• What is a Community Group Shepherd - Part 2
    Apr 23 2024

    During our Spring Community Group Leader Equipping, we talked more in-depth about how we operate more as a shepherd for those in our group. Listen to Part 1 of the training recorded via Zoom and led by our Central Groups Pastor & Discipleship Director Team.

    Please download the PDF File: (training document): https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:va6c2:bcbc709c-d7d7-418a-b90d-605f0f1e9e4a

    Check out our Vox Groups Leader Resource on RightNow Media for more practical tools to lead healthy, vibrant, growing Community Groups. https://app.rightnowmedia.org/.../interact.../863245/details

    • If you don't have access to RightNow Media join today: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/join/VoxChurch
    • Keep connected with other CGLs & Coaches by joining our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NHVCGLsCoaches

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    38 mins
  • What is a Community Group Shepherd - Part 1
    Apr 23 2024

    During our Spring Community Group Leader Equipping, we talked more in-depth about how we operate more as a shepherd for those in our group. Listen to Part 1 of the training recorded via Zoom and led by our Central Groups Pastor & Discipleship Director Team.

    Please download the PDF File: (training document): https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:va6c2:bcbc709c-d7d7-418a-b90d-605f0f1e9e4a

    Check out our Vox Groups Leader Resource on RightNow Media for more practical tools to lead healthy, vibrant, growing Community Groups. https://app.rightnowmedia.org/.../interact.../863245/details

    • If you don't have access to RightNow Media join today: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/join/VoxChurch
    • Keep connected with other CGLs & Coaches by joining our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NHVCGLsCoaches

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    36 mins
  • 13. Partnering with Global Missions
    Feb 2 2024

    Join us in this episode as we welcome our guest, Lauren Roy, the Global Mission Director at Vox. Tune in to hear an engaging discussion on the latest updates regarding upcoming trips and discover practical ways for community group leaders to join in prayer and support this impactful ministry's mission to come alongside our partners in 2024.

    Episode Notes: Practical ways you as a leader can partner with Global Missions:

    Partner in Prayer:

    Global Missions Prayer Needs:

    1. Church Planting & Theological Training
      For Rog & Deb YWAM
      Pray for someone to help pioneer an apprenticeship program
      in the coming months.
      For Advancing Native Missions
      Pray for a deepening faith of church elders and leaders in
      Africa so they, in turn, can teach believers to know Jesus and
      grow in him.
    2. Least Access to the Gospel
      For David & Monica - Turkey
      Pray for local leaders within the church to step into
      leadership, care, and discipleship roles within the church.
      Pray for revival to sweep through Fethiye.
      Pray for God’s favor and provision to allow for the purchase
      of a building that would increase the church's space to grow.
    3. Women & Children
      For Love 146 - Philippines
      Pray children are reached with prevention education and
      protected from trafficking.
      Pray for discernment, wisdom, and strength for staff carrying
      daily heavy stories and situations.
      Pray for heart change and repentance for traffickers.
      For Rise + Shine - India
      Pray for on-the-ground teams to receive wisdom and
      discernment as they navigate escalating persecution in India
      alongside 1,800 pastors in the field.
    4. Extreme Poverty
      For World Relief
      Pray for health in places like Malawi & Burundi where
      communities have been grappling with the resurgence of
      Cholera. May they have the funds and support needed to
      respond to and prevent outbreaks through hygiene, water,
      and sanitation solutions
    5. Arena of Ideas
      For Hope International
      Pray for the work of Hope International in Burundi. Pray that
      God would continue to grow their savings groups and that
      people would come to know God through the opportunities
      to learn about financial stewardship.

    Recruit a Missions Champion to intentionally keep needs in the forefront.

    • One time a month pray for these needs for 10 minutes with your group.
    • Create a care package for one of our partners

    Check out our Vox Groups Leader Resource on RightNow Media for more practical tools to lead healthy, vibrant, growing Community Groups. https://app.rightnowmedia.org/.../interact.../863245/details

    • If you don't have access to RightNow Media join today: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/join/VoxChurch
    • Keep connected with other CGLs & Coaches by joining our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NHVCGLsCoaches

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    21 mins
  • 12. A Year in Review: Examen
    Dec 20 2023

    As we continue in our desire to see CG leaders equipped, tune in to a conversation with Kurt Garceau, Groups Pastor, Kisha Sheppherd, and special guest Nancy Silva, Pastor of Spiritual Life at Vox. In this episode, Nancy shares her heart about the importance of taking time to reflect and pause to review the day or the year through spiritual practices that will enrich your walk with Jesus. May your heart be encouraged this Christmas Season.

