• Chainbreakers: Unconditional Love in Action
    May 23 2024

    Don Weld Jr., a Minneapolis native, grew up in a Christian family where service and ministry were parts of daily life. His early exposure to prison ministry through his father’s involvement ignited a passion for helping those on the margins of society. By adulthood, Don was actively participating in prison ministries, combining sports and spiritual nourishment to reach out to inmates. This laid the groundwork for his future endeavors.

    About 15 years ago, Don’s journey took a decisive turn as he began leveraging basketball to connect with young men in North Minneapolis. This initiative eventually evolved into Chainbreakers, a ministry dedicated to supporting individuals struggling with addiction, incarceration, and life’s tough challenges. Through open discussion groups, one-on-one mentorship, and unconditional love, Don and the Chainbreakers community assist people in navigating their journey towards healing and faith.

    Don’s commitment to personal, hands-on ministry is evident in his approach to leadership at Chainbreakers. He emphasizes the importance of transparency, mentorship, and the power of God’s Word in overcoming personal struggles. Despite facing challenges like resistance from the community and the profound loss of individuals to addiction and violence, Don remains undeterred, fueled by a belief in God’s love and the transformative power of genuine relationships.

    Don’s life and work exemplify a profound dedication to serving others, guided by a spirit-led approach to ministry. Whether through playing basketball with those recently out of prison or sharing a cup of coffee with someone in need, Don’s actions reflect a belief in the potential for redemption and change in every individual. He continues to inspire and mentor through Chainbreakers, proving that with faith, compassion, and community, transformation is possible for anyone.

    For more information about Chainbreakers visit:

    Needed: A volunteer to lead the incarcerated pen-pal team. Make a difference today!

    01:40 Guest Introduction: A Life of Obedience and Ministry
    02:25 Don’s Background: Growing Up in a Christian Family
    03:16 Early Ministry Work and the Birth of Hoops Church
    05:30 Expanding Ministry: From Hoops Church to Chain Breakers
    13:16 Personal Reflections and Future Aspirations
    17:42 Unconditional Love and Final Moments
    21:45 Encouraging Transparency and Personal Struggles
    24:11 Volunteering and Supporting Chainbreakers
    28:03 Personal Reflections and the Importance of Being Present
    32:20 Concluding Thoughts and Invitation to Get Involved

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    34 mins
  • A Thousand Chances: The Story of a Corrections Chaplain
    May 16 2024

    Join us in this inspiring episode where we delve into the life and journey of Patrick Day, a man who found hope and direction in the most challenging times. Patrick, once ensconced in the depths of depression and despair, turned his life around through faith, mentorship, and service. As a credentialed correctional chaplain and the author of nine compelling books, Patrick shares his transformative experiences from depression to embracing a life dedicated to serving others and spreading hope.

    In this episode, not only will we explore Patrick’s remarkable path from surviving to living, but we’ll also unveil how personal struggle and professional expertise can converge to guide those battling their own demons. Don’t miss this profound exploration of faith, redemption, and the power of staying close to Jesus, featuring insights on mentorship, ministry, and the importance of empathetic connections.

    Whether you’re seeking inspiration, facing personal trials, or simply looking for a story of incredible transformation, Patrick’s journey from the brink of despair to becoming a beacon of light for many is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit when guided by faith and purpose.

    Patrick Day’s story is one of remarkable transformation and dedication. From grappling with severe depression to becoming a credentialed correctional chaplain and a prolific author, Patrick’s life is a testament to the power of faith and recovery. Through his ministry work in jails and with organizations like Teen Challenge, as well as his profound books, Patrick serves as a beacon of hope and guidance for individuals facing their darkest hours. His commitment to helping others rediscover their path, grounded in his deep faith and personal experience, makes him a unique and relatable figure in the realms of spiritual guidance and recovery. Patrick’s journey underscores the profound impact of mentorship, the importance of staying close to Jesus, and the belief that even in the midst of despair, a new chapter of life can begin.


