Welcome to the Allo Podcast! This episode introduces our hosts, Bethany and Molly, our recurring guests from our Medical Advisory Board, the Allo Hope Foundation, and most importantly the diseases known as Maternal Alloimmunization and Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn. Get the quick facts on how to monitor and treat this disease and how Bethany, Molly, and so many moms have used these treatments to deliver healthy babies.
Episode themes:
- Alloimmunization overview
- What to expect in an allo pregnancy
- How HDFN affects the baby
- How allo moms can protect themselves and their baby
Terminology used in this episode:
- Alloimmunization: a disease in which a mother’s antibodies are primed to attack an incompatible blood antigen that may be present in the blood of their fetus.
- Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN): a blood disorder in a fetus or newborn that develops when the pregnant mother’s antibodies pass through the placenta during pregnancy and attack the baby's red blood cells, breaking down the baby’s red blood cells (hemolysis) at a rapid rate and causing the baby to become anemic.
Allo Hope Terminology Library https://allohopefoundation.org/library/terminology/
Guests: Dr. Ken Moise https://partnersincare.health/directory/kenneth-moise
Dr. Thomas Travett http://www.georgiaperinatal.com/dr-trevett/
Links mentioned in this episode:
Partners in Care HDFN Definition: https://partnersincare.health/conditions/hemolytic-disease-of-the-fetus-and-newborn
Research for this episode provided by Bethany Weathersby and Molly Sherwood of the Allo Hope Foundation. Find more information at https://allohopefoundation.org
The Allo Podcast is produced and edited by