    Check out our Vox Groups Leader Resource on RightNow Media for more practical tools to lead healthy, vibrant, growing Community Groups. https://app.rightnowmedia.org/.../interact.../863245/details

    • If you don't have access to RightNow Media join today: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/join/VoxChurch
    • Keep connected with other CGLs & Coaches by joining our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NHVCGLsCoaches

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    23 mins
  • 11. Let's Talk: Anxiety & Mental Health
    Nov 10 2023

    Episode 11: Let's Talk Anxiety & Mental Health is a conversation with Kurt Garceau, Kisha Sheppherd, and special guest Shane Mahon LCSW a Therapist, and a valued member of our Vox Community. In this episode, Shane helps to define anxiety and mental health with the overall goal of helping Group Leaders gain an understanding of how and when to support group members who battle with anxiety and mental Health. In this discussion, you will find practical tips and guidance. Check out the resources in the notes below.


    Counseling Referral List:

    Comforting Words for Someone with Anxiety

    “I'm Here for You” ...

    “Do You Want Me to Stay & Keep You Company?”

    “Your Feelings Are Valid”

    “This Feeling Will Pass”

    “Feelings Are Not Facts”

    “It's Ok To Feel This Way”

    “You Are Not Alone”

    “What Helps? /What Can I Do To Help?”

    GET ACCESS to Right Now Media by clicking this link:

    What's Next: Right Now Media - Suggested Studies on the Vox Church channel: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/en/library/custom/default?fbclid=IwAR3rYIsVHBPBQW6fMFQChpstfF0_xIZTwq30UZliY0t4bOwCKRYA2mKDX4A

    Looking Ahead: 2024 - We are changing to a seasonal model of groups - Check your email, and or join our Vox Groups & Coaches Facebook Group for more info: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NHVCGLsCoaches

    Check out our Vox Groups Leader Resource on RightNow Media for more practical tools to lead healthy, vibrant, growing Community Groups. https://app.rightnowmedia.org/.../interact.../863245/details

    • If you don't have access to RightNow Media join today: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/join/VoxChurch
    • Keep connected with other CGLs & Coaches by joining our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NHVCGLsCoaches

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    33 mins
  • 10: What's Next??? Groups 2024
    Oct 6 2023

    In this episode, Kurt Garceau and Kisha Sheppherd talk about What's Next for Groups in 2024. Listen to why we have decided to switch to a seasonal model of Community Groups. For details and FAQs see the episode notes below:


    WHAT’S CHANGING: Historically we had an ongoing model of groups but starting in 2024 we are shifting to a seasonal model of groups. Instead of just having groups ongoing and just leaving it up to the leader to communicate start and end dates, we are providing clarification on what we believe are natural rhythms of group life.

    WHY THE CHANGE: To encourage healthy group rhythms, and to allow space to intentionally carve out time in the calendar to equip and shepherd Community Group Leaders.



    • Winter Kick-Off – 10 Weeks - 1/28/24 through 3/31/24
    • Spring Kick–Off 10 Weeks - 4/28/24 through 6/30/24
    • Fall Kick–Off – 10 Weeks 9/22/24 through 11/24/24.


    Before each Group kick-off, we want to pull all our leaders together for 3 weeks sort of like Mini Session Community Group for Group Leaders. These are local training courses with your Pastoral Staff & Group Directors and Coaches that will happen 3 times a year.
    First Equipping Session Starts the week of January 7th through January 22nd
    Second Equipping Session Starts the week of April 7th and through April 22nd
    Third Equipping Session is a little weird because of the summer: There will be 2 weeks at the end of August and 1 Week in September.

    GROUP RALLY –– 1 Week

    September 8th, 2024 will be our GROUPS RALLY, this is an annual event where we get to gather ALL our leaders in one place to celebrate all that God has done.


    • SUMMER SABBATH BREAK – 7/7/24 - 8/11/24
    • HOLIDAY SABBATH BREAK – 12/1/24 - 1/6/25


    Question: What happens if I want my group to continue and not stop meeting during Group Leader Equipping sessions? Answer: We encourage you to pause and really focus on engaging during this week as a leader. There will be videos to watch and chapters to read to prepare for the session, and it's really a time for you to receive and be shepherded by the Lord and other leaders around you. Suggestion: Maybe this is a time to identify a Future Group Leader or Co-Leader who can Facilitate the Group meetings during this time.

    Question: If we are moving to a seasonal model, will content be provided for every session like in the Fall Series?

