• Service
    Sep 27 2020

    The reward for serving is getting to serve the King! Hear Pastor Brandon encourage us to find our place of service at Grace. At the end of the message, you'll have the opportunity to sign up for an area of service at Grace. You can find this form at www.gcffortworth.org/service.

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    34 mins
  • Discipleship
    Sep 20 2020

    Finding Your Place in life to be all God desires for you starts with a heart that’s all in for God. Out of that love, we become disciples learning to hear and obey Him.

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    41 mins
  • Church Membership
    Sep 13 2020

    God has given the church the keys to the kingdom... the ability to bring Heaven to Earth! Hear Pastor Brandon share about how belonging to a church can change the directory of your growth in Christ.

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    48 mins
  • Community
    Sep 6 2020

    Our new series looks at how we begin to find our place and connect with others. Today we look at Finding Our Place in the Church. We look at how God has chosen us and appointed relationships and a place for us so we will bear fruit.

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    41 mins
  • Fresh Start: Walk out your Story
    Aug 30 2020

    Starting fresh is a daily decision. To be truly successful on our fresh start, we need to walk in the Spirit and walk with friends who will encourage us along the way.

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    33 mins
  • Fresh Start: Shake off the Dust
    Aug 16 2020

    We cannot be weighed down by what is behind us, but we must press forward to receive what God has for us. If you’ve been weighed down, pressed down, or held yourself back… it’s time to shake it off and step up to God’s best for your life.

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    28 mins
  • Fresh Start: Stand on the Promises
    Aug 23 2020

    The foundation for our fresh start is standing firmly on the promises of God. These promises can come to us in several ways, but we need to write them down, speak them aloud, and get them deep in our hearts.

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    40 mins
  • Get Back On Your Feet
    Aug 9 2020

    The Christian life is one of ongoing transformation. When life derails our progress, we need God's grace for a fresh start. As we put our hope in Him, we should get excited about where He will take us!

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    45 mins