
  • "Hyped": Public Relations, Misinformation and the Fight for Truth.
    Dec 8 2020

    Public Relations, Misinformation and the Fight for Truth

    In “Hyped,” two award-winning public relations and marketing executives pull back the curtain on public relations and how its misuse is leading to an increasingly chaotic and polarized world. The hosts share real-world stories and first-hand accounts that put a microscope on the impact misinformation is having on society and how we can use public relations for good. In our time of fake news, conspiracy theories and disinformation campaigns, it's never been more important to understand how stories are architected and distributed. 

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    2 mins
  • Episode One Public Relations Origins: to Inform or Control?
    Jul 13 2021

    Amanda and Jennifer dive into their pasts in PR and marketing, including time in a well known front group from the tobacco industry. They then examine the origins of PR itself. Edward Bernays was the godfather of public relations. He was also the nephew of Sigmund Freud. They chart how his tactics based on the teachings of his uncle are used to influence and manipulate us today. Amanda then speaks to noted media critic Eric Alterman on the state of our information ecosystem and how misinformation impacts us all.

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    42 mins
  • Episode Two: How Front Groups Mislead
    Jul 13 2021

    Flacks to the Front explores how public relations front groups were used in tobacco and how they're showing up today to fuel the climate denial machine. Jennifer Cloer interviews her co-host Amanda McPherson about unwittingly being part of a front group early in her career, and we wrap with an interview with Clean Creatives' Duncan Meisel who says exposing these groups and the agencies that support them can help drive creative talent in new directions.

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    43 mins
  • Episode Three: Dangerous PR Stunts
    Jul 13 2021

    In Episode Three "Dangerous Stunts," we dive into the world of PR stunts that manufacture attention through spectacle—or worse. Public Relations stunts run the gamut from the harmless to the very harmful. In today’s world of image and social media, stunts are even more of an important tactic. We look back at Ivy Lee and the Rockefellers to see how Public Relations stunts began, and then talk with Dylan Bank, director of the fascinating documentary Get Me Roger Stone on how Roger uses stunts for political gain.

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    52 mins
  • Episode Four: The Dark Side of PR
    Jul 13 2021

    In the Dark Side, Jennifer and Amanda take a look at a dark PR case study ripped from the headlines and right in their own backyard (tech). They explore how sophisticated technologies are being used to take shady PR tactics to a whole new level with honey traps, troll farms and end-to-end manipulation systems, and Dr. Jonathan Corpus Ong tells us where we need more transparency in order to stop the spread of digital misinformation.

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    45 mins
  • Episode Five: The Hero's Journey...to the Mall (Story and Emotion)
    Aug 17 2021

    Science has shown humans learn best through stories. Bernays knew if you make an emotional connection and use fear, greed or lust, you can influence people to act. Marketers of all types use story and emotion to great effect. But can it go too far? How do we know if we're being manipulated? In this episode, Amanda and Jennifer break down how story and emotion are used, including some chilling examples. Then Amanda talks to Adobe Executive Creative Director and author Adam Morgan about his book "Sorry Spock, Emotions Drive Business" and why he thinks people trust brands more than media. Please subscribe, follow and rate and share.

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    47 mins
  • Episode Six: Misinformation by owning the news
    Oct 5 2021

    Information has become weaponized. In episode six (part one), Amanda and Jennifer take a look at misinformation and the increasing practice of owning the news. If journalists won’t publish propaganda, companies just create their own "brand journalism." Amanda explains how companies and political dark money groups are disguising paid-for and partisan propaganda as local newspapers. This episode uncovers a very dark trajectory for our democracy. Please subscribe, follow and rate and share.

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    36 mins
  • Episode Seven: Misinformation and the fight for truth
    Oct 13 2021

    In episode seven, Amanda talks with digital democracy and open government expert Alex Howard on the state of journalism and what we can do to fight misinformation. Alex details how lack of trust in government has led to the radicalization of a large segment of our population and how direct community connection is the only way out of this misinformation mess. Please give us a review and share with someone who may enjoy Hyped. 

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    32 mins