    Check out our Vox Groups Leader Resource on RightNow Media for more practical tools to lead healthy, vibrant, growing Community Groups. https://app.rightnowmedia.org/.../interact.../863245/details

    • If you don't have access to RightNow Media join today: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/join/VoxChurch
    • Keep connected with other CGLs & Coaches by joining our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NHVCGLsCoaches

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    24 mins
  • 9: Elements of a Healthy Community Group
    Sep 1 2023

    In this episode, Kurt Garceau and Jake Rosekopf talk about 7 elements of a Healthy Community Group and practical ways to ensure they are being accomplished in your group. For more practical ways to improve group health, see the note at the bottom.



    • Consistency of the scheduled gathering
    • Consistency of attendance of members
    • Consistency of fellowship, prayer, worship, and Bible study.


    • Definition: "The quality of being genuine or real."
    • Everyone is open and honest about their spiritual journey.
    • Starts with the leader. Leaders don't have to be perfect, just in process.

    3. GROWTH

    • Bible knowledge is turning into life application.
    • Testimonies of real-life change and godly decision-making are being shared.
    • Fruits of the Spirit are evident. (Galatians 5:22-23)
    • Love for God and others is obvious.


    • Fellowship, laughter, and stories happen organically.
    • People come together around shared interests outside of the gatherings.
    • (Listen to Episode #5: Life Together Beyond Gatherings)

    5. NEEDS MET

    • Group members support, pray for, and encourage each other.
    • Prayer as a first response, not a last resort.
    • Other ideas: meals, hospital visits, cards, flowers, texts, phone calls.


    • Groups can and should serve together on Sundays, in local and global outreach opportunities.
    • Local outreach opportunities available here : https://voxchurch.org/outreach
    • Global outreach opportunities available here: https://voxchurch.org/global


    • There is excitement about welcoming new people to the group.
    • When new people join they feel welcomed and included.

    *Note: To discover which elements your group needs improvement, go to your account on https://voxchurch.org and click into your Community Group under "My Groups." From there, click on "Group Assessment" under the links and take the assessment. This will help you, your CG Coach and your Campus CG Director identify areas where growth is needed and offer practical ways to improve in those areas.

    Check out our Vox Groups Leader Resource on RightNow Media for more practical tools to lead healthy, vibrant, growing Community Groups. https://app.rightnowmedia.org/.../interact.../863245/details

    • If you don't have access to RightNow Media join today: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/join/VoxChurch
    • Keep connected with other CGLs & Coaches by joining our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NHVCGLsCoaches

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    20 mins
  • 8: Getting Ready for Fall
    Aug 1 2023

    In this episode, Kurt Garceau and Jake Rosekopf talk about 4 practical steps to get ready for leading your Community Group in the fall.


    Typical Fall Timeline:

    End of August – Fall Campaign Curriculum Released & Group Links

    • Groups Links are an opportunity for people to sign-up for Community Groups at each campus.

    Early September – Groups Rally

    • The Groups Rally is an opportunity to build excitement around Community Groups, to prep for the Fall Campaign, to offer more specific equipping, and to give out leader resources)

    Late September – Fall Campaign Begins

    Practical steps to ensure that you are ready to lead an amazing group this fall:

    1. PRAY

    • Start praying now! Prayer aligns your heart and the mission with God’s heart and His mission. Ephesians 3:14 &20

    2. PLAN

    • Proverbs 16:3 reminds us “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”

    What needs planned?

    • Start date.
    • Meeting location.
    • Day of the week.
    • Time of the gathering.
    • Type of group. (Co-Ed, Men’s Women’s, Singles, Young Adults, Children Welcome, Marriage, Parenting, Online)

    3. PREPARE

    • Every year, along with the sermon series, Vox will provide some sort of box or folder where the curriculum will be provided for each Community Group Leader for their gatherings.
    • As a CG Leader, you will need to pick up your box or folder, 1 per Community Group, look through it, and prepare to lead your group.

    4. PROMOTE

    • Communicate with your campus Community Group Director the info of your group so that they can get your info on a sign-up sheet.
    • Plan to participate in Group Links, and/or recruit by word of mouth.
    • Communication is KEY! Communicate the time, the meeting address, the day of the week, what to bring, everything….and do it more than once!

    Check out our Vox Groups Leader Resource on RightNow Media for more practical tools to lead healthy, vibrant, growing Community Groups. https://app.rightnowmedia.org/.../interact.../863245/details

    • If you don't have access to RightNow Media join today: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/join/VoxChurch
    • Keep connected with other CGLs & Coaches by joining our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NHVCGLsCoaches

    Show More Show Less
    21 mins