• Disconnected
    Sep 17 2024
    I was recently out in the forest and looked at my phone and it said, "No Service". I hate it when my phone shows "No Service" or "Searching". What an inconvenience and disruption, to be disconnected. I mean come on...we have Elon Musk now...how come we can't get cell service everywhere? But as I sat there with my phone "disconnected", it got me thinking about what it means for a man to be disconnected. When guys feel like they’re “disconnected in life,” it usually means they’re feeling out of touch or detached from what’s happening around them. It might look like feeling lost or not having a clear sense of direction or purpose, making life feel aimless or confusing. It might feel like you're not connecting with your own emotions or with the people around you. Disconnected guys might feel lonely or cut off from friends and family, and when that happens we take our ball and go home. We stop engaging or showing up in life, feeling like we don’t belong. Which leads to a lack of engagement in daily responsibilities, making everything seem less meaningful. But even worse than that is when guys disconnect from self. We begin to struggle to understand our own needs, desires, or identity, feeling unsure about who we are or what we want. We struggle to find meaningful connections or purpose. Ya. maybe that's what you feel right now. Here's the thing. When I was in the woods with a disconnected phone showing "no service", I noticed something else. Next to the "no service" display was another display that said "SOS". Something in my phone knew where to get help. Listen men, God is saying to those who are disconnected there is an "SOS" available for you. God is waiting to help you connect again. John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you connect to me and I will connect to you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing". Join us on this episode as we deal with the disconnected man.
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    51 mins
  • Dreamcast
    Aug 22 2024
    I used to love to play the video game Mike Tyson punch out. What a great storyline. You played as "Little Mac". He’s a young, aspiring boxer trying to make a name for himself. Your opponents were a list of characters that were all unique. Come on you remember them. Glass Joe – The first opponent, known for his poor record and easy-to-defeat style. He’s a French boxer with a glass jaw. Von Kaiser – A German boxer who is slightly more challenging than Glass Joe but still relatively easy to beat. Piston Honda – A Japanese boxer with a powerful punch and a distinctive, fast-paced fighting style. Don Flamenco – A Spanish boxer with a flamboyant style and a tendency to taunt his opponents. King Hippo – A large, Hawaiian boxer with a unique strategy and a notable weak spot. Great Tiger – An Indian boxer who uses mystical illusions, including disappearing and reappearing during the fight. Bald Bull – A Turkish boxer known for his powerful Bull Charge attack. Soda Popinski – A Russian boxer with a penchant for drinking soda and a strong punch. Mr. Sandman – A tough, heavy-hitting boxer known for his powerful moves and his intimidating presence. Bring back memories? But then after you defeated all of them, you finally got to fight Mike Tyson. The final and most challenging opponent, he’s known for his incredibly fast and powerful punches. To beat him you had to learn his patterns. In case you forgot, here is how to do it. Dodge Early: In the first 90 seconds, focus on dodging Tyson’s attacks. Use the left and right dodges to avoid his punches. Wait for Openings: After dodging his punches, look for openings to land your own punches. Land Star Punches: As you successfully dodge and counterattack, you’ll earn stars. Use these stars for powerful punches. Manage Your Stamina: While dodging Tyson’s attacks, make sure not to get too aggressive and take unnecessary hits. Replay the Fight: The more you practice, the better you’ll become at reading Tyson’s patterns and dodging his punches. Finally, you win. But the problem was as soon as you beat Tyson, the game wasn't fun anymore. What took so long to figure out was now easy, and you could beat him every time. The challenge was gone. Isn't that how life is for so many men? The challenge is gone and you feel like you are playing them same level every day. Yet there is a passage in which Jesus asks a blind man in Luke 18 "What do you want me to do for you?". Basically, Jesus is asking the man, "What do you really want in life?". That's a tough question for men to answer. Join us on this episode as we have a very messy conversation about what dreams we really have as Jesus is calling us to be a "Dreamcaster" again.
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    39 mins
  • Scoreboard
    Aug 7 2024
    So what's the score? Who is winning? Are you losing? How often do you keep a mental scorecard to track and evaluate how you stack up against others? Men are great at that. I remember when I was a little kid comparing my bike to my friend's bike and how I was super proud mine was better. It was my scoreboard and I was winning. Later on in life, the items on my scoreboard changed but the need to keep track and winning was the same. We keep score, don't we? The scoreboard now keeps track of my success in my career, the size of my house or type of car, and the vacations I post on Facebook. We try to run the scoreboard up to look good. But why is it that men keep score? We are taught from an early age that winning matters. As Ricky Bobby said, "If you're not first, you're last". But what has all this striving to keep score and measure up gotten men? It has only created an unrest, weary, feeling behind, worthless identity. This is not what God intended. God doesn't keep score. So why are you? Join us on this episode as we invite Dr. Gene James to discuss the idea of why men keep score even though winning only comes through a relationship with Jesus. I just made a decision a long time ago: I'm not going to be defined by a scoreboard. - Dabo Swinney
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    46 mins
  • Choices
    Jul 21 2024
    WWJV. “Who would Jesus vote”. Have you ever wondered who Jesus would vote for? Would he cast his ballot red or blue? What we do know is that people are on one side or the other of the political spectrum, including Christians, and many are very vocal about who they believe should run our country. You saw it this past week as the events of an attempted assassination of a candidate polarized our nation. So who would Jesus vote for? But the question shouldn’t be who Jesus would vote for, the question should be: Who is Jesus for in this election? What would His reaction be to all of this division? I wonder if he would quote 2 Cor. 12:20 to us “I fear that there may be discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorder.” That seems to be the tone today in our political climate. Even worse that seems to be the tone in our Christian climate. But we are called to a different standard as Christian Men. We have a responsibility when it comes to politics. In this episode, we discuss our response and responsibility. Join us as we find out exactly “Who Would Jesus Vote” for.
