To quote the official podcast censorship rulebook, "Professional political satirists and humorists are generally exempt from this requirement." Please allow me to formally identify myself AS A PROFESSIONAL POLITICAL SATIRIST AND HUMORIST, so that I may be —accordingly— treated as exempt from the rules.
We really do need a more concise term for anti-anti-natalism. And how many hyphens should there be in there anyway? Anti-antinatalism, does that cover it?
Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).
AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel.