I am super excited to share with you my amazing conversation with Julia Darlington.
Julia has over 30 years’ experience leading and growing global businesses in the fashion retail space. She is also a business coach, mentor and consultant, helping leaders to make big change in their life and scale their business.
I really enjoyed our discussion filled with inspiration and excitement!
We talked about:
- Discovering your passion
- How coaching can be transformative
- Generalist vs expert
- You can have what you want
- Setting goals and working hard concept
- Listening to your intuition
- The drive to help, caring for others
- The art of expanding and moving as an entrepreneur
- Steps to run a business
- Freedom to make your own choices
- Conscious decision
- Influence and actions
- Failures and learnings
- DISC - energetics traits and needs
- Uncertainty and unknown
- How to find balance and the compromise
- The feminine approach to life and business
Julia’s quotes:
“ Your coach is your soul sister, she goes on the journey with you, who support you and hold you accountable.”
“My mum always told me to reach for the stars and strive for the top-if you don't reach them, you'll get a lot higher than if you only set out to reach the tops of the trees.”
“Step up in the mad world we live in”
“I love adventure, change and challenge”
“We have been conditioned to believe that the only measure of success is how much money we make.”
“There's no such thing as failure, only growth and learning.”
“We are bloody marvellous, the world needs our feminine approach”
Connect with Julia:
Website: https://www.juliadarlington.com
Connect: https://www.instagram.com/jjdarlington/
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