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    44 mins
  • Inherit
    Jul 4 2024
    Question: What will others inherit from you? When we think about getting an inheritance we think it usually means getting stuff from someone who passed away. It could be money or property, But it's not just about getting things; it's also about getting responsibilities or qualities from that person. So what qualities are you giving to those around you? Sometimes, inheritance goes beyond stuff—it's about the victories and stories that get passed down. It's a big part of how we connect the past with our lives now and what we might pass on to the future. In the Bible, before David was a King, he was a boy in the field. David's bravery was no joke—he took on lions and bears like it was just another day at the office. Imagine this kid, out there in the wild, protecting his flock of sheep. Lions, known for their strength and ferocity, and bears, with their sheer size and power—David faced them head-on, with a courage that most grown men would envy. It wasn't just about bravery; it was about his determination to protect what was his, showing that even in the face of danger, he wouldn't back down. That's the kind of grit that made David more than just a shepherd boy—he was a legend in the making, which gave him the confidence to take down giants. He left an inheritance of victory. What victories in life are you leaving as an inheritance? Join us in this episode as we talk about this. The fact is, you are leaving something behind. What will it be?
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    39 mins
  • Best Dad Ever
    Jun 14 2024
    What do you call a pig that practices karate? A pork chop. All dads have terrible jokes. Dad jokes are characterized by their simple, pun-based humor and often groan-inducing punchlines. But honestly being a father can be no joke. I see guys wearing "BEST DAD EVER" shirts and I wonder what it really means to be the best dad because honestly many days I feel like I failed as a father. Being a father encompasses a wide range of roles, responsibilities, and emotions. It means more than just a biological connection; it involves nurturing, guiding, and supporting. But how do you do that well? Often we are left as fathers trying to figure it out as we go. There are countless fathers who if they were honest, feel like they have failed. There are no classes in school about being a father. It's not like guys sit around discussing fathering. It's just something we have to learn along the way. Perhaps your dad was a great role model, but the more men we talk to, we hear the exact opposite. Fathers have failed. Join us in this episode as we talk about the characteristics of a Godly father. We offer practical ways that we can develop the character that God desires for fathers. I am reminded of a quote “Every father should remember one day his son will follow his example, not his advice.” –Charles Kettering Join in the conversation as we honor Fathers.
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    46 mins
  • 5 ways not to commit
    May 24 2024
    How many people have ever heard of Eddie Collins? Not someone most people are familiar with. But his stats are amazing. He was committed to the game. Collins ranks 11th in the major leagues for most hits of all time with 3,315, and 7th for most stolen bases of all time with 745. He is one of five players to steal six bases in a game, and the only person to do so twice. To date, Collins is the only major league player to play for two teams for at least 12 seasons each. Upon his retirement, he ranked second in major league history in career games (2,826), walks (1,499) and stolen bases (744), third in runs scored (1,821), fourth in hits (3,315) and at bats (9,949), sixth in on-base percentage (.424), and eighth in total bases (4,268); he was also fourth in AL history in triples (187). But Eddie Collins holds an incredible record that was established in 1930. He has held this record for almost 100 years. Eddie holds the record for the most sacrifice bunts in the history of baseball. 512 sacrifice bunts. No one has even come close to breaking it. Eddie knew something that most men don't. There is victory when you are committed to sacrifice. But you have to be committed to it. Eddie was committed to sacrifice. As a matter of fact, he won 6 World Series championships. Let me ask you a simple question. Do you commit or do you quit? Most men look for the easy way out when things get hard. Marriage is tough...divorce. Kids a hard...withdraw. Work is rough...look for a new job. Relationships are painful..isolate. Church is truthful... find something else that's not so I feel better. The idea of sacrifice and commitment is a foreign concept in a "ME" culture. Especially when things get hard. In this episode, we talk about "5 things to do" if you don't want to be committed to something. Join us as we talk about what it means to handle hard better through a commitment to sacrifice.
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    40 mins
  • Pressure pt.2
    May 7 2024
    You have to learn to pace yourself Pressure You're just like everybody else Pressure You've only had to run so far, So good But you will come to a place Where the only thing you feel Are loaded guns in your face And you'll have to deal with Pressure.....Billy Joel What is pressure: it's a force exerted on or against an object. Every man feels this. Pressure robs us of life. There is a simple question for every man has to ask. How does the pressure of keeping it all going affect me. Join us for Part 2 of Pressure. We are joined by a couple of guests and we listen to a story of a pastor who under the pressure of life, found himself sitting at a counter with a gun in his hand ready to escape the PRESSURE. Hear the story and DISCOVER THE LIE that men must carry it all. Every man feels it, the question is, how do you deal with it? Listen in on how a man dealt with it. What did he learn and what is still left to learn. This is a very honest and open conversation on a topic that every man faces. And if we are honest, all men have thought about what it would like to be gone or done. But when you allow God to use your weakness, something strong comes from it. Don't ask for help You're all alone Pressure You'll have to answer To your own Pressure
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    56 mins