• ThrowForward Thursday 163: The Great 50 year global drought
    Sep 13 2024

    It's September 2082, and we mark the 50th anniversary of the official start of what has become The Great 50-Year Global Drought. Cities have been emptied, country borders changed, wars fought and entire economies gutted... and there seems to be no end in sight.

    This episode of ThrowForward Thursday is based on historical facts. Back in 1177BC, a 300 year drought caused the almost complete collapse of multiple civilisations in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean areas. You can listen to Dan Snow's History Hit podcast, as he interviews Eric Cline, the author of '1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed': https://podcasts.apple.com/in/podcast/the-bronze-age-collapse/id1042631089?i=1000664352855

    It's a sobering lesson from the past. It's an alarming possibility for our future.

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    5 mins
  • ThrowForward Thursday 162: Jet Pack Drone Racing League Suspended
    Sep 5 2024

    Sports News Headlines for 4 September 2039: Jet Pack Drone Racing League Suspended

    Just ahead of the first African Olympic Games in 2040, the latest Olympic sport of Jet Pack Drone Racing has been dealt a blow as two more deaths results in the suspension of the European League.

    What might the future of dangerous sports look like? How do we push the boundaries of human endeavour while minimising risks?

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    3 mins
  • ThrowForward Thursday 161: The Death of Outsourced Procurement
    Aug 29 2024

    More of a hope than a prediction, this episode of ThrowForward Thursday has a rant warning attached, as we imagine a future where companies have stopped outsourcing their supplier management to procurement services that make it incredibly difficult to sign contracts, send invoices and get paid for the products and services rendered. Stopped because - maybe - it has been made illegal to outsource procurement!

    The cost savings companies make by outsourcing procurement services are completely outweighed by the brand and reputation damage they incur as suppliers are made to jump through time-consuming and costly hoops just to get paid.

    Let's imagine a future where companies are driven more by creating a great environment in which to do business than they are by cost-cutting efficiencies.

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    6 mins
  • ThrowForward Thursday 160: Ancient Virus Released
    Aug 22 2024

    Breaking news in 2037: the thawing of Arctic ice releases a 40,000 year old virus that doctors have never seen before. Another unintended consequence of global warming, and a reminder that our world is changing dramatically right now.

    How would your business respond to another pandemic lockdown? What would the impact of a global health emergency be on your infrastructure, supply chain, and market. These are scenarios worth considering as you build antifragility into your business.

    Contact our team at TomorrowToday for more assistance in building future-ready, antifragile organisations.

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    4 mins
  • ThrowForward Thursday 159: Human Robot Bionics
    Aug 15 2024

    'Bionic' means Humans and Technology not just working with each other, but augmenting and even integrating to supercharge our outputs. There are three obvious ways this could happen: (1) Robotic exoskeletons and human/robot hybrids, (2) software and applications augmenting human intelligence, and (3) techno-diversity where technology becomes part of our diversity quotient.

    We need to move from a goal of automation to a mindset of augmentation.

    NOTE: The book referenced in the video is David McCandless, "Information is Beautiful". See his excellent website: https://informationisbeautiful.net

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    12 mins
  • ThrowForward Thursday 158: France Bans Energy Drinks (future scenario)
    Aug 8 2024

    Imagine a world where a government bans energy drinks if they are proven to be bad for public health, and people are abusing their impact and causing damage to themselves and others.

    This is not a prediction, just a scenario.

    The question for you in your company is how would you handle a change in sentiment towards your products and services, maybe even to the point where some or all of what you do is banned by the State. It's about making sure you've considered worst case scenarios in your planning.

    If you'd like help thinking about future trends, or future-proofing your company strategy, please contact our team to chat about what we can do for you. See our consulting work at http://www.tomorrowtoday.consulting

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    4 mins
  • ThrowForward Thursday: Ep 157: Vocal Biomarker Disease Detection
    Aug 1 2024

    This is the start of Season 5 of ThrowForward Thursday.

    Welcome to 2029, where a weekly 15 second recording of your voice is used to diagnose a whole range of diseases and give early warnings of health problems in your body.

    This idea is based on the reality of recent medical experiments. Read more in the first comment below.

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    4 mins
  • ThrowForward Thursday 156: Season 5 Promo
    Jul 25 2024

    Season 5 of our Future Scenarios series is coming next week, starting August 2024. I hope you've enjoyed the past few weeks as we have profiled the work I am doing with Buhle Dlamini on The TomorrowToday Podcast.

    See http://www.tomorrowtodayglobal.com/podcast for previous episodes, summaries and links to your favourite podcast platform. Please subscribe, like and review The TomorrowToday Podcast - especially on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. It really will help us.

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    3 mins