    01:42 Introducing Patrick Day: From Correctional Chaplain to Author
    02:36 Patrick’s Journey: Finding God and Battling Depression
    12:30 A New Chapter: Embracing Ministry and Writing
    13:57 Expanding Outreach: Jail Ministries and Beyond
    22:19 The Impact of Writing and Ministry on Recovery
    27:49 Diving Deeper into Adult and Teen Challenge
    30:51 Exploring the Impact of Teen Challenge and Personal Mentoring
    31:44 Transformative Encounters: From Bible Studies to Personal Transformation
    32:50 The Power of Visuals in Sharing the Gospel
    33:51 Life-Changing Stories from the Jail Ministry
    37:52 The Journey of Discipleship and Mentorship
    38:19 Overcoming Depression and Embracing Empathy
    40:01 The Role of Personal Experience in Ministry
    41:26 Navigating Ministry in Jails vs. Prisons
    42:43 The Continuation of Mentorship After Release
    46:21 Becoming a Chaplain: A Turning Point
    54:02 Staying Close to Jesus: The Ultimate Advice
    01:00:17 Final Thoughts and the Importance of Mentorship

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Conviction to Contribution: The MRRA Story
    May 9 2024

    Matt Emerson’s journey from adversity to advocacy showcases the profound impact of resilience, education, and a dedication to community service. Born into a biracial family, Matt navigated the complexities of racial identity and societal challenges from a young age. His early experiences with substance abuse and dealing led to a period of homelessness and eventually incarceration, setting the stage for a remarkable transformation.

    During his time in prison, Matt engaged in educational pursuits and self-improvement activities, emerging with an enriched perspective on the potential for personal growth. His post-incarceration life has been defined by an unyielding commitment to supporting those affected by the criminal justice system, leveraging his experiences to drive meaningful change.

    A pivotal achievement in Matt’s journey of service was his instrumental role in the creation of the Minnesota Rehabilitation and Reinvestment Act (MRRA). His proposal, rooted in the insights gained from his own journey and the challenges he observed within the system, contributed significantly to shaping the bill. The MRRA represents a legislative milestone aimed at transforming the incarceration landscape in Minnesota, promoting rehabilitation, and offering a second chance to those willing to engage in constructive change.

    Today, Matt is a respected community leader and advocate, known for his work in providing sober housing and supporting formerly incarcerated individuals. Through his efforts, Emerson not only aids in their reintegration but also champions policy reform and the establishment of a more equitable and humane justice system. His legacy is a testament to the idea that redemption is within reach for those who seek it and that individual stories of transformation can inspire systemic change.

    Matt Emerson’s life story underscores the belief that adversity can breed strength and that one’s past does not dictate the future. His contributions to community service and criminal justice reform reflect a deep compassion for others and a drive to ensure that opportunities for redemption and growth are accessible to all.

    00:00 Introduction to the Podcast
    01:53 Matthew Emerson’s Journey: From Homelessness to Sobriety
    02:09 The Spiral into Drug Dealing and Consequences
    02:30 The Turning Point: From Drug Use to Sobriety
    15:37 Life Lessons from Prison and Beyond
    26:46 Reflections on Change, Mentoring, and Personal Growth
    31:21 Navigating Heritage and Identity in Incarceration
    32:52 Seeking Eldership and Guidance Behind Bars
    33:31 Fatherhood from Within: Learning and Leading in Prison
    36:21 Redefining Parenthood and Partnership from Prison
    37:29 Transitioning from Incarceration to Community Contribution
    46:10 Challenges and Triumphs in Providing Housing for the Formerly Incarcerated

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    58 mins
  • Am I Enough? An Odyssey of Addiction, Forgiveness, and Grace
    May 2 2024

    In this episode of the From Surviving to Living Spotlight Series, the conversation with guest Al Reff centers on the common issue of not feeling good enough, struggling with societal expectations, and the deep-seated desire for acceptance. The discussion aims to explore what the Bible teaches about our identity, value, and worth, offering insights into where these sentiments truly originate. We explore Al’s profound journey from struggling with substance abuse, incarceration, and despair to finding redemption and grace. Through the guidance of Pastor Dave and a spiritual awakening in prison, Al undergoes a remarkable transformation, embracing forgiveness and grace to rebuild his life and offer hope to others in similar circumstances.


