This week we have plenty to get to on Golden Eagle Weekly but we start off with a look at the LCCC Esports team! We focus on a few of the athletes starting with sophomore Andrew Santhuff who has been a big part of the team ever since joining and was one of our Athletes of the Week a few weeks back. He has been a part of more teams than any other Golden Eagle on the team and gives us some insight into what drives him to do everything he can. We also talk with freshman Kiara Kershaw, and if the name sounds familiar, it's because she is also a member of the LCCC women's soccer team! She has made a big impact on the Rainbow 6: Siege team that has made it to the semifinals of the NJCAAe postseason!
We also talk with her head coach on the soccer field as Lugo Arenas joins us to talk about how the spring has gone and what getting outside to practice really means for the team as he gets a chance to see what he has in front of him. We also talk about the time that he has been spending in recruiting and what he has been looking for to add to the team roster.
We round out the show with a talk with Head Volleyball Coach Zach Shaver as the spring season is also starting to wind down for them. They have finished most of their recruiting already and Coach Shaver gives an idea of what they have been working on and how the team has shown him their work ethic this spring as they look forward to building on the fall's successful campaign next season!