
  • Ep. 33: Assassination Nation *ARCHIVE DROP*
    Mar 1 2025

    *This is an unreleased episode from the vault, we recorded this one back in 2022, NOW FINALLY AVAILABLE FOR YOUR EAR HOLES LUCKY YOU*Oh man did we have fun with this one! Jake fully expected Emily to dig this one but holy hell was it ever underestimated as to where this conversation would go! Join us as we trek to Salem in this adventure to discuss not The Crucible but also basically The Crucible as we chat about Jake's favorite film of 2018, Assassination Nation! So strap in, raise a glass, and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers!

    ALL OUR LINKS AND SUPPORT OPTIONS: https://linktr.ee/FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast

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    1 hr and 37 mins
  • Ep. 32: Nightcrawler *ARCHIVE DROP*
    Mar 1 2025

    *This is an unreleased episode from the vault, we recorded this one back in 2022, NOW FINALLY AVAILABLE FOR YOUR EAR HOLES LUCKY YOU*

    Jake was suuuuper excited to show Emily this one. As anticipated, our discussion dove to some pretty interesting depths. Join us on our adventure through this cautionary tale that's a haunting modern expose on media, obsession, and ambition that blurs the line of morality and empathy to disquieting levels. Jake's always felt this would be a make for a great double feature alongside Ace in the Hole.

    So strap in, raise a glass, and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers!

    ALL OUR LINKS AND SUPPORT OPTIONS: https://linktr.ee/FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast

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    1 hr and 20 mins
  • Ep. 31: Armageddon (Super-Mega-Belated 4th of July Episode)
    Aug 19 2023

    It's our third ever 4th of July special and our FIRST time covering a Michael Bay experience on the show. Blast off as Emily ponders if she's watching propaganda and considers the plight of being an oil man in space. But more than anything, we've somehow manage to capture the pure, unfiltered weirdness that is Emily in this singular episode. The 40 second intro to this one is possibly the best thing Jake has ever edited, distilling the Strangeness That Is Emily into a perfect summation. A trailer for her, if you will. So, you're welcome, and enjoy. Strap in, raise a glass, and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers! CLICK FOR BAYSPLOSIONS!!!!

    ALL OUR LINKS AND SUPPORT OPTIONS: ⁠https://linktr.ee/FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast

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    1 hr and 20 mins
  • Ep. 30: Wild Things (Bonus Sleazy V-Day Episode)
    Mar 1 2023

    We bout to get sleazy up in heeeeeeeeeeere!!! Cominatcha with a THIRD bonus VD episode to close out this holiday month. Why? CAUSE IT'S OUR SHOW AND WE DO WHAT WE WANT (and also triples... triples is best). Lube up as Jake shows Emily this saucy classic that unabashedly lives in the gutter, Wild Things! In addition to Jake's eternal unwavering crush on Denise Richards, we also talk about Arthur, Stand By Me, A Few Good Men, The Prince of Egypt, The Coen Brothers, Never Let Me Go (we brought it full circle!), Game of Thrones, and a bunch of other things that have nothing to do with this cinematic slice of sexiness (and YES we did watch the Unrated version... DUH). Thought all the twists and turns this bit of filmic fast food tosses us, one thing is for sure: all the weird s*** definitely happens in Florida. So strap on, er, I mean in, raise a glass, and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers!


    ALL OUR LINKS AND SUPPORT OPTIONS: https://linktr.ee/FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • Ep. 29: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Main V-Day Episode)
    Feb 17 2023

