Where to begin? When I met Eugene Staples, I knew immediately that he was a high energy, highly entertaining young man with many talents, ideas and dreams. I did not imagine that he'd pursue degrees in Marketing, Film, and Religion and create his own brand, Genie Deez, that is both a person and a multi-media company. And all before his 30th birthday. We talk about early struggles and why he's drawn to constant learning in both structured and organic ways every day. He explains the crazy work ethic that he credits to four years on the drumline with the ND Marching Band and how it's not magic, but people sometimes see it that way. Genie is a modern Renaissance man working hard to live a good life, make scholarship accessible, and contribute to important conversations in ways that engage, inspire, and surprise. This is one of those conversations - don't miss it.
Genie's recommendations:
YouTube - learn anything and everything. Start with Genie's own channel.
The Internet Movie Script Database - IMSDb - read the scripts of your favorite movies.
Find more on Genie's background and current projects on his website and then connect with him through his various social media accounts linked there.
Please check out the pod's sponsor Fire Stationery and follow them on Instagram @firestationery.
Find more on Alison @ https://linktr.ee/alisonlevey. If you have questions that you'd like me to answer on the monthly bonus episode, The Highlighter Edition, send them to openbooktestpodcast@gmail.com.
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