• Unlimited Lows
    Mar 24 2023
    Don't limit what God can do - even in your lowest moments.
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    6 mins
  • The Manna Plan
    Nov 2 2022
    Circumstances may change, but God does not. If you know Him, you can always count on the Manna Plan.
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    7 mins
  • The Royal Treatment
    7 mins
  • The God Reason
    Nov 18 2021
    God has good reason for everything He does, even when it doesn't make sense to us. Our reasons are often selfish, but His are about salvation, and sometimes, we need to just get on board and trust Him.
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    12 mins
  • Caped Crusaders
    Oct 29 2021
    What happens when I try to be the hero? The results are rarely pretty and God's intentions are frequently ruined by my intervention. This devotion is a challenge to enablers and wannabe caped crusaders like me.
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    7 mins
  • The Throw-Down
    Oct 20 2021
    Do you need to have a "throw-down" with your thoughts? Don't let anxiety and fear rule your day. The struggle is real, but so is God, and HE is greater.t
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    6 mins
  • Our Rejected Redeemer
    Oct 19 2021
    There is no pain that Jesus has not felt. There is no rejection that He cannot relate to. And there is no soul and no situation that He cannot redeem. He is close to you in your pain, and He is pleading and working on your behalf.
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    9 mins
  • Trenches & Benches
    Oct 14 2021
    Don't settle for a seat on the bench, or even in the pew, for that matter. And don't let the endless, and often pointless, battles of this world distract you from the all-important battle of winning souls to Christ.
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    6 mins