
    Sep 19 2024

    Numbers 13:30 (KJV)

    And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.

    Setting and going after your goals is a powerful way of exercising your faith. Goals are not merely hopes or dreams but concrete, achievable outcomes. Setting clear goals helps us stay focused and directs our faith towards a specific result.

    The Bible says, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." (Romans 10:17). That means the Word has the power to give you hearing ability. It is through that hearing ability that faith comes. However, faith is like a muscle: it must be exercised. Practice it. Use your faith on little things to start – things that will not make much difference if they do not come to pass – until you get results consistently. Then, as your faith gets stronger, set bigger goals.

    In this year of Milk and Honey, be intentional about setting goals and exercising your faith to reach them. The formula is simple: increase your faculty of hearing through the Word, then as faith comes, set your goal and go for it!


    I seize every opportunity before me with boldness and determination. In this year of Milk and Honey, I pursue my dreams and accomplish them by faith! I am well able to overcome any obstacle and achieve my goals, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.


    Romans 12:3

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    2 mins
    Sep 18 2024

    Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

    My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

    One of the saddest laments in the Bible was uttered by God Himself when He said, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Notice, it does not say people in general, but My people, specifically. He’s talking about His own Blood-bought, Spirit-filled Christians – heirs of all He has and joint-heirs with Christ - perishing because of what they don't know. The worst part, however, is the reason given: because they reject knowledge.

    The Bible contains the Word of God, thereby making it the most knowledgeable book available on Earth. It contains the Wisdom of God that, when applied, saves you from destruction.

    You can't afford not to be in the Word. The Word ought to be studied; it ought to be read in your home. Read it to your little ones, and encourage those who are mature enough to read it for themselves. God wants you to collect riches like dust, but that can't happen as long as your Bible collects dust. The Word is your surety. Read it, live long, and prosper!


    I am a diligent student of the Word, rejecting ignorance and embracing the knowledge that leads to life. As I engage with the Word, I am assured of prosperity, health, and longevity. I declare that the Word is my surety, and I live long and prosper! Amen.


    Job 22:24

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    3 mins
    Sep 18 2024

    Acts 20:22 (ISV)

    And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am on my way to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there.

    Some things we're requested to do by God are burdens of the Spirit where He gives us the opportunity to respond. Then there are things we are summoned to do. A summons requires an altogether different response. It does not come with options and cannot be silenced; it demands 100% compliance. The problem is that one can be summoned and not know it.

    A widow was summoned to feed Prophet Elijah. She was commanded to sustain him (1 Kings 17:9) but had no idea she’d been summoned. She just found herself in the place where summons and opportunity could meet. That’s what is happening for you this year!

    God released a compelling ability to make you prosper like never before. He has summoned money to come to you. Just as light had no option but to appear when God commanded, "Light be!" your house, that car, your marriage, your health, and your money are compelled by the Spirit to come to you. So, pay attention to His summons, for they will lead you to where prosperity and opportunity meet.


    I’m 100% compliant with God’s summons. I am summoned to prosper and increase like never before. God has placed me at the intersection of prosperity and opportunity. My house, car, marriage, health, and money are compelled by the Spirit to come to me. Amen.


    1 Kings 17:8-15

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    3 mins
    Sep 16 2024

    1 Thessalonians 5:19 (KJV)

    Quench not the Spirit.

    Poverty and lack are proof that someone somewhere quenched the Spirit. The Bible tells us that time and chance happen to us all (Ecclesiastes 9:11), meaning rich and poor alike are given opportunities to prosper. The reality is some are comfortable living with the demon of poverty and laying personal claim to their sickness. They refuse to accept the possibility and reality of God’s desire to prosper them by ignoring the thoughts and ideas the Holy Spirit provides through the Word of God to change their situation.

    You see, it's impossible to imagine something that's impossible for you to have. Your desires to have multi-million or billion-dollar businesses, properties all over the world, a garage of luxury cars, perfect health and a happy home are possible.

    When those thoughts come to you, do not rebuke them. Instead, understand that the Holy Spirit creates in you the desire for things that are rightfully yours. Anything that falls within the scope of what the Word of God says you can have, you can have! Believe it, and don’t be ashamed or afraid to go after it!


    In the Name of Jesus, I break free from the grip of poverty; I refuse to be comfortable with sickness and lack. I decree and declare perfect health, prosperity, abundance, and a happy home. It’s milk and honey for me! Amen.


    Philippians 2:13

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    3 mins
    Sep 13 2024

    Luke 21:8 (VOICE)

    Be careful. It’s easy to be deceived. Many people will come claiming to have My authority. They’ll shout, “I’m the One!” or “The time is now!” Don’t take a step in their direction.

    In the fear-charged atmosphere of our present world, people cannot help but feel the disquieting hum of uncertainty. 'Doomsday prepping' is trending, with wealthy billionaires investing their fortunes in underground compounds and 'survival condos' to hedge against unforeseeable turmoil. This reflects the accuracy of the Word of God: men’s hearts will fail because of fear (Luke 21:26).