    Aaaaaaaaand here we go. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It's time to finally show Emily this emotional behemoth of a film that's one of Jake's all-time favorites, and arguably one of the best movies about love and heartbreak ever lensed. Why do we talk about Hugh Grant, Shoresy, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Vanilla Sky (check our episode on this one!!!), Our Lord And Savior Nicolas Cage, sand, Jeremy Allen White, The Dog of Wisdom, mushrooms, and more on this one? TUNE IN TO FIND OUT! Join us through the tears (we actually both DO cry in this episode), the pain, the hope, and the silliness as we do anything but forget about this story about choosing to forget. We had so much fun doing a deep dive for V-Day last year with our episode on Her (which we were so happy to get such wonderful feedback on from you all!) that we just had to attempt to recreate lightning in a bottle. If you're looking for a good double date, er, cinematic dissection with us, make sure to check out our last episode on Never Let Me Go (our Preliminary V-Day installment). And stay tuned for a sexy bonus VD episode next week... that one's gonna be a bit sleazier though :) For now, we hope you enjoy listening to this one as much as we enjoyed making it. Here's to all you lovers (and haters)!

    So strap in, raise a glass, and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers!

    ALL OUR LINKS AND SUPPORT OPTIONS: https://linktr.ee/FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast

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    2 hrs and 28 mins
  • Ep. 28: Never Let Me Go (Preliminary V-Day Episode)
    Feb 16 2023

    Cominatcha with the first of our holiday-themed episodes for VD 2023!!! Join us as Emily watches a film that quietly/not-so-quietly breaks Jake every time he sees it - Mark Romanek's masterpiece (I said what I said), Never Let Me Go. As per usual our conversation goes all over the place and we have tangents galore, including topics not limited to: Stephen King, Werner Herzog, Michael Bay, Star Wars, Cabaret, Mike Flanagan, Checkhov, My Chemical Romance, Silversun Pickups, The Strokes, The Great British Baking Show, The Shape of Water, and more... including more Werner Herzog. What does ANY OF THIS have to do with the film we watched? Hell I don't remember, we just recorded the damn thing and then put it out for y'all. Clickity-click the play button to find out and enjoy!!! STAY TUNED for more VD-themed deep dives coming up next. To tease, on deck: we've got another sad one that is one of the films Jake was most excited to cover the second we created this show, and a super sleazy one. Sorry Hallmark crowd, no happy romcoms on our show this year :)

    So strap in, raise a glass, and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers!

    ALL OUR LINKS AND SUPPORT OPTIONS: https://linktr.ee/FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast

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    1 hr and 55 mins
  • Ep. 27: Gladiator
    Feb 6 2023

    ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!?!! Jake FINALLY gets Emily to sit down and watch Ridley Scott's gloriously epic sword-and-sandal masterpiece, Gladiator! Step into the arena with us and find out if Emily digs this one half as much as Jake does. Does Jake cry? Probably. Does Emily? NO (how dare she). Pour yourself some ancient wine or mead or whatever and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers!

    **We actually recorded this episode a LONG time ago... like back in 2021 and it's sat on the shelf for a minute... so enjoy this episode that's a blast from the past for us, but ALL NEW FOR YOU!

    ALL OUR FEELS LIKE THE FIRST TIME LINKS AND SUPPORT OPTIONS: https://linktr.ee/FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast

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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • Ep. 26: Feels Like It's Been A Long Time (End of 2022 Roundup/Ramble)
    Jan 30 2023

    Emily and Jake have been busy. Too busy to podcast. Which is both cool and lame. So we decided to have some fun and just do a freeform ramble episode. Join us as we look back at the past several months and discuss the epic movie lineup that happened at our Halloween Horror Month / Halloween Horror Dork-A-Thon, our favorites/best films and series of 2022, Stephen King, MultiVersus, Jake's Werner Herzog impression, the great Nicolas Cage Prison Break Quadrilogy and the theory of the NCU, Emily's spiffy new water bottle, playing Edward Fortyhands, and all the creative endeavors that have stolen our time away from you. It's always good to be back!!!

    So strap in, raise a glass, and join us on our ongoing adventures as we have a drink and chat about movies! Cheers!

    ALL OUR LINKS AND SUPPORT OPTIONS: https://linktr.ee/FeelsLikeTheFirstTimePodcast

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    1 hr and 35 mins