s me, Self-Sabotage
    Sep 5 2024

    In this week’s episode, we’re talking about a topic we’ve ALLLLL experienced at one time or another, maybe even yesterday.

    And that’s good ol’ self-sabotage.

    Our sneaky little friend who always seems to pop up when there is something we really, really desire (but we’re afraid we’ll fail, we’re not worthy, we haven’t worked hard enough for it, etc.) OR when we find ourselves doing something we DON’T actually want to be doing, so we make it really hard for ourselves to do it successfully.

    Self-sabotage loves to play mind games with us, but luckily, we know (and so do you!) how to watch our minds and our thoughts and see what it brings up in our feelings and in our bodies.

    So come join in and let’s chat about it.

    We love you!

    Abby & Fallon

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    28 mins
  • Don’t Hate, Appreciate!
    Aug 22 2024

    Are you a doer or a don’ter when it comes to recognizing, seeing, and genuinely appreciating the people in your life?

    Abby + Fallon share areas in their lives where they could exercise their vocal cords more, by expressing the gratitude they feel for their loved ones.

    We know this often occurs partnership as we settle in with our person, we tend to lean into the annoyances versus the gifts. Or, our person doesn’t do the things the way we want them to do them, so we don’t ‘count’ it as much. Versus, exercising your giving recognition + gratitude muscle.

    Perhaps you’re the one feeling unseen and unrecognized, we give solid -time tested and approved- advice on how to change that in your life. As always, this episode has goodness from our real lives at the beginning, and golden nuggets throughout.

    We’d love to hear who you’re grateful for, tag us and them!

    And as always, feel those feels and Leave None of you Behind!

    Abby + Fallon

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    23 mins
  • Dear Socials, it’s Not Me, it’s You.
    Aug 8 2024

    In today’s episode, we’re talking about all the S words (apparently), but actually, we’re reconsidering the role of social media in our lives - what we use it for & how it makes us feel.

    We know we go to social media to be inspired, to be entertained, to learn something new - but it’s easy to forget that we’re also opening ourselves up to a whole range of energy we probably didn’t prepare for. Posts, reels, stories all comin’ atcha until somehow an hour has gone by and now we feel bad about ourselves, we have less time than we started with and our eyes are starting to cross.

    Is this feeling familiar?

    Drop into this episode for a dose of comedy, contemplation and perhaps a little challenge: what would happen if you (gasp!) deleted the social apps from your phone?

    We dare ya to give it a try.

    Even if you don’t, just know this - all parts of you are welcome here, and we’re leaving none of you behind.

    We love you!


    Abby & Fallon

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    29 mins
  • Calling all imposters!
    Jul 25 2024

    Today we are talking about how this ‘syndrome’ shows up, what it feels like, and the stories that we create to amplify it. It wouldn’t be US if we also didn’t share practices that you can do to lovingly quiet it down + step into more ownership and authentic confidence, because babes, you’re a bad b*tch!

    JUST SAY YES, then take the next step and remember that feeling like an imposter isn’t a syndrome in a negative sense, it means you’re human, but it doesn’t mean you are an imposter, at all! It means you’re brave enough to do the new things, grow, and let yourself be challenged by the ever ongoing unknown.

    Start at the 9:00 mark to get right into the real fare of the episode, or start at the beginning for some real life fun b.s. banter between soul sisters.

    As always, take the leap and leave none of you behind!
    Abby + Fallon

    Abby -




    Fallon -




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    29 mins
  • Gazed & Confused
    Jul 12 2024

    In this week’s episode, we’re serving up a (potentially) spicy challenge, but first we want to know from you - when was the last time you really looked at yourself in the mirror? Gazed into your own beautiful eyes and let yourself sit there for a bit.

    When we give ourselves the space to actually look at ourselves - and we’re not talking about putting on makeup or checking ourselves out as we step out the door or try on an outfit - a LOT of interesting, confronting, surprising and EXPANSIVE realizations have the opportunity to come through for us.

    And we’re not just talking about looking into our eyes…

    Come join us this week as we dive into the beauty and power we as women wield when we choose to turn our gaze upon ourselves.

    If you’re new to eye gazing, we dare you to lean in and give it a try.

    Let us know what comes up for you, and through it all, remember - all parts of you are beautiful, worthy and welcome here.

    We’re leaving none of you behind.

    We love you!

    Abby & Fallon

    Abby -




    Fallon -




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    24 mins
  • When Resistance Comes A-Knockin’
    Jun 27 2024

    Come journey with Abby + Fallon in this delicious stew of topics such as:

    - How each of them navigate their different perspectives on meeting discomfort in their lives. And how your rebellious stubborn energy is actually serving what is or isn’t for you.

    - Discern what risks are truly your leap to where you want to go, and if your resistance is actually guiding you versus keeping you stuck.

    - Tapping into the fear that’s keeping you truly safe, versus the fear that’s stopping you from moving forward.

    - Tapping into your ‘future self’ to receive advice for real time guidance and support.

    This episode gives you tangible practices to implement today, with so many golden nuggets to take with you.


    Speaking of Dive, Fallon Jaye has an opening in her small mastermind THE DEEP END - email or DM her for more info!

    Tag Abby + Fallon on what most lands with you, as we are walking next to you in this wild life journey!

    All the love, Abby + Fallon

    Abby -




    Fallon -




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    24 mins