    Yet God always provides a place of safety for those who are His. The children of Israel dwelt safely in Goshen, immune to the plagues of Egypt. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord and escaped the destruction of the flood in the ark God instructed him to build. Ultimately, God’s people will be caught away, safe from the enemy’s wicked onslaught that will besiege the Earth.

    Despite the palpable fear that surrounds us, we are reminded of the promised land – a place of refuge – where God’s people can dwell securely without fear of oppression or enemies. It reminds us that we are heavily protected, heavily guarded, and heavily defended – GOD PROTECTED! His protection transcends any physical stronghold billionaires may construct.


    I am under God’s divine protection. In the midst of global uncertainty and fear, not a single hair on my head will be harmed. I dwell securely without fear. I am heavily protected, heavily guarded, and heavenly defended in Jesus’ Name! Amen.


    Exodus 6:8

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    3 mins
    Sep 12 2024

    Job 11:7 (EXB)

    “Can you ·understand [L discover] the ·secrets [L deep things] of God? Can you ·search [L discover] the limits of ·the Almighty [Shaddai]?

    What a mighty God we serve! Have you contemplated the vastness of God's providence? How incredible it is that our God calls Himself El Shaddai, which means The Many-Breasted One. He is our Nourisher and Sustainer, the perfect provider of all that is essential, from the spiritual to the physical. Just as milk is a trusted source of calcium, vitamin D, and proteins that fortify our bones and muscles, so is God's Word, nourishing us with spiritual nutrients for our spirits, souls, and bodies.

    His supplies are never-ending, plentiful, and tailored to meet our individual needs so that we would never be deficient in any aspect of our health. You are supplied and supported spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, and in every way. As the old preacher said, no far-seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shoreless supplies. Glory be to God! Whatever you need for any area of your health, draw it out from El Shaddai. His abundant supply never runs out.


    I declare that I am nourished and sustained by the Word of God. El Shaddai is my perfect provider, supplying all my needs spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Just as milk fortifies the body, God's Word nourishes every aspect of my being. I draw from His endless supply, confident that I lack nothing. Hallelujah!


    Philippians 4:19

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    3 mins
    Sep 11 2024

    Proverbs 23:4 (KJV)

    Labour not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom.

    We live in a hustle-and-get-rich-quick culture, leading some to labour endlessly to pursue riches. However, Proverbs 23:4 offers a different perspective that dissuades us from such tireless pursuit. It tells us we should not wear ourselves out trying to get rich. In other words, it should not be a struggle. Instead, it urges us to cease from our own wisdom and lean not on our understanding when it comes to getting rich. It is a powerful reminder that it is not through ceaseless toil and self-reliance that we find prosperity but through the wisdom that God freely offers. This wisdom surpasses all earthly understanding and promises not just wealth but wealth that comes without toil or strife.

    This truth is echoed beautifully in Ecclesiastes 10:10, which reminds us that wisdom sharpens the axe, giving us the advantage, we need to conquer. Without this wisdom, we merely swing a dull axe, exhausting ourselves needlessly. But with God's wisdom, any challenge life throws our way is felled effortlessly. This is the advantage and success that wisdom brings. Explore the wealth of business wisdom in the Bible. Sharpen your skills with wisdom and enjoy sweatless victories!


    I release the burden of ceaseless toil for riches and yield to the wisdom of God. I receive the promise of wealth without struggle and gain the advantage that leads to sweet victories. Amen.


    James 1:5

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    3 mins
    Sep 11 2024

    Numbers 14:36 (MSG)

    So it happened that the men Moses sent to scout out the land returned to circulate false rumours about the land causing the entire community to grumble against Moses—all these men died. Having spread false rumours of the land, they died in a plague, confronted by God.

    One of the most tragic accounts in history occurred when the children of Israel arrived at the promised land. After wandering in barren desert places for so long, they became accustomed to noticing only lack. When some were sent to investigate the new territory and report back, all but two returned with what God calls “an evil report” – false rumours about perceived, fear-based danger. As a result of their complaints, they and all who joined them in complaining died without possessing the promised land.

    God takes complaining personally. Why? Because every complaint affronts His goodness, faithfulness, and provision. He brought you into the promised land with all its benefits and blessings. So, if your body shows you symptoms that don’t look like a promise, cast them out! If your bank balance tries to convince you that you’re broke, never believe it! These are false rumours! Refuse to focus on any perceived problem. Focus instead on the plenty God has provided. Look for your abundance and possess it no matter what!


    I refuse to entertain false rumours of lack or limitation. Complaining has no place in my life. I declare abundance only. I focus on plenty and possess His promises in Jesus' Name! Amen.


    Philippians 2:14-15

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    3 mins