WHAT IS THIS This Meditation of Smoke and Flame is a semi-active mediation where we can ask for insights or guidance and journey to the otherworld. This is a meditative state that brings in elements of Scrying. We use Flame and Smoke. Both these elements have meditative effects and are also considered the in-between places. The thin veil between this world and the otherworld. In this meditation we connect with the Flame we see… to the Flame within us… our sacred flame… our spiritual fire… our source of inspiration. We also connect to the Smoke and let it guide us with its flow and shapes, it’s journey and it’s access to insights. SET UP For this meditation you will need a candle… if you can find sustainably made pure beeswax candles… then these are best… as the burning of pure beeswax stimulates the pituitary gland in humans which in turn triggers the intuitive parts of the brain. You will need some form of incense… stick incense or cone incense… or I prefer using charcoal blocks to drop resin or dried herbs or leaf on… my favourite is pine resin… juniper and cedar… also sage. This meditation is best done in a dark room or space so that the light of the flame illuminates the smoke as it rises. The set up… we want the incense or burning charcoal placed in front of the candle… play around a little bit with the exact location… sometimes directly in front is good… sometimes just to the left or right of the front of the candle gets better visual results for the smoke. PURPOSE The purpose of this meditation is really whatever you want it to be. Set an intention beforehand. If you have a question or are searching for some insight on anything… then set this as the intention for the meditation. The reason I find this style of meditation useful is that I’m not spending the moments clearing my mind of thoughts. I let the smoke of the incense and the flame of the candle take me on the journey. For periods through the meditation I can find myself blissfully drifting… clear of thoughts and concerns. As I watch and observe the swirling smoke and the illumination I feel I am entering another realm. In fact I am. Here is where we receive our insights… our answers… our guidance… here is where our Intuition is most powerful. Rather than concentrating on clearing my mind… I let what comes come. What messages am I receiving… what epiphanies am I awakening. What am I hearing… what am I seeing… what am I feeling. This journey will be experienced in whatever way yours takes you. Everyones experience is different. It may be very visual… it may be more of a feeling journey. Remember… in the Otherworld we may receive our information very differently than this realm. Learn to take notice of how you receive. You may have visions… you may have internal audible… you may just have feeling. But take notice of other aspects of receiving… in the otherworld the rules of this world don’t always apply. Really observe how you may be receiving… you could be hearing a thought… or are you feeling a vision… maybe you are seeing a feeling or thinking a sound. Take note of how this Otherworld communicates to you. Most importantly… go with the flow… let go… have fun… and enjoy awakening your inner wisdom through your journeys with Smoke and Flame. Download PDF Instructions: https://a76f09dd-6212-4777-b46e-971fdb361695.filesusr.com/ugd/41a3a5_8af8f68ccc644d6fa3152f07eefff4fa.pdf