    00:38 Introduction
    02:45 Facing Addiction and Finding Chain Breakers
    04:20 The Spiral into Substance Abuse
    08:10 The Battle with Cocaine: First Encounter
    12:45 Recovery, Relapse, and the Role of Family
    15:40 The Return to Addiction: A Downward Spiral
    17:25 Seeking Treatment and Facing Marital Challenges
    19:31 The Impact of Personal Loss and Addiction
    19:53 The Cycle of Treatment and Relapse
    21:41 Professional Life and Its Challenges
    22:26 Family Dynamics and the Path to Treatment
    25:17 A New Beginning: From Oil Fields to Personal Crisis
    27:46 Facing Consequences and Finding Redemption
    28:04 Exploring Faith and Forgiveness
    35:47 The Journey of Healing and Understanding Grace
    47:56 Advice for Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Grace

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    52 mins
  • Common Ground: Disarming Division with Kindness
    Apr 25 2024

    This episode features an interview with Christina Lusk, who shares her personal journey of coming out as transgender, facing discrimination and hate, contemplating suicide, and her struggle for acceptance and rights within the prison system. Born in Rochester, Minnesota, Christina’s life took a dramatic turn after coming out in 2008, leading to a series of challenges including societal rejection, police discrimination, and surviving traumatic conditions in men’s prison facilities. Despite these hardships, Christina found hope and advocacy through the Minnesota Department of Human Rights and legal support from Gender Justice, ultimately fighting for and securing her rights. The conversation touches on the importance of unconditional love, faith, mutual understanding, and the impact of support from family and friends. The episode underscores the message of kindness, compassion, and the transformative power of understanding and supporting one another’s journeys in a Christ-centered way. It challenges followers of Jesus to befriend and love everyone, including people in different social circles.

    01:38 Introduction
    01:57 Christina’s Personal Journey and Challenges
    03:55 Experiences of Discrimination and Finding Acceptance
    07:34 Incarceration Experiences and Fighting for Rights
    12:27 Transition to Women’s Prison and Legal Battles
    27:23 Life After Incarceration: Advocacy and Healing
    37:24 Reflections on Compassion and Understanding

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    43 mins
  • Voices for Justice: Overcoming Stigma Through Understanding
    Apr 18 2024

    From Surviving to Living Spotlight: Breaking Stigmas and Building Bridges with David Boehnke

    This episode of ‘From Surviving to Living Spotlight’ features a dialogue with IWOC coordinator David Boehnke, who discusses his journey from experiencing bullying and questioning societal structures, to deeply engaging in activism and organizing against the social stigma surrounding incarceration. Boehnke, growing up in Ann Arbor, Michigan, illuminates his early experiences and influences that shaped his perspective on social justice. He details his involvement in youth groups during high school, which pivoted his attention towards the disparities in educational and incarceration systems, particularly the racial disproportionality in remedial classes and prison populations. Boehnke’s activism journey led him to college where he majored in humanities, media, and cultural studies, and further immersed himself into understanding systemic issues like white supremacy, patriarchy, colonialism, and imperialism. Post-college, Boehnke’s work expanded to include support and organizing within the incarcerated community, resulting in the formation of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee of the Twin Cities. This organization aims to combat mass incarceration and create meaningful societal changes by fostering empathy, understanding, and action amongst individuals, both inside and outside the prison system. Throughout the episode, Boehnke and the host, Holly Bot, discuss the challenges, breakthroughs, and the ongoing efforts to bridge gaps, encourage community involvement, and advocate for legislative reforms to end life without parole, among other significant issues.


