Martina Gruppo was with what she thought was the love of her life. Who became a true nightmare. Her husband was a covert narcissist, hard to believe that someone as feisty and confident as Martina could be manipulated and lied to and accept torturous forms of psychological abuse doled out over more than a decade and accept them because they were served up with a loving smile.
Martina is the author of Hello Flower:
Martina’s website:
The book Hello Flower details my entire 'love story' from the very first time we met to when I walked away, decades later. I was almost destroyed by the mental abuse but something inside told me enough was enough, before I even realized that what I had been through had a name. This book demonstrates what happens when you have no boundaries, when you 'put up' with treatment which goes against everything you believe in, when the people pleasing empath that you are bends over so completely backwards for everyone else that you lose sight of who you are. Or what you might need. It also gives a deeper insight into how they 'get away with it' over and over again.
Less than 24 hours of this interview Martina had someone that was seconds from breaking into her house before SHE stopped them! So she may seem a bit shaken in this interview. She blogged about this experience at: