This was a lectured delivered by Jesse Morrell at the EEM Conference. He shows how MGT is more effective in evangelism than Calvinism (PSA).
Jesse Morrell is the founder of Open Air Outreach. He also runs a YouTube channel.
From Jesse’s website: “Open Air Outreach is a ministry dedicated to taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to where it truly belongs – to lost sinners. We believe that those who are in rebellion against God are going to be in big trouble on Judgment Day for their sin, that they will face an eternity in the everlasting lake of fire, and that it is only by God’s grace and mercy through Jesus Christ that they can be saved from what they deserve if they repent of their sins and believe the Gospel. Jesus Christ shed his blood for all men, making salvation available for all, so that God will graciously turn from His wrath when sinners turn from their sins. It is the responsibility of the Church to take this good news to our lost and dying world. The objective or mission of our ministry is to call sinners to forsake their sins and trust in Christ!”
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