    00:00 Opening Musical Introduction
    00:29 Setting Up the Interview
    00:53 Introduction to the Spotlight Series
    01:42 David’s Journey: From Bullying to Social Awareness
    02:55 Exploring the Roots of Incarceration and Social Stigma
    05:29 College Years and Deepening Understanding
    06:57 Activism and Connecting with the Incarcerated Community
    10:23 The Impact of Personal Growth on Social Empathy
    14:19 The Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee: Goals and Actions
    17:02 Legislative Efforts and the Hope for Change
    22:19 Personal Reflections and Encouraging Community Involvement
    30:27 Closing Remarks and Future Initiatives

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    35 mins
  • Betrayed by the Mind: From Bank Robberies to Breaking Free from Mental Illness
    Apr 11 2024

    In this captivating episode of ‘From Surviving to Living, Spotlight Series’ we dive into the powerful story of Felicia, a woman who journeyed from a troubled past, marked by poverty and family struggles, to a life entangled with undiagnosed mental health issues, gambling addiction, and a series of bank robberies. Felicia opens up about her childhood in Ohio, her academic and professional success, and the spiral into gambling that led her to incarceration. Following her aunt’s advice, Felicia moves to Minnesota, seeking a fresh start and better mental health services. Through her narrative, we explore the critical themes of mental health awareness, the impact of trauma, the journey to recovery, and the importance of purpose. This episode is not just Felicia’s transformation story but a beacon of hope, emphasizing the power of support, the significance of self-awareness, and the transformative power of finding one’s purpose through helping others. Amidst her challenges, Felicia’s journey is a testament to resilience, the possibility of change, and the importance of faith in personal recovery and renewal.


    This episode features a candid interview with Felicia Smith, who shares her harrowing yet enlightening journey from a challenging upbringing in Ohio to incarceration and eventually finding purpose and healing in Minnesota. Battling with undiagnosed mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and a gambling addiction, Felicia’s life spirals out of control, leading her to commit several bank robberies. Her turning point comes when she seeks help for her suicidal thoughts, leading to her diagnosis and the beginning of her path to recovery. Despite setbacks and the struggle to find effective treatment and support, Felicia’s story is one of resilience and transformation. She finds purpose in helping others while in prison and continues this mission upon release, advocating for mental health awareness and support. The episode also touches on the importance of faith, the power of second chances, and the significance of finding purpose in life’s challenges.


    00:29 Behind the Scenes: Setting Up for the Show
    00:51 Introducing the Spotlight Series: From Surviving to Living
    01:10 Felicia’s Journey: From Unawareness to Mental Health Advocacy
    02:27 The Struggles of Growing Up in Poverty and Family Addiction
    03:32 Achieving Success Against the Odds
    04:20 The Downward Spiral: From Loss to Bank Robbery
    17:50 Confronting Mental Health: Diagnosis and the Road to Recovery
    19:51 The Thrill and Downfall of Bank Robberies
    21:18 The Turning Point: Arrest and Realization
    22:29 The Struggle for Rehabilitation in Incarceration
    30:16 Finding Purpose and Redemption
    32:10 Reflections on Change and Growth
    34:36 Exploring Faith and Mental Health

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    40 mins
  • The Road Back: A Journey from Foster Care to Family Reunion
    Apr 4 2024

    In this episode of the ‘From Surviving to Living Spotlight’ series podcast, the host is joined by her youngest son, Tim, for a deeply personal conversation. Tim shares his journey from being adopted in Washington to moving to Minnesota to reconnect with his biological family. He discusses the complexities of adoption, his struggle with social skills and isolation after long periods in foster care, and the challenges he faced transitioning into adulthood, including finding employment and adjusting to new environments. Tim also talks about significant moments in his life, such as dealing with medical issues in foster care, the impact of having his birth parents’ rights terminated, and the importance of family connections. The conversation touches on his aspirations, struggles with independence, and the importance of familial support and understanding. This episode sheds light on the realities of foster care, adoption, and the power of resilience and family bonds.

    00:39 Welcome to the Spotlight Series: A Journey from Surviving to Living

    00:52 Tim’s Story: From Adoption to Reunion

    01:52 The Emotional Rollercoaster of Moving and Reconnecting

    03:51 Navigating Life’s Challenges: Jobs, Independence, and Family Dynamics

    04:34 The Harsh Realities of Foster Care and Finding Strength

    09:01 Rebuilding Family Bonds: Letters, Holidays, and Healing

    25:17 Embracing New Beginnings: Moving In, Adjusting, and Growing Together

    29:40 Reflecting on the Journey: Challenges Overcome and Future Aspirations

    34:37 Closing Thoughts: Love, Hope, and the Power of Family

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    36 mins